Ch.15 Brownie Points

906 Words
Winter's pov. The doorbell rings. My dad comes into the kitchen with his arms loaded with flowers. "Look's like all you ladies have a secret admirer." We all start aweing over our beautiful bouquets the doorbell rings again. Daddy again comes into the kitchen we have all gathered into..with boxes of cratered food trays. "Well, it seems Alpha wants to impress... I say he know considering he has tons to account for." Daddy says then wink's at me. I flush. Understanding daddy's meaning Alpha's pursuing he's family and providing. We all soon start digging into our delicious lunch. Them catching me up on all the pack's drama I've missed out on. Autumn's best friend's and boy's she's dated and whatnots. I pull out my phone and text Richard. ME: Thanks for the flowers and lunch. It was very kind of you. RICHARD: Does this mean I get brownie points? ME: What may I ask are these brownie points for? RICHARD: You! many points do I get for the food and flowers? He's being straight to the point. I don't even know how many brownie points should I give him. I mean this is great and all but he's got a lot to prove before I make him feel too confident he has me. I'll give him some but not a lot of point's this time. ME: Ten? RICHARD: How many points for a kiss? I'm blushing now I don't even know how to respond to I don't! I put my phone away even the thought of him kissing me make's me nervous... I mean...shit I passed out in his arms from a kiss and it wasn't my lip's... Maybe I'm just not ready we don't know each other that well...but when he touches me the bond doesn't hurt for that time. My body betrays me in front of his eyes. I can't form word's so I can't speak. My body then turns to jello from the full-body tingles that numb my whole body. Then the breathing like he's taking my very air and I need his or my pulse that I swear he can hear it... it thruds so loudly...all from one man and his touch. But when he's not touching me being in his presence is pure pain always a reminder of the hurt I've endured. The further apart the easier it is and if there's a great enough distance I won't feel its force at all. Six years I didn't feel the bond...six years. I always felt my wolf's sadness and hurt...of course, I felt her loneliness and want for her pack all like they were my own feelings. We would not risk losing our pups though or beg and look fools for it. I think not. Time fly's by fast joking and laughing with my family. I haven't laughed this hard in years. My wolf's truly the happiest I can remember her. My dad's playing around with the kids. It brings me back memories of playing with daddy at their age I loved it! The doorbell ring's I already know who it is considering the time. Daddy goes to the door and I hear him say "Hi there Alpha, please come in and join us. All the ladies have gathered in the kitchen at the table." Then I hear Richard reply. "Thank you Mr. Dream's I'd love to come in." Next thing their in the kitchen entrance. Richard looks towards me with a megawatt smile I haven't seen and wink's as they stride in. "You have some mighty fine pup's here Alpha." Daddy tells Richard. "I do... sir" He nods. With a genuine expression. "Would you like something to drink or eat Alpha? You're welcomed to join us." My mom inquires. "No, ma'am..but thank you. I hope you all have enjoyed your time. I must grab my son Julious and take him on a tour of the training facility...and of course, I wanted to say hello to you all." Richard tells us all. "Of course Alpha...anytime. Maybe a rain check then on the drink?" Mom asks. "Absolutely, Mrs. Dreams. Thank you." Richard tells her. "You must be very proud Alpha to have so many blessing's from the moon Goddess is rare...and an heir. I can't imagine how proud you must be...congratulation's Alpha." My dad says to Richard. "I am very proud...I am. I've truly been blessed." My dad nods. "That you are." They chuckle. "Say your goodbyes Julious we need to be on our way." I have to say when he speaks like that with all control and dominance...he is sexy as hell. Being wolves we since other wolves status...their ora's of dominance and control some would fear it but I'm his mate and I haven't been given a reason to fear him. Julious say's his goodbye and goes to his father hurriedly. Trying to hide his excitement...but I see it though. I tell him to be good for his father and I'd see him at home. Richard turn's to leave only to turn his head to my father "I will be claiming your daughter as mine and our Luna." Daddy smiles and says's "I had no doubt you would be the moment I saw my grand pups." Richard gives dad a strong menacing Alpha look. Maybe he didn't like the way my dad said that or there's more to it and I can't read people as well as I thought.
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