Chapter 5. The Lucky and the Dammed!

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. It would have been a bit more dramatic to have the tentacle faced guard shove Hitt Phug along the corridor. But that is not what happened. Yes, there was four large Tentacle faced Deep Ones all around him. Yes, The Dice Agent, a teenage boy had captured him. But instead of being shoved, he was walking upright with dignity, without any needless, pointless, resistance. Hitt may have lost everything, This son of Phug may have lost, But he was not going to behave as though he was defeated. . They were walking through his opulent officers towards his personal desk. . The teenage boy gave the larger man, his prisoner, a smug glare. “Well, this is the point where you show me how to open the passage to your real office, Mr Phug!” . Hitt was smart enough to know the denying all his pseudonyms was a waste of time. And time was not on his side. He needed to move this little drama along as quickly as possible and squash this little s**t and capture the human body it was living in. . But Hitt also needed to pace himself, let the thing he was dealing with think it was winning. He needed to act just resistant and petulant enough not to raise suspicion. . “As you obviously know who I really am and all my secret identities, I am assuming the plan is to just sit behind the master desk and take over all those names and control the seas and sea trade.” The boy smirked in the sort of “slap my face” way that only a cocky teenage boy can. “We, are a little more ambitious than that Mr Phug” the Dice Agent smiled! “By ‘We’, do you mean the Satite empire? Or Hell itself? Am I talking to a silly deluded child with too much easy power or the fooling yet foolish thing inside of him?” Said Hitt calmly. “Are we playing for time?” Smiled the Dice Agent, fiddling with his twenty-sided dice. (Inside Hitt thought “No! Exactly the opposite. I am in a desperate rush but I need you to think that I am playing for time”) “Do you not realise who you are dealing with?” The Dice agent giggled. “The new child member of the Sinister Satite Inner Council.” Replied Hitt “The Left Hand of the Satite Emporer.”   “A demon raised from hell, By Kyle Larrs, into the body of this child to help bring about the end of the world” “Need I continue!” Stated Hitt Phug. “You seem weirdly well informed for a mere mortal?” Said the Dice Agent with very mild surprise, before giving a sarcastic yawn. “But you are not here as an agent of the Satite Empire right now, are you!” Commented Hitt as he nodded towards the Deep Ones. “The planned world-ending war must be getting close for you to risk your cover so openly.” “Has a certain Angelic figure piece on the grand universal game board forced your lot to act a tad hastily?” “Is hell a getting worried?” “Are they nervous yet?” Smiled Hitt “We own this planet!” Said the Dice Agent in quiet rage. “We are inevitable!” The possessed boy glared with red eyes, squeezing his dice. (“Good,” thought Hitt, “Anger makes the smartest of us stupid, and stupid things make mistakes,”) “We are more powerful than you can ever realise!” Said the Demon Dice boy in a low menacing growl. “Why don’t you show me!” Replied Hitt. Hitt then indicated the secret button under the desk. “Gladly” Smirked the Dice agent pressing it. The poison trap only had a one in a thousand chance of failing, And yet it failed. A large part of the wall slid back revealing a long wide corridor sloping downwards. “You do not seem surprised that your trap failed…” Sneered the Dice Agent. “Because I am not surprised,” said Hitt. “I imagine none of my other traps will work either.” “But do you know why?” Smirked the Dice Demon Boy “You, obviously, are a master of serendipity and causality, in essence, you control chaos and luck.” “I am sure every mechanical trap all the way down to the fake master desk, Then past the second secret passage to the real master desk, Will all have very unlikely and very unlucky failures!” Said Hitt in a monotone voice. The boy giggled in delight. “Then you know how truly beaten you are!” he danced. The demon continued to dance while fiddling with his twenty-sided dice in one hand. He giggled and danced down the secret passage. Every exquisitely expensive and deadly trap, despite all the best possible engineering and materials, failed! All the way down the child demon danced to the fake master desk. There he found and pressed random combinations in all the well-hidden buttons. Yet despite the huge amount of possible combinations, he through sheer magical luck landed on the correct ones. When the second passage was revealed he danced down toward the real master desk. Again, every trap had billion to one mechanical catastrophic failures. He danced on the luxurious purple rug in front of the real master desk to face Hitt Phug who had been escorted by the four deep ones within site behind him. “See how easily I win!” Laughed the Dice Agent. “Nothing and no one can beat me!” “I have been given supernatural luck!” He cackled. “Nothing beats luck!” he posed and bowed in triumph. “I dunno,” said the Hitt “One thing might beat mere luck.” “Might…” Hitt finished. “WHAT!” facepalmed the dice agent in an overexaggerated, fake dramatic, sarcastic, gesture. “What can possibly EVER beat almighty LUCK!” He said in a condescending tone. Hitt shrugged, “I dunno,” “Maybe, research, hard work and forward planning?!” Hitt Replied “No mortal is THAT good at planning” “No silly mortal can plan for that many possible eventualities” Jeered the Dice agent. “It is interesting that you should say that!” Hitt Phug smiled darkly. . The interesting thing about magical symbols and holy glyphs is that they have no mechanical moving parts that can fail. If you invert them they become corrupt, If you draw these inverted symbols on any flat surface, for example on the underneath of a luxury purple rug they are still corrupted. Until that is, you flip that flat surface over… Then the symbols are suddenly the correct way up again. They become holy or potent once more. They remain the correct way up when you place that flat surface, for example, a luxurious purple rug, for anything that stands on that surface. Such a flat surface could theoretically be placed anywhere, including for example on the floor in front of a desk. . Obviously, there are loads of magical symbols and holy glyphs in a magical world setting. Most do little of nothing, being just superstitious nonsense. Even the good ones only hold back vampires and zombies ect, And would be horrendously expensive! Hypothetically, to have anything that could harm a full-fledged demon would need meticulous master planning, study and almost infinite financial resources for all the rare books, oils and other ingredients needed. The sort of resource the combined wealth and connections of several pirate kings combined might be able to manage. Or one person with several pirate king identities and their combined resources. . Hitt gave the demon an evil look of satisfaction. Can you imagine the number of evil looks a demon sees after millennia of its dammed existence? Do you realise how evil a look would have to have been from a mere mortal, to make a demon hellspawn feel fear in its blood and then run cold with dread terror? The Demon inside the Dice Agent hooded teenager, Took one look at Hitt Phugs evil smiling expression and felt feel fear in its blood and then that same now icy blood then run cold, with dread terror! . Then the demon teenager looked down and the soft holy glow coming from the Luxurious purple rug in front of the master desk, that he was stood on. The demon screamed and fell back to hell, not as a demon, but as a mere mortal morsel soul to be devoured by his own former kind. . The teenage boy collapsed to his knees weeping. . The deep ones that towered above their prisoner were stunned in shock. Which made it very simple, for a Son of Granny Phug, to despatch all their lives in less than two seconds . Hitt Phugg rushed to the boy's side. “We have to go!” “NOW!” The boy staggered to his feet and still in a deep daze, followed this rescuer. . Within a few hours, Hitt Phug and the Teenager had reached the edge of the fallen city. “Wait,” said the teenager, called Daniel Rollo. “I am starting to remember now…” He struggled to say. “We need all those master files, or at least to destroy them all!” “No, We don’t” Replied Hitt “But we should at least destroy them?” cried the boy! “Why?” Smiled Hitt “Why would I want ever want to do that!” He grinned to himself. Hitt tried to suppress busting out loud in delighted laughter. “Where are we going now?” Asked Daniel “To visit my mum!” Replied the Phug son. . . The Deep one general took stock of all the city his kind had won. Not only had they taken the city, But they had also captured a huge amount of vital information about the entire world. The Deep one general gave praise to Hell for his remarkable luck at finding so much vital intel. Such remarkable luck! So lucky indeed! Nothing ever seemed better than sheer luck! .
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