Chapter 01

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Laughter has been muted by an unknown group of individuals. It was a struggle for both legs and arms to free themselves from his grasp. His eyes were shielded by a large piece of fabric. Seeing nothing at all. There were footprints behind him, which made Isaac worry whether he would be brought someplace. With silver hair and sapphire-colored eyes, he wore filthy sackcloth. Issac's looks, on the other hand, could captivate everyone who followed him in Mogena Village. Because of Isaac's birth in the Village, people seemed to blame him. He began to hear others muttering as the day progressed. Whispering about the devil that had taken possession of her. A large guy walked on the stairs. One of the ties on the side has been cut. The guy who was carrying him threw him into a dimly lit room with no air conditioning or ventilation at all. At the same moment, the heavy cloth is taken away. Despite his shaky feet, Issac pounded on the door with all his might. No one, however, reacted to the question. "You're all f*****g scum!" You have no right to abandon me in such a location! Because of it, Isaac cursed the one who would harm him. Do not know for certain if Isaac is present at this location. Is it a year or two since we last spoke? Or for a long time. Until recently, he had no desire to return to the hamlet where he had resided. He was living a nightmare. He observed the locals' daily routines, which were disrupted by the relentless snowfall. His soul was haunted by the memories by using Epuni Language. Dark. encased in a heavy black fabric. His snoring was becoming more pronounced. His face was drenched in sweat. After some time, his eyesight had become fuzzy except for the gap on the left side. Isaac remained stooped as he observed the passersby. When you blow the trumpet, you're conveying a message. Everyone's footsteps can be heard as they approach. Isaac's brows furrowed. Listen to what they want to accomplish. Several of them walked away, speaking to each other in the snow-covered tree's shadows as they went. Whispering a secret to someone without their knowledge. Once she arrived at the dilapidated hut, the lady disguised as a maid dashed inside. The home of a guy identified as Nigel. It was as though he had flipped the switch. Close your right eye to the gap. Sadly, a group of Mogena Village inhabitants stood up and wore heavy boots to block the view. Issac's presence in a dark and quiet room went unnoticed for the time being. How could they not see it? Issac's heart sank as he realized that the people around him thought he was cursed. He felt that he had not been blessed by Ihdos, the God of Freedom, as he chuckled to himself. The town of Mogena. One of the communities with the deepest snowfall. Located in the north, it is a portion of the Oritus Kingdom's influence. Some of the guards continued to keep a group of five or six troops on standby at all times. Included with this is a messenger. Observe and interact with the people in the area. They don't give a damn about anybody as long as they are provided with enough money to meet their basic need. The five troops, however, will remain in the community indefinitely. He has no desire to return to the capital of Oritus. Raw fish and fruits like apples and grapes are their main sources of income. For a cheap fee, they could only eat twice a week, and they had to compete for other people's food allotment or grab what they could find. Non-humanoid form. Animal corpses are not included in this list. Soaked in boiling water until tender using improvised cooking implements. They've mastered the art of surviving in frigid temperatures, but the scorching rays of the sun are no match for them. Growing crops such as apples and grapes were accomplished with the use of old mystical practices. As well as working with ancient healers and scientists to conduct experiments. Unfortunately, they're already too old. It's not as powerful as it used to be. A massive tree that cracks from the inside out. Checked for moisture content, sunshine, fertilizer, fire, and air elemental magic by a wise ancient healer/scientist. Make sure the magic and the aids are working together properly before putting them all together. The elderly scientist shifted the gear wheel to the right. What you hear is the sound of teeth scraping against one other Doesn't make a lot of extra noise. Every tree that was in peril was sprayed by the healer. Please don't let the flowers go to seed. She had been gravely hurt when two guys arrived and carried her out of the woods. With her long white hair. Her face had been smashed. Her forehead was covered with blood. Her eyesight was hazy since he was struck in the second half of his eyeball. And her whole body was covered in scars from a whip that had been used by someone else. A butcher had his mouth slashed open. She solely wears chocolate-colored sack pants. Only her eyes are visible. Her hair was being tugged by a massive, heavy ax. Painful groans rang out once again. No one came to her aid or attempted to approach the girl. A guy from a high-ranking religious authority appeared. A wrinkled and wrinkled visage of a certain age. There are wrinkles and blackheads on his face. There is a big ring of mineral stones on each finger. A spiky hat with insignia identifying the capital's most prominent religious leaders covers the man's gray hair. A religious emblem is depicted on the left palm. Predominantly black and gold are used in the design. The right palm carries The Worship Of Ila. The book's cover has a brownish-green color. Pulling two parallel lines together in a rectangle shape. The first line is a thick straight one. The second line, on the other hand, is left-curving. There is a bulging eye symbol within the rectangle. "Ladies and gentlemen!" he yells. "God Ila, as the creator of the cosmos, has endowed us with long lives and bodily and spiritual well-being. All of us may have a fair standard of living. Ila's generosity should not be squandered. Sadly, the wicked have abused God's blessings for their selfish ends! As if God were to blame for being born on this planet! Additionally, damaging everything we value as this vicious lady did!" Her hair was snatched by the butcher. It's time to move onward. It was the other two butchers who were responsible for unlocking the wood that had been firmly shut. He was flanked by two chains, one on either side of him. They dragged the lady and beat her to death in front of religious authorities. The staff that he was holding had been presented to the healer by him. A grimace etched across his face, he didn't want to see the grisly image. However, he had no option but to abide by the established rules and regulations. His eyes closed for a brief period. His results were firmly held in both of his hands. It's not going to be given to religious leaders. "Please allow me to go! The demons aren't real! Greetings, I am Jenna! And I don't want to die!" I exclaim. In the back of the room, someone yelled, "Liar!" Jenna is hit in the face by a stone. After that, the people who did it. When he was flung, his face became covered in blood for the tenth time. The spiritual leader's grin was crooked. Allowing the narcissists to hurl obscenities at Jenna. The lady writhed in pain. Acknowledging your wrongdoing and asking for pardon from others. "Do you have any idea? Hundreds of Megona Village residents have been dying of famine for months! Is it possible for you to go through a protracted period of famine due to the demon-faced woman's appearance?" asked religious leaders. They could not disguise their intense irritation and anxiety for Jenna any longer as she talked. It would be nice if the demon plague would leave Megona Village soon. Issac, unable to see well, had no choice but to give in. Sighing with relief when he heard men accuse women of being devils when they didn't know anything about them. Isaac, who was covered in blood, was unable to suppress the rage he was feeling as a result of the situation. I'm hoping he'll get the same treatment. Both hands' fists. So pathetic. Incapable of escaping a horrible and agonizing destiny. Isaac's true desire was to be free. Accused of being a demon by those who say they are. There's also Jenna in the group. "Devil! You must do what I tell you! To put an end to the snow right now! Otherwise, we, as God Ila's faithful disciples, shall send you to the lowest depths of hell! In addition, your soul will rot to eternity!" screamed the religious leader, pointing his pointer finger at the helpless girl. “Please! Please don't do this to me. I have a family now! Then there is the fact that they do need me!" The right side of the forehead was suddenly struck by a forceful throw. When Jenna saw the toss, she was shocked to see it. Throwing a glance towards where the ball came from. Surprisingly, Jenna's two children and husband began hurling stones. Currently, they have two sons and a daughter ages 8 and 6. Her spouse, on the other hand, continued tossing her about. Sobs of remorse and sorrow. After all of this, there was nothing but silence. Jenna felt betrayed as well. How could she babysit for such a low price and come out with such a low payoff? His eyes welled up with tears. Resigned to his destiny, he bowed his head and sighed. Issac, meantime, paused for a moment to take a breath. He was struggling to get air. It's tough to walk on either of my legs. Especially if you have to stand for a long. The right-hand wipes away the dripping perspiration. In the lesson on Jenna's execution, I skipped through the remainder of the information. He already knew what would happen next. A few seconds after that, the occupants' voices began to draw in their sighs. Isaac couldn't fault the locals. ~o0o~ Issac took a look at the time. The clock had already struck 12. Mark has lunch. But he was not in the mood to eat. Regardless of what happened to him, the food he brought was all home-cooked and fresh. Retractable rectangle lunch box. Mayonnaise-smeared potatoes. Having a piece of bread with veggies and steak on it is also enticing for him to eat. Tomatoes and celery are combined in this dish. The cafeteria's patrons aren't worth your time. Chews up to eight times before being swallowed. The pages kept piling up for Isaac as he sat down to read. When he was done with it, he took up Master of the Five Magics by Lyndon Hardy. This author was a prominent figure of the day. This novel is mostly on Alodar's desire to marry Queen Vendora, who would eventually restore their family's dignity. He kept his fingers on the Epuni script. While paddling, enjoy the thrill of Alodar's journey. Then his heart began to race. Then he swallowed the meal he had just eaten without leaving any trace. The uniform is red with a primary black and white hue. A tiny coat on his back, a book of history and mathematics. That being said, all of his contributions were nothing more than complimentary. Since Isaac's arrival, no one has wanted to sit down with him. Isaac's classmates, childhood friends, instructors, and others who are afraid to be around him are all included on this list. As for the silver-haired guy, he wasn't bothered by it. Make reading a priority at all times. Concentration is at a high level. Don't pay attention to the chatting or gossiping of other individuals. When a large guy with a bucket full of sewage water arrived, things became a lot worse. Then Isaac was drenched from head to toe in the water. A colossal figure accompanied by his four lackeys and Isaac's childhood friend, Maisie Warghman. Smiling broadly upon seeing her face, her gaze fell onto his. Red hair with a white headband Her face resembled that of a princess who had lived in a splendid castle for her whole life. There are three of them everywhere, and they're continually bullying each other. The unbleached trunk of a Clus tree. Branches were divided into two sections. He managed to get the wand while still residing in Megona Village. On the other side, Daponia Academy School's first-day-of-school pranks on Issac. While making friends in class, Maisie would boo whenever Issac approached her. On top of that, a classmate's leg smashed against the top of the chair. Isaac, on the other hand, did nothing to retaliate for his conduct. As a result, he believes, the activities of the minority will be readily controlled by those who constitute the majority. Neutral, on the other hand, had a profound effect on the majority of people he came into contact with. When Issac was 10 years old, Maisie refused to articulate the sentiments that Issac was experiencing. And he shouted in panic and glanced at his face with a disgusted expression. "You're interested in dating me, aren't you? That's just repulsive to contemplate. The water fleas arrive!" Stones were thrown at the silver-haired youngster. Additionally, his eyes were crimson as if they had been infected by demons. Isaac's parents, on the other hand, would criticize him for helping out. In the end, he was whipped for hundreds of lashes. He's wounded by it. Finally, Isaac resolved to put up a fight and keep quiet. To avoid getting into problems with them once again. Until Issac is reunited with Maisie once again. While Mogena Village kicked the boy out when he admitted to liking Maisie. “Kid! Fortunately, we were able to exclude you from the premises. Warning: If you ever come face-to-face with my daughter again, beware! We will put you on hold and summon religious authorities to punish you! You're aware of this, aren't you?" When Isaac left, he decided to remain apart from the group. Mogena Village is no longer on my mind. Tristan Carr, a professor, once gave a reference to a gray-haired young man called Tristan. For the last 20 years, he has been a lecturer at the college level. Consider retiring from the classroom at the age of 55. Issac vowed not to be drawn into a useless battle. Even though it explicitly states the contrary. That hand's palm massaged it. As a result of itching all over his body, he is scratching. Maisie accepted the hand of a lovely and glittering young guy, who smiled at her. It is with the diamond ring on his right thumb that she tempts him to fall in love with her. This suggests that she's engaged to a handsome and powerful guy. With 4 lackeys. The first person's short hair is properly combed. One by one, they approached Isaac and spoke to him. Scornful looks were directed towards the young man with gray hair. "So, this is your childhood friend?" What a hideous outward aspect! Oops. It seems that I accidentally splashed water on your face, so I'm sorry about that "The huge guy snorted. "My beloved Anton, come on! There is no sense in attempting to cope with a demon-infected child, right?" Anton, a large guy, said, "That's right." They slapped Isaac's shoulder hard, one by one, as a group. As long as the sound of bone breaking remained audible, However, he didn't respond in any way. Slowly, he dropped his head. A wave of anxiety washed over me as I watched Isaac struggle with his inner demons. His hand dropped as his tongue bled. When he put his right hand on his lips, he stroked them with the palm of it. He sat down and began to straighten up his book. Take a long, deep breath in via the mouth and nose. I'm not in the mood for lunch today. His watch said it was 12:30 p.m., which was OK with him. His one and only support instructor, Tristan Carr, had arrived. It was Isaac's turn to go ahead. The kids who had to cover their noses because of the stench had long since passed... He pulled out his wand and sucked all of the water from the scum onto a stick from the Anore tree with it, then threw it away. You may then dispose of everything else by throwing it out the window. Squeeze it to remove any remaining dirt. After that, Isaac lowered his wand. Garden plants outside the school should be watered. He slouched down with his right arm carelessly extended. Show your admiration towards any passing educators. They, on the other hand, failed to notice Isaac's presence. His abilities even amazed me. He let out a sigh. The Epuni sign with Tristan Carr's name on it directs you to turn left. Three taps are made on the left palm. The voice from inside said, "Come on in," inviting her to enter. The door was opened by a silver-haired guy. Finding a bunch of feathers flapping about the room. A group of fairies is also sweeping up the dust in the vicinity of him. Isaac squinted at the stars. Keep an eye on what they're up to. Suddenly, a blue-dressed fairy began flapping its wings. Carr was jotting something down as he stood behind Tristan. He carried a bottle of food for the fairies everywhere he went. His diet takes the form of fruits and honey. The meal has already been packaged and sliced into many pieces for your convenience... Every time they take a break, they'll be granted a free stay. Wearing a hand-knitted scarf made by his wife as a token of affection. Glasses with two lenses on the right eye and a gray suit. His index finger brushed the rim of the glasses, indicating that he was interested. There was an increase in the amount of light and lenses that could be seen when the pressure was increased. His aura was also a source of good energy since he projected it forth from his body. Glimmers of optimism for future discoveries, drawn from books written by earlier professors and scholars are presented. His features burst into a huge grin. When Isaac glanced at him, he didn't know what to say. It seemed as though the silver-haired guy was a target of both eyes. He was snorting out of his nose. His writings were enjoyable to read. "Isaac, you've finally come. My first day of school went well. Inquired Tristan. It's OK, he said, and he lied. "Having a fear of the dark is unnecessary. I contacted you because I was concerned about your well-being. That's all." "Is that the case? Was there anything you wanted to know about how they treated me over there?" "I don't know. But, without a doubt, I don't want you to suffer the same fate as the pupils that are out there. Making fun of others to maintain the family's respectable reputation. Make every effort to be the class champion to get the greatest graduation title available by marketing yourself effectively. It's especially true for women." Isaac paused for a minute and remained silent. Tristan hasn't finished speaking yet. He doesn't give a f**k about his hair when it comes to his image. If you look closely, you'll see that his dreads and mustache are becoming longer. Wrinkles have begun to appear on the skin. Particularly the face to the biceps and the arms. There's also Tristan's dislike for shoes. Clogs may also be used to support footwear. Anyhow, I won't go out of my way to offend someone." Including you, of course." It was clear to me what you were trying to get across without you uttering a word. “Good…” Hair from animals has been laid out on the table When the blue-dressed elf returns with the Issac Garret file, Tristan urges him to bring it back to him. Licking the tips of his fingers, he grinned. Taking one page at a time, read and report what has been written. Tristan and Isaac began to advise each other at this point. Until the chime goes off.
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