4. the shift

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Gosh I didn't realise how hungry I was until I tasted my dad's famous mac and cheese. He makes the best mac and cheese and I couldn't help but to let out a silent moan. The food was just delicious. "Wow this is amazing thanks dad." I said with my mouth full. He just chuckled. " Crystal..?" my head snapped towards the source of the voice and saw mum. It looks like I wasn't the only one who was crying today. Her perfect green eyes looked puffy and lost. Her face had lost it's glow too. She looked so pale I kinder felt bad and guilty for my actions. "Mum.." I ran to her and hugged her. "Crystal sweetie I am so sorry please forgive me.." my mum cried. "Mum hey.." I broke the hug and cupped her face in my hands. "It's okay please don't cry. You have nothing to apologise for. In fact you did the right thing and I am so glad you told me. At least I didn't hear it from an outsider.." "My baby.." She hugged me again. This time her crying had reduced a bit. " I hope you will still love us the same way you did." "Come on mum. You all will always have a place in my heart. You are still my family blood or not. You took me in and gave me the best life ever.." I smiled at her which she gladly returned. I love my perfect little family with all my heart if it weren't for them, I don't know were I would be. "Mum! dad!." Liam yelled from outside he rushed in but froze when he saw me. "Crystal.." He came up to me and gave me a tight bear hug. " Dude. You are choking me.." I said and he was quick to let go. "Sorry sorry I'm just glad you are up. I couldn't bare to see my Cree bear upset. You good? Please forgive us.." " Relax Lee we're good. Blood or not you still my family and I love you.." " Leigh family hug.." mum and dad rushed in and we had a group hug. Sigh I'm so glad they took me in. They make me feel complete and happy. After we broke the hug all of us sat down laughing and chatting just like old times. It was now 11 p.m, I wasn't feeling sleepy infact I was wide awake eagerly waiting for my birthday. I wasn't really looking forward to the shift because I have heard that the pain is unbareable, I don't know if I will make it out alive. " You will.." I heard a melodious voice speak to me. I looked around me but both my parents and Liam were busy watching the movie. " Who is it.." I asked mentally maybe it could be my wolf. "I am not your wolf.." she chuckled. I raised an eye brow, if she wasn't my wolf could it be my subconscious or I was probably going crazing. Yeah I'm never sleeping for long hours again it makes people go crazy and start hearing voices. " I am not your subconscious and you are not going crazy. But I will tell you all about myself after you have shifted right now---" "Cree bear, it's time" Liam said interrupting the person who was talking to me. I glanced at the time and it was 11:50 p.m. Ten minutes before my birthday and my first shift.. I'm super nervous right now. " Don't be, Iwill be with you the whole time my precious.." the voice said again. "Let's go outside." Dad said and all four of us went out. '" aaahh " I let out a painful cry. My whole body felt like it was on fire and my bones were twisting and bending in weird ways. I closed my eyes and after ten minutes the pain stop. I was laying on the grass. I wanted to feel my face. Oh my I have paws. " Crystal" I looked around and saw three wolves circling me. One was bigger than the others and had black fur with tiny silver spots on the paws and ears. I instantly recognised it. Dad. The other one was all white with a silver moon on it's forehead. Mum. and the last one had black fur with some brown spots and a silver half moon on it's side. Liam. Dad urged me to get up well Liam supported me and then Mum came forward and gave me a wolf hug. "Let's go for a run.." Liam said in my head and we took off. We reached a stream and I went to drink some water. I Looked at my reflection in the water and saw that I had silver fur which kinder looked white, just like mum's. Wait how come? We aren't even blood related. Oh right there are a bunch of Wolves with the same fur coat. At least I resemble her a bit. On my right shoulder there was a tattoo of a brown howling wolf and a name? Wait why is there a tattoo of a howling wolf on me?? " It's of someone special my love you will know soon.." the voice said again. "It's getting late kids time to head home.."Dad said and we were on our way home . We reached near the pack house. Wait how can I change back?? I stopped walking and my family turned around to look at me. They had shifted back but I was still in wolf form. "Sweetie won't you change back.." "I can't I don't know how to" I mindlinked her. "Oh that's easy just imagine yourself in human form" I did and within seconds I was standing on two feet. O.M.G I am completely naked aaaaah!!! " here wear this.." my mum handed me a shirt just like the one she was wearing. I took it and it reached mid thigh. We went back into the house. I took a shower and changed into my pj's drifting off to sleep. "Hello child.." I saw a woman coming towards me with a bright smile on her face. Her brown wavey hair was flowing perfectly chasing after the wind. She was wearing a long white dress that looked perfect on her like it was made just for her. " Who are you?" I asked. She looked very familiar like I had seen her somewhere but I couldn't remember were exactly. She almost looked like--- " I am Arianna your mother.." she said and I gasped! " M..m..my mum..?" I looked at her carefully and yeah it made sense her brown eyes were just like mine and so was her hair. A man came and stood next to her with a charming smile on his face he looked pretty handsome. " So we have finally met her.." The man said and judging by the way they were looking at each other, I'm guessing he is my dad. " Mom? dad?" I said wide eyed. I didn't know dead people would come vist the living it was unheard of. "Yeah the living can't see the dead but you are special hence an exception..." I ran closer to them and they engulfed me in a hug as I sobbed. I couldn't believe I was seeing my parents my real parents. " Why didn't you show up sooner?" I asked sobbing. We have always been with you protecting you love.." dad said. "And we have only revealed ourselves to you because you now know about us.." Mom said wiping away my tears. "We are sorry we left you my precious but it was beyond our control and we are just glad that you are been protected and cared for. Now its our time to cross the bridge..." "Wait what??" I said looking at her. " Yes love we won't be there to protect you anymore our time is up.." Dad responded giving me a sad look. " But you just can't leave me again I just met you! Can't I go with you?" I began crying again. They just showed up and are already leaving? How could they? " You have to stay here. Your place is among the living. But we promise we will always come visit you every year on your birthday though you won't be able to see us.." my mom smiled warmly at me wiping my tears again. " Good bye love.." Dad kissed my forehead and they both pulled me into a hug. I hugged them back tightly but before long, They disappeared. I sat down and began crying. My parents were here and now they have left me forever I sobbed. The world around me started changing and soon I found myself being awakened. " Crystal sweetie.." mom's voice. I woke up and surely mom dad and Liam were in my room. " We heard you crying what happened are you still mad at us?" Mom asked. I shook my head and hugged her tightly. " Mom.." I said crying, " my real parents, they were here! They came and now they have gone .." I cried loudly. "It's okay sweety it's okay.." she said. The hug didn't feel like the way I felt when my real parents were hugging me just now. This hug made me few safe and loved. Not that I didn't feel safe and loved even when my parents were hugging me. With them, I felt wholeness, peace and love! Something I have never felt before. Dad came and joined in the hug. They didn't say anything just held me as I cried and soon, I found myself falling asleep again enjoying the warmth of both my foster parents.
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