Rival in disguise

1079 Words
We waited for the light to fade totally and then we started building our bonfires, this time it's by class. We will be sharing anything we want to share or to express while sitting around on a bonfire. It sounds fun but I think it's kind of a little bit boring. Sharing stories and expressing my thoughts is not my thing, as well as Lauren. I think I wouldn't spit a word if it wasn't required to do so. "All students must share something, you can be able to leave once you do so," the coordinator said. What great timing it is, such a troublesome task. Seems like Lauren and I don't have a choice but to reveal our thoughts. But what could I share? I still don't have an idea what to tell them. "I don't have an idea what to share. Are you thinking of something now?" Lauren said while looking at me. I can see from her face that she doesn't wanna involve herself in this kind of task, speaking in front of a crowd is not her thing. "Still nothing, I don't have any thoughts to say, I still don't have an idea," I said while looking up, touching my chin. We are currently sitting in a circle now and we are just waiting for the other students in our class to come. Claire went to the bathroom with Fiona and Neil is already sitting here with us. "Who do you think will go first? I want to be first" Neil said while looking at us. He probably wants to get attention by speaking first "Then you should tell them that you'll go first later," I said while looking at the other students. "Nah, I'll just speak out of the blue, later," He said looking so full of himself. "Hey frog that's my seat," Claire said while pulling out Neil from where he's sitting. "Do you guys have something on your mind already?" Fiona said while looking at herself on the screen of her cellphone. "Now that you said it, I really don't have an idea what to speak of later," Claire said with a thinking look in the face. Seems like Neil is the only one who is excited about this one. It looks like he has so much to share with us, but it's probably just some childish stuff. The other students came one by one and our class is complete by now. I suddenly thought of Sheila again, she probably would talk about make-up and stuffs like that. But I think Fiona has that kind of attitude too. Well, let's just hear from them. "Seems like your class is now complete, Let's begin. Now who would want to go first?" the instructor said. Each respective class has its respective instructor. Mr. Tom was the one who chose our class to instruct with. "I thought you wanted to go first," I said to Neil, noticing that he somehow felt shy all of a sudden. "That was just a joke," He said which made us laugh. "I'll go first," said Nina while raising her hand. I know this girl but I rarely got the chance to talk to her and besides, she was on the Top 5. "Go ahead," Mr. Tom said. Nina stood up while looking at us all. I don't know why she has to stand up even if it's not necessary to do so. "What a show-off" Claire whispered. Now that I heard her, I remember that Claire and Nina were not on good terms. They were like rivals in the class. "*ahem ahem. Before I start, I would like to ask this one to all of you, my lovely classmates" Nina said while looking at us one by one, but her eyes passed through Claire. "Tsss" Claire whispered, then she looked up as if she doesn't want to listen to whatever Nina was about to say. "Does all of you have a dream?" Nina said while making hand moves as if she was a motivational speaker or something like that. "If somehow one of you doesn't have one. Well, all I'll say is that it's totally fine. You know life is not a race right? Then dreaming is not as well. If you still don't have thoughts about what your future would be like, then that really is fine. If you're on the under number every test result, then it totally is fine too. I have this best friend of mine once that chose to become above me and threw our friendship away. I don't know why she has to do that but, I can't blame her, it's her choice and as always.. that totally is fine too. I got frustrated at first but I found a way to make her be a lot more eager to fight for what she wanted to do...I made her my rival-" Nina said while looking at us but still isn't having a glimpse of Claire. I know who was she bringing off, It's Çlaire. I looked at Claire and she's now paying attention to Nina, she even looks at her now but with plain emotions. I think he just wants to show that in her face but, I know that somewhere deep inside her... She was lonely without Nina. They were lonely without each other. "I made her my rival because I wanted her to still think of me and see me as something worthy of having her attention. That's why somehow, I still hope for this person to look at me with the same look as the time when she's still my best friend, I want you to come back" Nina said but this time, she's looking at Çlaire while telling so. "That's all, thank you" She added. For some reason, I thought that she was kind of mean to look at, but after hearing what she said, and after hearing how she spit every word. I think I might be able to speak to her more often from now on. I looked at Lauren, she was about to cry, what a light-hearted person she is. "Are you okay?" I said to Lauren while slightly laughing. "Are you crying?" I added in an insulting tone. "No I'm not," She said while tapping my side with her elbow. Some other students got teary-eyed too, I can't blame them. Even I was so touched to hear that but I just don't wanna show it.
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