Testing the Powers

1119 Words
Kimberly POV After they went back to their rooms, I went inside my own room and started to unpack my things. I was just taking a few clothes from my suitcase when I thought of having some fun. “I’m a witch! Why should I limit myself to doing manual labor?” Not that I was feeling lazy, but this was the first time that I was free to do some witchcraft or magic or whatever they call it. I had done some research about witchcraft before. Some had to mutter some spells before they can do anything or some needed wands. I didn’t know which is which because I never had encountered any witch in my entire life. But what I know was, I could do things with just the power of my mind. I would just look at something and think about what I wanted to happen and it would happen. But since I have hidden my powers, I have only done small magic. “Now, let’s try to do this one step at a time, Kimberly.” I looked at my opened bags and envisioned my clothes inside the closet. I was at it for a couple of minutes but still, nothing happened. I tried again but this time I outstretched my hands on my bags and acted like I was ushering the clothes inside my closet. Still, nothing happened. “What’s wrong with me?” Do I still have my powers? Why was it not working? I looked around the room. Does the room limit my powers? I face again my bags and took a deep breath. “Let’s try this again, Kimberly.” I then closed my eyes and imagined my clothes inside my closet. I was at it for a minute and when I opened my eyes, the clothes are still in my bags. I was already feeling frustrated. “How is this possible? Perhaps I should try one at a time.” I looked at one shirt and envisioned it inside the closet. And voila! It was transferred immediately. “Oh great.” For just one shirt, I thought I lost half of my energy. “Well, what do I expect? Before I could only move spoons and forks and fire up a furnace and burn a piece of paper. Perhaps I need to flex my powers more.” Thinking that I could not spend my entire energy just transferring my clothes one by one with magic, I did the work manually. And it was faster. In less than thirty minutes, I had cleaned out my bags and transferred everything to their places. The cabinet was filled up with clothes. I had my shoes lined up on the shoe rack. My toiletries are in the bathroom. And other paraphernalia such as photo frames, books, and other school materials on my study table. And good thing, I still have some energy left. Not. Who am I kidding? I had a few left and was thinking of skipping dinner altogether. I looked at my bed and it seemed like it was calling me. But I had to take a shower first for a better sleep tonight. I had my pajamas ready and went inside my bathroom. I quickly showered, dried my hair, and put on my pajamas. Just as I was about to dive into my bed, there was a knock on the door. I suddenly wished that I have a nose of a werewolf to know who was outside. I have read that werewolves can smell each person’s scent. I also had wished that I could have their sense of hearing. Can I have the power of telepathy to see the person behind the door? I closed my eyes and tried to envision the person along the hall. But nothing happened. No face appeared in my thoughts. Or perhaps I could have pushed some more if not for the persistent knocking. This time louder and more urgent, like the person was already impatient of waiting. Well, I made the person wait anyway. I walked towards the door and opened it. I only took a peek outside with my body behind the door. Hey, I’m still in the boy’s dormitory. I still have to take precautions! To my surprise, it was the twins. River was smiling while Ryder was scowling. “I told you she’s still awake.” He looked sideways to Ryder. “Hi, Kimmie. We were just on our way to dinner. Perhaps you would like to join us?” “Oh.” That was all I could say. I didn’t know why I felt so shy around the two of them. River was nice. While Ryder looked difficult to handle, he had not done anything bad to me. So far. I took a deep breath to take the time to find the courage to tell them that I would be skipping dinner. “I’m actually…about to go to bed?” I smiled hesitantly. “Huh? Is there something wrong? Are you okay? Are you feeling alright? Do you have a fever?” River placed his hand over my forehead. When it touched my skin, I felt the same shivers I felt earlier. I could barely feel it but it was there. Could I have been imagining things again? “No, I’m okay. I’m just feeling tired. We have traveled very early and the tour around the school took a bit of my energy.” I explained as politely as I can. I didn’t want them to think that I don’t mingle with the other kids. “She doesn’t want to eat. Come on.” Ryder muttered to River. “She has to eat something.” River replied. “I’ll go ahead then. I want to check out the crowd early.” Without waiting for River’s answer, he turned to walk away. “I apologize for Ryder’s behavior. He’s just excited to see our other friends.” He smiled sheepishly. “Hey, no need to apologize.” I was not sure why he was still staying here and on top of that, he was apologizing to me. He did not have to do that. “Dinner would be a great time for you to feel the vibe of the academy. The activities for this weekend will be announced there. But if you can’t manage to go, I will just bring you food. Will that be okay with you?” “Oh no! No need for you to do that!” I then took a deep breath. “Fine. I’ll join the dinner. But I will have to change clothes.” River smiled brightly. “That’s great! I’ll wait for you here.”
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