Chapter 2 - Small World

1006 Words
Eleanor twisted in agony as her stomach hurt. She was writhing in pain on a bed when a man came into the room. It was the same man she had collided with outside the restaurant. His blue eyes were staring at her with interest. All Eleanor could think was how did he find her? What was he doing here? She forgot her pain right away. “Here let me…” The man took her hand from her stomach away and caressed it. Slowly he began to come closer to her face and before she could realize he had placed his lips on hers. They were warm and soft as they explored her mouth. All she could think was how badly she wanted to kiss him back and she did. Eleanor hooked her arms around his neck and pulled him closer. She didn’t even know his name but she craved his touch immensely. She could feel the burn in her core for his touch. But the man pulled himself away and kissed her cheek. “You’re all I need,” he said. “Who are you?” “You’ll know,” he said and smirked. Eleanor gasped as she woke up with a start. With wide eyes, she looked around and wiped the sweat off her face. Inwardly, she felt thankful that it was just a dream. She couldn’t imagine the embarrassment she would have had if she had kissed that man in real and he kissed her back? She was so full of herself. After what happened yesterday that man would not even think of touching her except for slapping or punching her. She turned her head to find Rebecca staring at her with curiosity. “What happened to you? You look flushed.” Eleanor quickly composed herself. “Nothing, just a bad dream.” “Or a wet dream?” Rebecca wiggled her eyebrows, grinning widely. When Eleanor didn’t deny and rolled her eyes with a smirk, Rebecca guffawed in laughter. "You need to get laid." “At least tell me who it was,” Rebecca chewed the wire of her headphone, which was a weird habit of hers. Eleanor quickly checked the time and smiled. “You wouldn’t believe it,” and she laughed herself. “Tell me, please.” Rebecca insisted but Eleanor was already in the shower, getting ready for her interview. Eleanor was ready for her interview in a black blouse and gray trousers with black pumps. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail and she had nude makeup on. God, I wish I get this job. It will be a huge contribution to my career, if not my income. Grabbing her bag, she took a bite out of her sandwich and she couldn’t eat anymore. She was used to having butterflies in her stomach before any important event and this was one of the times. “Becca, I am leaving. Bye,” Eleanor said and opened the door of their apartment. “Good luck, babe,” Rebecca said as she flipped the pancakes over. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eleanor got out of the cab and proceeded to walk towards the building with her folder in her hand. “Hi, I am Eleanor Harrington. I have an interview for the position of Finance Officer---“ The receptionist’s eyes light up. “Oh yes, please proceed to the 25th floor. Mr. Hansen’s assistant will guide you there.” “Thank you.” Eleanor quickly got into the elevator and proceeded to the 25th floor. As she reached the floor, she searched for Mr. Hansen’s assistant, who was sitting behind a lavish desk and was speaking on the phone. Slowly, Eleanor walked towards her and smiled when she looked up at her. When she had hung up, Eleanor asked, “I have an interview today for the position of Finance Officer.” “Your name please.” “Eleanor Harrington.” For a moment, Eleanor felt someone's gaze on her back and turned her head to look but there was no one. “Ms. Harrington, please have a seat. I will call you in a bit for the interview.” The assistant said and Eleanor nodded before walking towards the couch. She looked around the office and found it was beautifully designed with a modern and minimal touch to it. She loved it. If she had an office of her own, she would have designed it the same way. To her surprise, she was the only candidate waiting and no one else was around aside from the assistant who kept eyeing her now and then, making her uncomfortable. “Ms. Eleanor, can you fill this form here?” The assistant called out at which she quickly got up and grabbed the form. There were several questions there including her family’s history. The form asked for her grandfather’s name as well, what he did and etc. How the hell would I know… Eleanor thought and left it blank. Her mother and father barely met their parents and because of that Eleanor was unaware of her family history. Shrugging to herself, she filled the form and gave it back to the assistant. “Mr. Rickard Hansen would like to see you now.” At the name, Eleanor shivered and told herself to not be nervous. Picking up her folder she got up and hastily walked inside the heavy wooden door of Mr. Hansen’s office. With one hand on the doorknob, pulling it open she was too quick to look up and found Mr. Hansen standing behind the desk waiting for her. Wait… Her hand paused on the door and her smile fell, as she realized who she was staring at. It was the same man from her dreams, the one who had gorgeous blue eyes and the one who kissed her like there was no tomorrow. No, it can’t be him. “Small world, is it?” Rickard Hansen said to her with an evil glint in his eyes and Eleanor could only shake her head lightly.
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