Chapter 3. …far more than ‘Just one thing’.

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  All people are very complex. All people, everyone, each individual is far more than “Just one thing”. In our world, one of the evilest men to have ever lived in our modern times loved his dogs and was also a gifted painter and writer.  (Adolf “the winey b***h” Hitler!).   Dodg Phug used his collection caravans for illegal smuggling, thefts and assassinations. Let me as his creator be perfectly clear on this! He was not some version of our worlds “Robin Hood”. He was not a hero. Dodg Phug had killed the innocent. He had personally tortured the innocent. Not for fun, he was no sadist, but people needed silencing, intimidating and ‘made an example of’. Like all crime bosses, Dodg Phug ruled with fear and that meant being ruthless. Dodg Phug did not enjoy being ruthless, any more than a top chef would enjoy doing the washing up and cleaning, it was just part of his job. He tried to avoid doing it himself when he could, out of laziness, but once in a while, he had to step in. In some ways, you could argue that this made him WORSE rather than better than a sadistic nut job!   Dodg Phug has smuggled illegal dark magic, drugs and weapons. All these items of dark magic, drugs and weapons caused pain and death. He fully knew and understood this, but did it anyway.   Dodg Phug had trafficked in all types of kidnaps for both ransom and illicit s*x trade without any restrictions to the type of person victimised. He was NOT a pervert, He found the people he sold to distasteful to deal with, but he was a businessman who saw people as mere things and commodities. In some ways, you could argue that this made him WORSE rather than better than his sick-minded customers!   Good people had had their lives ruined by this “Man”. Good cop’s, and honest city guard had been destroyed by him. Decent politicians had been framed for treason and undermined by him. Hard-working shop keepers and traders had been ground and humiliated beneath Dodg Phug’s cruel unfeeling heel.   Organised crime is NOT pretty, or cool, or glossy. Organised criminals are NOT anti-heroes, charming villans, and something to emulate and worship. ( I personally in real life, upon seeing certain people hero-worship the mafia, yakuza, pinky blinders or the kray brothers, it makes me feel physically sick! I have spelt all above, by me, in lower case letters on purpose, as a personal mark of disrespect for the ‘things’ that call themselves people in groups like that! )   There was no glamorous so-called code, Just business. Only business. Dodg Phug was the creation of his mother Rach Phug, who saw herself as a businesswoman. Dodg Phug was NOT a good person. Rach Phug was a far worse person! BUT… Like everyone else, Dodg Phug was far more than ‘Just one thing’   Dodg Phug was also a loving father who had longed to go to his simple home. So when Dodg Phug heard the news that his estranged sister had been killed by armed guards outside of her home, in front of her children, hurt him as much as it would any normal brother. So when Dodg Phug heard the news that his son Mitch Phug a boy just aged seventeen, had been axed down in the street, it hurt him as much as it would any normal father. So when Dodg Phug heard the news that younger son Tug Phug a boy aged only thirteen had been ripped apart by a giant owl, it hurt him as much as it would any normal father. So when Dodg Phug heard all this news told to him in person by Rach Phug, Dodg Phug then wept in her arms just as much as any other son would in the arms of his elderly mother in that situation. The tears were just as real for him as it would be for anyone else who had lost three family members, two of them children.   The tears were just as salty, wet and full of pain as any other tears of grief, loss and pain. Because no one is “Just one thing”.   Having said all that… There was one thing that Dodg Phug was NOT! And that was forgiving! While others may die in their old age, tortured and full of impotent rage at forces that they are helpless to get revenge against, Such as a crime lord who had destroyed their life. Dodg Phug had that same rage but with a butt load of men, training, connections, resources and power! There would be nothing impotent about Dodg Phugs rage! Or the rage of his surviving brothers, when they also found out about this!   Because the enemy involved is not ill-informed or stupid, They were currently going to great lengths to get rid of the potential “Phug” threat in a series of very costly preemptive strikes before the “Pugs” could plan and mobilise a response. This response was evenly proportioned when compared to the threat that all the Phugs (if they became united), posed to that enemy!   The forces of Hell Chaos on earth were justifiably frightened and worried about the revenge of Phug family!
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