Chapter 1

1361 Words
Nora The hallways were quiet as I yanked my backpack out of my locker for the last time. I was so thankful to never have to step foot in this place again after today. After years of teasing, bullying and loneliness, I was finally free. The faint sound of footsteps and chatter made me rush to empty the contents of my locker into the bag and try to lock it up again. My fingers fumbled with the lock as I tried to line it up properly. I groaned at myself. So much for wolf instincts... I have never met a more clumsy wolf. I complained to my wolf, Emerald. But you make up for it in so many other ways! Emerald replied sweetly. I knew something was wrong. Emerald was kind and amazing, but compliments were few and far between. Excuse me? I questioned, not hiding the shock and disbelief in my voice. You are so confident and elegant too! Emerald laughed. Oh, yea I forgot my many, many talents... I rolled my eyes while smirking. Surprisingly, Emerald always knows how to cheer me up. Our sense of humor and sharp wit always seem to work. I began walking down the hall towards the main door of the school, turning my back on the classrooms I had spent so many hours in. "Hey, second born!" a familiar voice called from behind me. I froze. I knew this voice. I knew it was not good. I considered pretending I couldn't hear but knew that would only make things worse. Emerald was dreading what was to come equally. It was one of their favourite nicknames for me. I was the second child of Luna Georgie and Alpha Theo. My Mum is a descendent of the Founding Wolves and therefore has a brightly coloured blue wolf, special abilities which have been passed down to she-wolves from generation to generation. Unfortunately, I was not lucky enough to inherit these abilities. I did have a bright green wolf, but that was as far as my abilities spanned, and everyone knew it. I was the dud. The reject. Although my Mum and Dad never said it, I knew they were disappointed. I carried the guilt of not being worthy enough everyday. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly, trying to clear these wayward thoughts. I heard what sounded like at least three sets of footsteps stop behind me as I slowly turned around. "There she is! I was worried we wouldn't get to say our goodbyes before you squirreled back into the little hole you hide in." Jameson laughed. His smile spread across his face as his companions patted him on the back in congratulation on his hilarious insult. I internally rolled my eyes. I could not wait to be far, far away from this idiocy. "Is there something in particular that you needed?" I asked, hoping my voice would sound confident and clear, but it sounded more mousey and nervous. This made them laugh even more. "Just hope that we see you around. It would be boring without you in the pack." Jameson said, almost sincerely. "Will you be going back to primary school now?" Dylan, one of the guys beside Jameson asked, elbowing Jameson as he said it. My favourite joke. I was two years younger than the rest of the students in my year level. I have always been smart. Throughout my schooling, I gradually skipped grades, leading me to be a sixteen-year-old high school graduate. I could not have been happier about it. It meant I was able to leave sooner. "Na, she is going to the big university in Melbourne. Were too small-town for her around here..." A deeper voice muttered from behind the group. Unfortunately, this voice did cut. It cut deep. A tall, dark-haired boy stepped through the group towards me. They moved to let him pass without question. His Alpha aura radiated off of him and he wasn't even the Alpha yet. I sighed. "Mason." I nodded, keeping my eyes on the ground. I knew that he disapproved of his friends taunting and bullying me but he never did anything about it. That I knew of. I was thankful that it never became more than words and names. Never physical bullying. "Mum told me to remind you that we have that dinner with the Harrlington's tonight. So don't go to the library after school." Mason stated, his expression remaining the same. Blank. "I remembered, thanks." I replied before turning and beginning to walk out of the school building again. I could hear the group of guys talking and laughing as I walked. "I can't believe she is your sister!" Jameson laughed. "She is the complete opposite. Fat. Short. Ugly." Dylan groaned in disapproval. I fought back the tears that threatened to spill down my cheeks. I knew I wasn't a good fit in the Alpha family, especially my Alpha family, but they didn't need other people pointing it out too. "Lucky she is not the future Luna, there is no way her mate would accept her." One of the other guys, Liam, commented. "I wouldn't even hesitate to reject her!" Jameson cackled as if what he had said was the funniest thing he had ever heard. As he did, I felt myself shrink into my baggy jacket a bit more. Ever since the fat-shaming began, I have opted for baggy clothing. Anything that hid my body from everyone. I can't deny that it hurt hearing Mason's friends say these horrible things about me and him not saying anything to defend me. But, I guess it is easier to be a bystander than it is to stand up for someone. I started walking faster so that I could no longer hear the conversation behind me. I focused on the large gum tree in the back corner of the car park where Mum always waited for us after school. I was preying that she decided to come a bit early today and would be waiting when I got there. By some strike of fate, Mum was there in our usual meeting place. She had the windows rolled up and you could see that she was singing along to one of the songs on the radio. She had not even noticed that students were slowly beginning to fill the carpark. I tapped on the window lightly as I walked around to my side of the car. Mum jumped slightly in shock. "I didn't even see you approaching!" Mum laughed at herself. "I know, you were having a solo karaoke party in here!" I giggled, turning the volume dial down a little bit so that I could actually hear Mum speak. "Guilty!" Mum chuckled, shrugging her shoulders. "Do you know how long Mason is going to be?" Mum asked, peering through the car window to spot his large frame. "He shouldn't be far behind me." I muttered flatly. "Perfect! Are you still happy to help me with the dessert tonight?" Mum asked me, turning to face me directly. "Sure. Chocolate brownies?" I suggested. "Amazing! With the gooey insides?" Mum asked, excitedly bouncing up and down on the seat. "Sure. I couldn't possibly make brownies without the gooey insides." I laughed, rolling my eyes at her. That was one thing I was going to miss while I was away. My Mum. She was always so cheerful. She knew just what to say to turn my day around. My heart broke a little thinking about not seeing her every day. Mason opened the back car door and slumped in. "Hey Honey! How was your day?" Mum asked him. He grunted his reply. "I wish you would just let me drive to and from school each day. You don't need to drive me." Mason mumbled, looking out of the window. "I like driving you and hearing all about your day! This is my last school pick up... Ever!" Mum grinned at us. "Yep. Thanks." Mason sighed, putting his airpods in his ears to block us out. Mum shook her head but didn't let him spoil her mood. She was playing host tonight. One of her favourite past-times.
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