No need for the sleeping pills

1457 Words

Kimberly POV That night when we were having dinner, Kira, Allona, and I stood up to get desserts. I actually didn’t eat much because I was still full from the late lunch. The guys would have gotten the dessert for us but I need us to be away from them for a short moment. I would like to share with my girls about Blaise and I can’t talk in front of River and Ryder because they I knew they will only get upset if they hear me talking about Blaise again. Ryder stopped talking to me earlier. He only mumbled about studying and went out of the room right after we ate lunch. Well, it was lunch for me but snack for them. I didn’t get any word out of River when I asked him if I had said anything wrong. He only smiled at me and said that his twin might have an upset stomach and only made a lame exc

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