Book 2 back here to stay?

2712 Words

Bree’s P.O.V. HOLY HELL! My eyes flew open wide, as I just understood what had happened. I had been so caught up in the moment, that I hadn’t even stopped to think for one second. Not that I regretted my choice, not at all! I had just never imagined that I could be so bold. My chest was heaving badly, while my own canines were still deep inside Luke’s neck. I had just marked him! HE JUST MARKED ME! The world all around me felt so surreal for a moment. It was as if every one of my wolf’s senses were increased, sharper, better. I could hear everything, see every peck of dust in the air, feel every movement in the room, and even better, I felt everything that Luke felt, and I finally felt complete, for the first time in my whole life. I let my canines sink back into my gums, leaning my

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