Who are you?

753 Words
(3 days later...) I am currently with my mom in the market. It's been three days since I got out of the hospital, but it really feels weird. I have these complicated thoughts. Mom said that I was like searching for something every time. She said that every time she asks me about what am I looking for, all I say is that I don't know what it was. Weird right? But now that she always reminds me about that, I feel like it really is true, that I am searching for this one thing that I can't even figure out what it was, and that I feel incomplete without it. But what thing could it be? I really don't have an idea. The pandemic is in control now, It's not that bad, Thank Goodness! People are starting to go outside every time they want to, and shops are beginning to open daily one by one. Our daily life source and necessary needs are not limited, unlike back then, and I'm happy about that. Although everything is going back to normal, there are things that stayed the way they are. Like disinfectant stations outside every shop, ya'know things like that. Also, people still wear a mask, It's necessary for double safety assurance. Mask surely played a vast role in the pandemic, there is no denying that. It's slightly funny to think that it also is a trend during the pandemic. Celebrities match their mask with their outfit. Now, masks are in different styles and such, and it becomes normal that way. We bought all the things we need to buy this day, mostly food and some necessary home stuff. We are currently walking by the parking lot. "Would you like to buy a new mask young lady?" the old mask vendor lady said. I looked and saw that her masks are pretty nice and interesting. What is this feeling? It feels like this had happened before. "Do you like to buy sweetie?" mom said. The old mask vendor lady is looking at me, and she's smiling. She seems nice too. "Maybe next time, I still have plenty of masks" I just said. The old lady vendor seems nice, but she's not going away, it's like she's still waiting for me to go buy a mask so I decided to buy one. "Thank you" said the old mask vendor lady then she turned her back and started walking away. My mom got in the car but I am still outside. I don't know why but, I couldn't take my eyes off the old lady. She's still walking, then she turned her back and she looked at me. She's still smiling. She said something, I saw her lips move but I couldn't hear it, then she waves at me. "Sweetie let's go" mom said. I got in the car, on the backseat then turned my back again to see if the lady is still there but, she's not. "Be careful" I got startled when I saw the old lady beside the window on the back seat where I'm sitting. I thought she already walks earlier. "What's wrong sweetie?" asked my mom when she heard me being startled. "Nothing, it's just the old lady" I replied. "Did you mean the mask vendor lady from earlier? she's there already, do you want to buy another?" she said while pointing at the old lady. I looked at where she's pointing and the old lady really was there. She's already far from us. I looked again at the window and the lady wasn't there anymore. Then I have this thought that, maybe I'm just seeing things, and I really wish I was. My mom started driving. Suddenly, my reflection from the window got my attention, I looked at it closer but as I looked at myself, I saw someone behind me. I looked at my back and there's someone in there-- "Sweetie wake up, we're already here" said my mom. I opened my eyes and as I look outside, I saw my house. I suddenly think of what I have dreamed of. I can clearly remember what it wss, I can remember that I saw someone behind me, and that I even looked at it. I even looked at her and saw her face. Who was that young girl? I don't know her, and I never saw that face before. But why does it feels like I know her? Who are you? I murmured.
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