Will you go out with...

1547 Words

Kimberly POV The first five days of classes went very well. All subjects were basic – history, math, chemistry, Literature, Physical Ed, and Arts. I like all the teachers – thank goodness! We all got homework, research papers and essays to write, and quizzes to study for the following week. We were also given schedules for our exams and I have plotted them in my calendar. It pays to be organized. Kira and I have all the same classes. The problem was I have Alice and her cronies in them, too. Yes, she already has more than one friend. From the way she was behaving, one would think that she was campaigning against me and she was recruiting anyone who would listen to her lies to go against me – me being a wicked witch and me putting spells on the twins. There were more lies but I cannot re

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