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Before you send me on another adventure, I want to ask you some questions. Yes ,you can ask , he said . You are not a child ,right ? Taker smiled , and said" of course I'm not a child, what else ? He said ," I don't understand why white people hate black people so much? He laughed. He asked me that question because I looked white. He said , OK let me tell you that the creator of univers never made such a thing as white and black , look it that way ,a shirt will never be a skirt just because it had plenty of different color , there is not a difference between a black shirt and a white shirt ,both still a shirt, in the vision of human being one shirt want to take advantage of the others , and said he is superior to others .but such thing not exist for the creator. he looks at her , that's all you want to know ,he said ,and Sarah said what are you if you are not a child? That question isn't important. When the time comes, you will know who I am. I think for this experience you need something to protect yourself. On the table, a knife and a gun appeared. Make your choice, he said.Sarah chose the knife ,then they appeared behind a house in the woods . Taker looks into her eyes. I believe in you Sarah,choose your card wisely in this experience and he disappears in front of her eyes . Sarah heard someone coming behind her. She turned and it was an old man of a certain age. What are you doing here alone, my dear ? Oh,you look lost and you are so dirty. Where are you coming from ? ,said the old man. I'm lost, said Sarah ,I'm looking for a way to go back home. Come with me, said the old man. They went inside the house , he showed her a bedroom with a shower inside , she took a shower and changed her clothes. Do you have a daughter? She asked him. Yes, he said, but she doesn't like me , why? said Sarah , because of my past. I did something bad when I was young , and I regret it because of myself. Many families suffer, he said to Sarah. They were eating , then he said ,you can stay here until your family start to search for you. Days passed by. During the day , the old man cleans his garden , feeds his cows and chickens, and his dog. He paints sometimes and also reads . Every night from her bedroom Sarah could hear him crying, and screaming that he was sorry. And every morning he looked happy, made breakfast, and passed the day working. One night the old man felt so sad , and took a bottle of whiskey and drank it.Sarah came to sit in front of him and said, Arnold, why are you drinking so much today? Why are you so sad ? she asked . Because I regret it. I feel ashamed about what I did to those girls. Which girls ? said Sarah ,those girls I killed because I wanted to be rich. The man in the black told me that I would be riche after killing two girls , but for the ritual , I was supposed to kill an albino child to be more riche. I'm rich but unhappy. She cried , and cried.Sarah got mad when she heard that. Her anger became so strong that she couldn't talk , she looked at Arnold, and stood in front of him. You killed my friend, she said ," and I can't forgive you ,that albino girl was my friend. She took the knife that she kept on her back . Arnold saw the knife, cried,and said ," If you kill me it will be right, I deserve it , he said. Sarah put her knife on his neck, and cut his throat.Arnold suffocated and died in front of Sarah. She said nothing and looked at his body on the floor. There was blood everywhere. Taker appeared next to her ,hum! that's right, one bad person out of the game of life ,he said. He looked at Sarah and her eyes turned red and he smiled. They appear in their seats. What did you learn from this experience? Sarah said vengeance. PART 2 Tell me, my friend, how vengeance tastes? It feels right to killed him, he deserved it , vengeance taste sweet .she said to Taker, that's true vengeance taste sweet, come with me my friend , he took her hand ,then they appear on a street , Sarah asked him why are we here? and he answered to help a child who needs our help , they walked for hours and stop in front of a red gate , he rings the bell and a man comes open ,what are you doing here guys? , he asked them, Please we so hungry can you give us something to eat ? ,he said to the man , the man take some minutes to think , Taker looks at him , and he said ok you come in , but my boss can't see you otherwise I will lost my job, don't worry nothing will happen to you , said Taker to the man ,and he took them to the kitchen ,he talk for some minutes to the cook , they come back and the cook asked them to sit on the table , he cook something for them and they eat , when they was eating a lady comes to the kitchen , she saw them and asked the cook who was those children? , the cook said to her, they was orphan and they lived next to Roger house , he just repeat what Roger told me him , oh! that sweet from him to give food to them , and a little boy comes in the kitchen, mum he said , and lady said oh! my love i can't stay with you , I'm so busy , and she scream Lara,Lara , a woman came in the kitchen also , and took the child away , the lady left also, some minutes after Roger comes to the kitchen and said Mrs georgia said you can stay for the week , i explain her that you are orphan and you are living alone , she sympathize for your situation. Lara came and took them to the room where she was with the little boy , and she said" Noe , and what's your name guys ? I'm Taker and this is my sister Sarah. Sarah looks at him. She was surprised to hear that , and he smiled at her. The woman looked at them and said, You really look like your sister , OK , I'm a little busy ,you can play with Noe , and she left. Sarah came and sat next to Noe ,how old are you ? and he answered. Five years old ,would you play with me? He asked them , why not, said Taker, what do you want to play ? Don't be afraid, said Taker, I really want to have a bicycle. He said , OK, let's go to the park, said Taker.Taker snapped his fingers and a bicycle appeared , and Noe played with the bicycle. How did he know how to use it? She asked him ,because I gave him the ability to understand how to use a bicycle, said Taker . It's strange why everyone thinks that we are siblings? He laughs when they look at me , they see a black boy , it's only you who can see my real human form.For a week they stay in this big house. Every night, Georgia's husband always came home in the middle of the night. Georgia never spent time with her son. Fred always went to work early and also didn't spend a minute with his son .One night, Taker woke up Sarah. Come, I want to show you something . In the corridor there was a sofa and a little table hidden under the table and they waited. Sarah said ,what are we waiting for?" , shut, be patient he said to her , look he said again, and they saw Fred coming out of Lara's bedroom. Then they kissed and he left . Sarah looked at Taker and said Mr Fred cheats on his wife with Lara. Yes, he said, but you have to keep the secret . The next day, Fred went to work early. After her breakfast , she kissed her son and went out. As always, Noe stayed at home with Lara. Come with me, Taker said to Lara , then they appeared in. The bedroom of a hotel. What are we doing ? He opened the door of the toilet a bit where they were hiding , and they saw a lady, Georgia, kissing a man. Who is this man ? Sarah asked. He was the business partner of her husband.So she cheated on him too. You can see it, he said. They went back home. Now what ? she said. Look. He said it was Mr Fred and his wife fighting.Mr Fred said to his wife ," I know that you are cheating on me" ,and he showed her the pictures. I want to divorce, he said , and she laughed," I won't divorce. I will never let you take my family money. She said and left. Mr Fred sat on his chair. He was in his office , he picked up the phone and he called a man , you know what you have to do , he said and hung up. They were at the table eating when the phone rang. For the first time Mr Fred was at home the night before ,Lara came with the phone and gave it to him. He stood on the chair and left , Sarah looked at Taker and then they appeared in a hospital room. They saw Mr Fred come in , he looked at his wife on the bed , she opened her eyes , and he put his right hand on her mouth , and said" it's time for me to be free from you. He took her pillow and put it on her face until she stopped breathing. He put the pillow back under her head and left , then they went back home. One hour later, the hospital called him to announce the death of his wife, and he cried . At night. . Taker and Sarah. appeared in Lara's bedroom in front of Fred and her ,well,well said Taker , what are you doing here ? said Fred , you realize your plan to be riche and distroïd georgia's life , you know she loves someone else from the beginning but you killed her father and forced her to married you ,make her believe that her father company lost a lot of money ,and to save it she had to married you ,but she finally discover everything and you know that's why you killed her , now you and your first wife you want to killed Noe to have all the money only for you said Taker , before he open his mouth Taker cut his legs with his sword, he fell on the ground and Taker put his hand on his chest and take his heart out and eat it ,when Lara want to scream Sarah trow her knife on her head and she fell out , sarah went next to her body and take her knife from her head , Now what she said to him , he snaps on his fingers and they were back to their chair , Sarah asked him what will happen to Noe? his grand mother to his mother side will come to take care of him , don't worry he will never remember that he met us , why did you eat Fred's heart? because it smelled and tasted vengeance and he laughed
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