Chapter 1

1426 Words
Past At Liam’s office “Ms. Miller, come into my cabin right this minute,” he barked his order in a loud and angry voice. “Yes, sir,” she replied.... concerned and confused, trying to guess the reason behind his anger. She quickly grabbed her notepad and a pen and rushed into his cabin, not wanting to rile him further. He grabbed her hand as soon as she went through the door, which caught her by surprise. He slammed the door shut and pinned her against it. She raised her face to look up at him, and he took advantage of the opportunity, lowered his mouth to hers, and kissed her fiercely, “Open your mouth for me, please.” She pushed against his chest and tried to get away. With a puzzled expression, he looked her in the eyes. “Not here.... not during the working hours. What if someone sees us like this? How would I face others? What would they think of me?” She spoke in hushed tones. He held her face in his hands and pleaded with her to look deeply into his eyes, which bared all his emotions for her to see. "When it comes to you, I feel powerless... I'm attracted to you like a moth to flame. I can’t seem to stay away from you for long and the moment I see you, I feel a burning need to possess you. I am so insanely in love with you that every fiber of my being craves you..... your presence...... your sweetness..... your taste. My body... my soul yearns for your touch. I can't live without you, just as I can't breathe without air." Her heart swelled with love and happiness after hearing his words. She, too, was head over heels in love with him and didn't want to be apart from him for even a second. It was already difficult for her to maintain her composure and a professional demeanor at work, and by doing this, he was adding to her stress. She opened her mouth to tell him not to make things difficult for her, but he took advantage of the situation by slipping his tongue inside and twirling it about her mouth. He savored her as if she were the most wonderful delicacy he’d ever tasted. His arms wrapped around her, molding her body to his as he nibbled her lips, stroked them, bit them, and devoured them hungrily, as if there was no tomorrow. He caressed the back of her neck and kissed the tip of her tongue, sending pleasure waves down her spine. She felt his hunger.... his need for her, and it made her ache for him more... her desire for him... to have him all the more intense. It felt felt necessary to quell this thirst.... to satiate this yearning regardless of the location or time. So she surrendered herself completely and slipped her arms around his neck, and kissed him back with all the ferocity and want he had stirred in her. He moaned and increased the intensity of the kiss, clearly pleased by her surrender. They paused for a while to regain their breath, but even that much time apart was too much for them to take, their need for each other too strong, and they returned to each other’s embrace. “I can’t get enough of you...” he whispered between kisses. “How did you manage to make me miss you so much? I need to see you... touch you... hold you... feel you..... dammit, I need you by my side all the time... I hate it if someone so much as looks at you... I want to hide you... brand you....mark you so that everyone knows you’re MINE... and MINE ALONE.” Present At the hospital, Her entire body began to convulse. A shrieking beep from the monitor drew the nurse’s attention. She sprang into action, urgently summoning the doctor. “Doctor Wilson, please hurry. It’s that ‘Jane Doe’ in the intensive care unit. Her vital signs are fluctuating, and she seems very restless. Her pulse is not stable, and her blood pressure is going up and down. It seems as if she is in extreme distress.” The doctor instructed the nurse to prepare a shot of tranquilizer before rushing to the intensive care unit. As the nurse was preparing the shot, she noticed tears falling from the patient’s eyes and used a sterile cloth to wipe them away. She regarded the patient sympathetically. What profound grief could she be carrying in her heart to cause her to cry even in her deepest sleep? When Dr. Wilson came into the ICU, the first thing that caught his attention was the constant beeping of the monitor as ‘Jane Doe’s vital signs fluctuated. “Nurse, injection,” he said, extending his hand. As soon as he administered the sedative, her body relaxed and her vitals began to stabilize gradually. “There were tears in her eyes again, Dr.,” said the nurse as the doctor thoroughly examined the patient.“This patient is a mystery. Everyone thinks that something dreadful must have happened to her for her to end up like this. Do you think she cries remembering her bitter past, and that’s what makes her body react the way it does?” He may share the same opinion as the nurse, but it wasn’t his place to speculate about a patient’s life. As a doctor, his job was to deal with facts and come up with the most effective treatment plan for all his patients based on facts and evidence. “We are not here to speculate on our patient's life, sister,” the doctor reprimanded. “Yes, doctor. I’m sorry,” the nurse replied in a low tone. The doctor left after giving instructions, but the nurse remained with the patient for a few more minutes to ensure everything was fine. Such a beautiful girl, she thought. It’s a shame that she was here all alone, with no one to encourage her to fight... to bring her back into the land of the living. She had a vivid memory of the day this young lady was brought in. She’d been assigned to night duty. It had been at 9 p.m. when a man drove her to the hospital. He claimed that he had been hiking with his dog when the dog growled loudly and drew his attention, leading him to this stranger. She had no ID, no phone, and no personal belongings with her. They had notified the police in accordance with hospital regulations. Following an inquiry, the police discovered that no one had filed a missing person report for the girl, and she had not been claimed since. After admitting her, the Good Samaritan who brought her in also left. She was frequently concerned about what might happen if the girl did not wake up soon. Will the hospital move her somewhere else? Who would look after her once she woke up? She had felt protective of this girl since the day she was admitted… so beautiful… so delicate... so vulnerable. ‘Jane Doe’ was listening as the nurses and doctors came and went. Some were impersonal, some sympathetic… some wished her a speedy recovery, while some thought that she would never recover… never break free, and come out of her deep sleep… her coma. Only she knew the truth, and the truth was that she did not have the courage... the strength to get up and face her life… face him and the world, at least not yet. The reality was far too harsh... far too cruel. It was peaceful this way... There was no pain... no guilt… no anguish. She did not have to face the dreadful loneliness and the unbearable pain of betrayal and abandonment. She did not have to run or hide. She knew she was evading reality, that she would eventually have to get up and face everything sooner rather than later. However, she still wanted to give herself these peaceful moments and comfortable sleep, as she had not had one since that fateful day. She also needed time to prepare and strengthen her mind to face him again. She no longer wished to meet him as a naïve, innocent girl blinded by love, but as a powerful and resolute woman determined to take everything that he holds dear, including his power, money, and arrogance... in much the same way, he had robbed her of everything.
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