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Luke's POV. I woke up pretty early today. For some reason, I was very restless and after numerous times of trying to sleep, I gave up and walked to the bathroom. After I was ready, my phone rang and saw my mother's name flash onto my screen. "Hello, mom." I greeted her despite my voice being heavy with sleep. "Morning to you too." She sarcastically said. "Can you drop by later on? We have something we need to discuss with you. It's rather important."She spoke seriously. "Yeah sure. What is it, mom?" I asked with a frown marring my forehead, beginning to get worried at what she had to tell me. "It's too much to explain over the phone so when you drop by later then we'll speak." She said calmly. "Err okay. Take care mother. See you later." After I hung up I headed down to get some good coffee. The house was eerily quiet considering that everyone was still sleeping. I walked into the kitchen and noticed a tiny figure with a mass of dark brown lock. Hayley. She literally jumped when she spotted me in the doorway. "Good morning, Hayley." I greeted her. "Good morning, Luke. Sleep well?" She asked me looking distracted. "Yeah, I did. The beds here are comfy." I replied smiling widely. I remembered last night's lap dance she gave me last night which resulted in me having a cold shower. She was picking up her mug and she looked like she was about to leave. "Where are you going? I thought we'd have breakfast together." I told her trying to mask the slight disappointment I felt. "I .. eh .. I need to g.." she stuttered and looked everywhere except at me. "I thought as much. Sit down, I'm no stranger Hayley and besides, you're going to make me feel like I'm intruding your space by staying here. It's only for a few more days tho. I'll be out before you know it." I said calmly. She obviously felt bad because her expression changed and she looked down. She was so beautiful. Had it not been for my friendship with Simon, I would've had my way with her already. Simon threatened to cut my man parts out if he even saw me near here. "Luke, it's nothing of that sort okay. You're not an intruder and I'm really sorry if I'm making you feel like one." She said apologizing, her eyes never leaving my mug. "Now that that's clear, where is everyone," I asked curiously, the tension disappeared and she relaxed her shoulders. "I think they're all sleeping. I mean it's fairly early and they must be tired from last night." She said to me, staring at her mug "Well wasn't last night interesting. I enjoyed it." I said feeling myself began to harden slightly as I remembered the way her hips swayed against me whilst she was between my legs. She looked up at me finally and her eyes were so bright and alive. "Uhm yeah wasn't last night something. Kasey can be so pushy but she's adorable. I got her back though." She said and we both laughed softly. "She likes you, heck, my entire family likes you. I don't understand why." I said teasing her, my eyes never leave her face. "The exact same reason my parents like you." She shot back humorously. " Are you always this feisty?" I asked her enjoying this side of her. " Nope, only when people question my likability. " "Likability? Is that even a word?" I mocked her waiting for her smart comeback. "Err I thought I ditched my English teacher when I finished high school." She said rolling her eyes and pursing her lips. I felt my smile go wider at her comeback and I started at her. She stared at me and she seemed to be analyzing my face. "Why are you such a fuckboy." My smile disappeared, hoping I didn't hear that. I looked at her and she seemed to be in a daze, still staring at me. "Excuse me?" I blurted out She looked as if she was mentally kicking herself in the head. She started to shuffle in her seat to stand up and leave. "No wait-" I called out, causing her to pause. " Simon didn't tell you? You don't know anything?" I questioned her. I was slightly shocked and relieved that Simon didn't tell her anything but at the same time I felt as if she should know so why could protect herself. "Err no. He respects the privacy of others." She said uncomfortably. We sat in silence for a while, staring at her the entire time. She constantly looked down trying not to make eye contact with me, no doubt. She woke up and walked out of the kitchen, leaving me there. I sighed and stood up and made my way to Simons room. A mischievous idea came to my head as I took a cup and filled a little bit of water. I walked to his room and opened the door. I neared him and dropped the entire glass if water down his back. "f*****g hell!" he screamed before sleepily sitting up. "What the f**k is wrong with you?" He asked me when he saw I was the culprit behind this. "Good morning to you too old friend," I said ignoring his sleepy outburst. He walked into the bathroom and sorted his soaking self out and we headed downstairs to the lounge. "f**k yeah! My shares increased in Welbeck enterprises." I stated, feeling overjoyed. More profits. More money. A happier Luke. The doorbell rang a few times and when it was obvious that no one was going to answer that, Simon got off the couch and walked to see who it was and I turned my attention back to the news. In other news, the shares of my competitors dropped significantly. I wasn't proud of their downfall but it proved how well efficient my business and staff were. Most importantly, how good I was at what I do. Where is this guy? I walked to search with this ass I call my friend. He wasn't at the door or anywhere near it. I walked to the kitchen to get a coke and I spotted Hayley standing at the pantry entrance with her hands over her eyes like a four-year-old. I walked towards her and looked into the pantry and what I saw set my blood on fire. My temper was in full swing. Without thinking, I launched myself at Simon, hitting Hayley's shoulder in the rush, and grabbed his neck and pushed him against the wall. My eyes stared daggers into him. "Leave us, now," I muttered furiously to the girls. After I was sure they were a few good steps away from us my drip got tighter around Simons' neck. "What the f**k is this Simon? This isn't right. You warn me to stay the f**k away from your sister yet you shove your tongue down mines. I know you know all about me and the amount of woman I've been with but f*****g hell, it's not less than you." I babbled angrily confused at him. He started to laugh which made my anger rise some more. I sent a blow to his stomach and he yelped in pain but didn't fall. "Do you want to know the difference between you and me, Luke ?" He asked while pushing his face close to me. I just stared at him. "It's because even if I have a thing for Kasey, we both know I'll be able to eventually fall for her. I'll eventually fall in love with her. I'm capable to love her and you know that but you ... " He let out a breath. "- I'm not sure if you'll even take care of Hayley let alone love her. We both know your intention with women. I know and I'm not judging you Luke but I just don't trust you enough with her. She's my baby sister and I know what you've been through and I also know you're a good person but I'm not going to risk my sister by entrusting her to your emotionless self and you know that I'm right." Simon said softly. My grip on his neck loosened and I dropped my hands to the side. He was right. As much as I hated it, he was right. Simons' heart was intact. He had no reason not to fall for Kasey because he was being a playboy for the sake of it. He could love whereas I .. I couldn't. Not anymore. Simon sighed. "Hey Luke, I'm sorry alright. I know whatever happened wasn't in your control nor was it your fault but if you wish to approach Hayley then do so in a proper way with no intention of using her." He spoke, seriously now. "But if she's ever hurt because of you, I will sever your head from your body." I nodded and walked out. 2:2pm. Time to meet up with my parents. I pulled up in front of my parents grand house, the place I spent my childhood in. Nothing seemed to have changed since I've last been here except for the small rose garden on the side. My mother's idea, no doubt. I walked up the marble tiled floor and knocked on the solid wooden door. Seconds later, the door was opened by an elderly lady who I recognized to be Mrs. Jacobson. She looked older of course. Her face lit up when she saw me. "Luke! Finally, I get to see you for the successful man you've become. I'm so proud of you. I've read all of the articles that featured you and watched any and every news about your booming business." She beamed at me breathlessly. Hope was working for my parents since Kate was born. She's seen all of us grow up and she was practically family by now. I was her favorite even though she would never admit to it. "It's nice to see you Hope. You look well." I said to her while she pulled me into a tight hug. She instantly shoved at me. "What's this I've been hearing about you and all these cheap women?" Dissapprovement etched on her aging face. I laughed and she went on. "Don't laugh young fellow, this isn't funny! No respectable girl will marry you. You'll end up with a gold digger." She huffed. "Hey hey, calm down. I don't plan on marrying at all." I mentioned seriously. "All this because of some stupid thing? You're missing out on so much of happiness you dummy. I want to see miniature Luke's running around." She said with a gleam of excitement in her eyes. I sighed and hugged her again. "I just want to see you happy and settled. Your entire family does. Anyways let me not take up any more of your time, they're in your father's office." She informed me with a smile. I walked up the spiral staircase and towards my father's office and walked in. "Luke darling, you're here." My mother said walking towards me and kissing my cheeks. My father was seated behind his desk and next to him was Martin, our family lawyer. "Now that we're all here, let's begin shall we?" Martin said impatiently. "Yes sure, what's the matter?" I asked. "As you are aware Luke, your grandfather passed away not too long ago and there have been some issues with his will considering they were two. Well, what we've done is combined the two and removed the similar ones." I nodded at him willing him on to to further. "He's left some huge fortune for you my boy." He said to me smiling widely. "He did?" I asked surprised. I was really close to my grandfather. He thought me the basics of business when I used to work for him during school holidays. "Yes he did but there's a slight twist okay Luke. Just keep an open mind before you decide." My father said carefully. I scowled at them. All my attention was solely on Martin. "He's left you his farmhouse in South Africa, his 30 acres of land in Bali and his estate in Greece. However, in order to acquire full possession of this, you'll have to take a bride." I pulled the papers out of his hands to see if he was joking but what my eyes saw was exactly what he said. "Oh, I almost forgot. If this isn't done by next week, everything that he's left to you would get auctioned." He added. "You have to do this. This is family land. This is where we used to go for holidays as a family. Our memories are linked to the places he's left you." My mother said looking at me. I just sat there. I couldn't do this, I couldn't take a wife and then deny her of being loved. I couldn't risk hurting some innocent that will have to put up with a loveless marriage for the rest of her life. I stood up and walked towards the door. I turned before leaving "I do not agree." I said sternly and left. I rushed down the stairs and out of the house. My late grandfather was dear to me and he passed on two months after the whole incident and he knew my new views on marriage and woman so how could he do this. How could he place such a condition? I didn't need the money nor the land but they were family land and family memories still linger there. I want to say yes just to save the memories but at the same time, I can't because of myself.
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