Ch.8 Moving In

1094 Words
Richard's pov. I shut my door to my office behind me and run my hands through my thick hair. I tug on it some trying to release some of my wolf's tension. I didn't know I'd have that type of an effect on Winter. By the time I realized I had gotten too was too late I was rooted to the ground. My wolf and I fighting a mind dominance so froze us both. This is way more serious than I thought. That's never mother trucken happened to me..ever. I was thrown into this extreme feeling of...I have to grab her to just touch wolf's feelings. I'm going to have to be quicker than I thought to win her heart over. I need her love...I kept my wolf away too long...I originally thought that absence would make the bond easier but now I see it only angered it and it wants feed. The Goddess was smart when she created us. I'm just going to have to deal with the circumstances. Maybe have a word with my wolf make a deal. He gives her, her time...and I will gradually still little touches from her soft flesh. I'm just assuming that's what he needs to wait for her...only because I had that overwhelming need to have her in my arms. He's strung so tightly right now though if she so much as cut her foot there'd be no keeping him back. He has absolutely no patience none at all...and definitely none with me. He would just mark her maybe do thing's to her that scare her...I can't have that. I want what my parents have and her's. I won't deny I want her body, mind, heart, and soul. She will be completely mine. It literally never crossed my mind that she would carry and have my pups without being marked...but there's not a lot of history recorded of unclaimed heating situations. Literally...I know no one who has not claimed their mate. It's taboo. I do regret it and I know she's everything I'll ever need and want because she was created specifically for me...and I her. I just have to lock into those pulls without troubling her. After our encounter earlier I don't know how I sat that day and watched her leave or my wolf didn't mark her while he mated with her...yes there is an order to our bonding ritual's and I can't wait to experience the absolute connection to another being with so much love you'd kill for. One thing's certain I will never let her go. Pray my Luna doesn't take too long to let me have her. If I have to pull out my trick's I will. I need her mine very soon and she'll also have my love and ultimate protection forever. I look at the clock on the wall the moving company should be arriving soon. I should go and see if I can help them unpack or something maybe help the pups. I walk out my office shut my door behind me and as soon as Lilly spots me she runs to me."Daddy! The movers are here! I'm sooo happy blankeys here!" I want more of this I think to myself. "Is that right?" I ask. "emmmhum" she says. I kiss her cute little cheek. She giggles. It makes me chuckle. She has the cutest giggles imaginable. "Good, can daddy help you guys get settled in your new home?" She takes a second to think about it...put's her little index finger on her lips...then she shrugs her little shoulder's at me with her palms up and says to me shyly. "I don't know daddy...daddy has to ask Julious and mommy they know everything." I smile at her cute innocence. "Okay, daddy's going to go see if I can help stay put with Julious. Alright?" She then runs to Julious. "Calm down Lilly...we have a lot to help mommy with and you'll wear yourself out doing all that running and if mommy sees you running near the stair's you will be in big...big trouble." Julious states annoyedly. "Okay, brother." Lilly whines. I feel as though my son's a grown man already but he's too little that's my reminder. It also saddens me...he won't have to take care of them alone ever again so help me. He takes care of them and has never had a father to learn from. That's all over as of today I say. He still needs a father he can't take on all that anymore it's wrong...and I.caused.that...maybe one day he'll let me care for him too. Winter's pov. I direct the mover's to move our boxes to specific rooms by the name's on the boxes. Then I start to feel him getting closer. His presence strong and commanding. My body starts going rigid betraying me once again...these are effects you can see with the eye if closely examined. There is no control over my body when I'm near him it's humiliating. I probably look stupid, timid, and afraid...and I feel that way right now even without looking at him. I'm being physically and mentally tortured today....holy moon Goddess helps me! I can't imagine being like this because, of this man on a daily basis..I'll be totally a wak job by next month...hell they may have to have me admitted or locked up if my wolf goes over the cliff. I turn and lock eye contact with Richard. It's unforgiving...the bond it's pulling to him like I have no rights to my own body and the pain of someone ripping my heart in his direction. He speaks through a tight ticking jaw...reminding me he feels it all too. "How may I help you and the pups get settled in? Is there anything at all I can help you take up or put together?" I guess I take too long to reply cause he add's." Let me help don't have to take care of our pups alone anymore...I want to be there for you." On a shaky breath, I reply. "If you would help Julious unpack and set his room up I'd be grateful. I'll help Lilly and maybe we'll be finished by dinner...also I called my mother and informed her we will visit tomorrow for's just been long today I'd like to stay in and rest." He smiles widely. It's very sexy if I might add and making my tummy flutter with nerves. He then winks and turns's to ascend the stairs. He's a charmer I see.
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