the dream with the soldier and the goodbye

2941 Words

1944 – Belgium Lewis woke up slowly, opening his eyes and looking around. Seeing that he was still lying on top of the roof, with none other than his sweet Melanie right next to him, who was still fast asleep, a small blanket covering both of their bodies. Lewis listened more closely, until he knew for a fact he heard George yell out his name. “s**t!” Lewis cursed, slowly pulling himself loose from Melanie’s grasp as he stood up and walked over to the edge of the roof, looking down and waving at his friend until they locked eyes. “Her dad is searching for her, you fool! Get your ass down here now!” Lewis sighed, nodding fast at his friend, as he turned and started to walk towards Melanie, who was still sleeping. Lewis stopped right before he leaned down and took the time to just look a

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