Chapter 1

884 Words
Alex POV  Present day  Sometimes I wonder if I'm going crazy or if it's just my imagination getting the best of me. But I could of sworn I'm being watched. I had always felt this way ever since I was a little girl. Even when I was old enough to bring it to the police they just think I'm some bimbo blonde trying to get attention. But believe me it's anything but that. When I was 11 Andrew Matthews had pushed me off the swing and the next day he was reported missing and was all over the news. Then it happened again when I was 16 Samantha Abrams thought it was funny to post posters of me half naked all over the hallway. Next thing you know they found her body half naked with a picture of her half naked stapled to her body. Some say that is a coincidence but I think not. Right before any of these accidents happen I feel that familiar presence lurking in the back. And now I feel like my stalker is back. But for what ever reason I don't know.  Jason who happens to be my best friend walks into my bed room and drops himself onto my bed laying down next to me. We both decided since we will be 18 soon that we should have a head start on our lives and get a place of our own. Don't get me wrong Sandra was the best foster mom anyone can have. If you don't count her anger issues and her need to seek  vengeance for anyone and everyone who gets her the itty bitty mad.  Now she is the definition of anger issues. But none the less she raised Jason and I when our parents couldn't. And it was nice to have some one who was there for you no matter how small.  "So what you think we should do for our birthday." Jason asked while checking his social media. Jason isn't that bad to look at now that I think of it. 6'2" athletic body blonde hair and the bluest eyes anyone can get lost in. And I'm guilty of being one of them.  "I'm not sure I wanna do anything if I'm being honest."  We both turn 18 next week and that means we get to find our other half's. I mean I'm all for it but Jason is lucky he only gets to find "the one" while for me. I have to hoe it out and fine "the five" in order to find balance in myself. I really hope if I'm being honest with myself that Jason would end up being my demon mate. Just being with someone that I'm familiar with in my harem. Ha harem me little ol me having a harem crazy. And it's funny seeing how I'm still a Virgin. A Virgin that's about to have 5 count them five p*****s holy moly. But any who back to what I was saying it would be nice to have some one that I'm familiar with to be with me to death do us part. I mean being mates with some one is basically marriage right in the supernatural world so the human vow seemed like a great fit.  "Come on Alex. We officially turn 18 so legally we are able to f**k s**t up. Go to bars smoke the Mary g. You know toke toke pass." He tells me pretending to smoke a joint.  "What do you mean we still do those things even though we are not of age loser." I couldn't help but roll my eyes at him.  "That is true but we haven't been to a demon club." Jason saying it like it should be a fun time. But I know for a fact it is not. She demons are in High demand right now. We are the key in producing pure blood demons instead of half breeds I guess according to an incubus who tried buying me off Jason one day while we went out for a walk. Let's just say it didn't end well for that guy. Jason might be easy on the eyes but daddy didn't send his best warrior to train him in protecting me for nothing. A she demon has to be own by either their mates or by someone of power. So that's how I know it will not end up going as plan if we do go. A) Jason might end up not being my mate. And B) he isn't a demon of power so yeah the odds are more than likely not in my favor.  "That does not sound like a good plan jas. How about we go to a regular have some drinks dance a little than call it a night with some pizza and Netflix. Oh yeah now that not that sounds like an amazing night." I tried giving my best puppy dog eyes I can manage.  "Fine just because that's what you wanna do and for all you know we could find our mates and plans can change." Throwing my fist up in the air like I won the battle I give him a kiss on the cheek got off the bed and head to the shower. Let's see what today will bring us.
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