Chapter 3

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"Hey do you think we can stop by the coffee shop before we hit the mall. A venti ice white mocha sound deeeeeelicious." I asked Jason as we made our way to my beautiful baby. Matte black 2017 Chevy Tahoe. I know I have such a big car for my small frame. But what can I say it was love at first sight  "Sure that does sound pretty bomb ha. Hey are you inviting Anyone out with us tonight or is it just going to be us two.?" Hmm didn't think about that. I do have a friend they happen to be twins Morgan and morganna. Yeah their mom wasn't really that creative. But at least They happen to also be a demons like us so this should be good. But the thing is Jason doesn't particularly get along with them. I mean it is funny to an extent but I swear they bicker more than we do. Ooo now this now this should be good.  "I know that look. Its a look of you plotting something. What are you planning Alex." He has such a concern look on his face.  "I was just thinking about inviting the twins." I say with an evil smirk. Oh how I live to see him squirm. Hey what can I say it's the demon in me. He groans smacking his face.  "Really Alex really. You know I don't like them. Why why would you torture me on my birthday."  Oh my how he can be such a drama king at times.  "It's not torture we going to have a fun time trust me."  "Like i have a choice princess." He grumbles under his breath.  "Oh you do have a choice. I'm just choose if it for you muahahaha." I couldn't stop laughing as I open the door to the coffee shop.  "Hey can you order me I have to use the restroom." Giving him my best Chester smile.  "I guess but your paying." "Yeah cause we both ain't well off." I scoff and made my way to the back.  Anthony POV  Tuning out my beta mason as he talks about his mate because that seems like he can talk about lately now that he's found her. I mean I am happy for him but I can't help but feel jealous. I just turned 21 and still haven't found her. But it's ok. Fate has a funny way of doing things. Plus right now wouldn't be the best time since we are currently at war with them dam blood suckers.  "Mason pull up on this up coming coffee shop. I need a pick me up." "You got it boss."  Once we walked up to open the door I am  immediately surrounded by this amazing small. Honey and lavender. Spotting a dark hair Beauty back I know it's her. But she isn't alone she's with another guy. And I can't help but releaseda low growl. Thank god no one heard me though. I don't want to frighten her. She just got done telling him something and started making her way to the back. And all I can Do is follow her.  "Anthony were the hell you going man." Marco mind linked me.  "I found her man. I found my mate." I couldn't help but hold back my excitement. But once I made it to the hallway where the restrooms were my phone ranged.  "Hello" I said in a serious tone.  "You've been warned." The voice on the other side said. And then hung up and didn't let me ask questions. Staring at my phone in shocked I snap out of my confusion when I'm surrounded by honey and lavender. I look up to see my mate staring at me with the greenest eyes I have ever seen. But something behind me caught her attention next thing you know I hear a bang and I'm on the floor with my mate on me.  Alex POV.  Once I started making my way to the restroom I couldn't help but smell the most amazing smell ever. Cinnamon spice with a hint of rain forest with it. After doing my business I make my way out only to stop when I see him. 6'3" with a body built like a god. All he is is nothing but muscle. But that's not the only thing that caught my attention. There was metal that shined when the sun hit it. And then I realized it was a guna aiming at this guy.  "Mate protect mate"  a voice in my head said. And I did the next thing I can think of I charged at this guy and tackled him to the floor but not before the bullet missing him and hitting me instead.   Pain. That's all I can feel. Pain burning of the skin that makes me want to claw at my skin to ease the ache.  "ALEX." Someone roar my name. But I couldn't move I couldn't breath. What is happening to me.  "ALEX."  The same voice is calling me. I opened my eyes to be met with the purest of blues and I knew it was Jason.  "Jason." I chocked out. My mouth is feeling like someone grabbed a sheet of sandpaper and shoved it down my throat.  "What happened." I tried to move but the pain in my chest decided for me that that wasn't the best choice.  "You've been shot don't worry everything is going to be ok. I just have to move you so we can leave ok. Everything is going to be ok I got you."  All I could do is nod my head. I feel my self being lifted in his hands until he is yanked back and thrown across the room and I fall to the floor with a loud thump and I can't help but yell out in pain.  "MINE." The s*x god had said. Mine? What is happening. I'm in to much pain to comprehend what just happened.  "Jason." I couldn't help but call him again. What is going on.  "Please Jason. Make it stop please."  Now I'm crying. In less than a second Jason smoked to me holding me in his arms.  "Give her to me demon." The s*x god sneered looking at me with pleading eyes. With a hint of guilt. Why would he feel guilty.  "Sorry but the princess needs medical attention." Jason said before everything turned black.  Jason POV.  Stupid stupid stupid. Stupid for 2 reasons. I leave her in attending for less than 5 minutes and this happens. And second I called her princess to an unknown stranger. I don't know what compelled me to tell him that but it happens. Now I'm in her room waiting for her father to get here. s**t I missed up bad very bad.  Anthony POV.  Princess? What did the demon mean by princess. And most importantly how can I let her get hurt like that. It was suppose to be me not her. I'm suppose to be the one to protect her not the other way around. I should have been paying more attention to our surroundings after that call I should have and now look at my mate. She is hurt because of me. Looking at my hands and shirt I see that I'm covered in her blood.  "Marco what the f**k happened." I couldn't help but use my alpha voice.  "A blood sucker boss. I realized to late when he pulled the trigger. He is currently chained down and headed to our  dungeon."  "Great let everyone know that bastard is mine. Also send me the best trickers right now." "In it boss."  A few minutes later Leonardo and Stephan show up.  "Boss." They boss said at the same time. "Use my shirt and track the blood on it. I want to know every little thing you find out her. Her location her name everything with in the hour you got it."  "Yes boss." They said walking out.  I will find you my mate
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