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Love? I was not expecting that. I thought he saw me as a friend. Or a sister. "Kane... I..." "Miss Burns, I'm Dr. Jenkowski. I would like to go over your plan for therapy." I sighed. Kane squeezed my hand. "We'll do whatever we need to do." Kane said to Dr. Jenkowski. Tears well in my eyes. For the first time in my entire life, I actually feel loved. It's an incredibly overwhelming feeling. I had to run from an abusive father, an abusive foster brother, and an abusive boyfriend. It's all I've known. Now... now I have someone in my life who actually, genuinely cares about me. Dr. Jenkowski took his time to go over my health plan. Kane stayed by my side the whole time and reassured me everything would be ok. Once I was released from the hospital, Kane took me home and refused to let me lift a finger. So I unwillingly complied and gave Kane a daily list of chores to take care of around the inn. The list kept us both occupied. But after a few days I ran out of lists and the place was quiet. "Maggie, I need to talk to you about what happened." Kane sat beside me on the couch and took my hand in his. "Is there anything you haven't said about what happened the day you were taken? Is there anything you need to tell me?" The events of that day have been running through my mind over and over since I spoke with the police in the hospital. I did my best to give a detail account the first time. "I don't think I left anything out. The only thing that bothers me is, how did they possibly find me? I was so careful to cover my tracks. No cell, no credit cards or ATM's..." I shake my head. "I don't understand." "Remember when we set up the website for the bed and breakfast?" I nod my head. "I put your full name on the website as the owner and manager. It's my fault they found you Maggie. I'm so sorry. I can't believe I was so stupid. I had no idea anyone would still be looking for you just to hurt you. Please forgive me Maggie?" I remember setting up the website with Kane. I was more concerned about the look of the site and making sure the pictures were just right. I didn't even think about my name being on there. "Kane, it's not your fault. I should have said something, honestly, it didn't occur to me either. There's nothing to forgive." "Maggie, I would never have forgiven myself if something happened to you. I have been looking into personal body guards for you." "A personal body guard? Kane, honey, I don't think that's necessary. I appreciate the suggestion." I pat his arm and smile. "Maybe security cameras? Just outside and in the common areas of the house." He nods his head. "Already purchased. They come in two days to install everything." He wasted no time in making security upgrades. Although, I have no idea when he had the time to do that. He's been so giving. I need to do something for Kane. I wish I was a little more mobile. Maybe I can recruit his cousin, Kerry, to help me. "Thank you Kane. I really appreciate everything you've done for me." Kane put his arm around me and squeezed my shoulder. I shifted closer to him and snuggled into his side. He kissed my temple and sighed. "Kane... why didn't you say anything sooner? About how you felt about me? I thought you saw me as just a friend." I lay my head on his shoulder while I wait for his response. I could feel his body tense next to me. "You know what? I can't remember why right now. When you first came here you were obviously in some kind of trouble. In the beginning I just wanted to protect you and keep you safe. The longer you stayed and the more we worked together, the more I started to fall for you. You are one of the reasons why I hired a manager at the bar, I wanted to spend more time with you." "Kane... I don't know what to say." I'm completely speechless right now. I guess I was so distracted that I didn't notice. "I'm sorry I didn't see it." "No, I'm sorry for not saying something sooner. I do love you Maggie and I understand if you're not ready yet. I..." "I do love you Kane." I interrupted him. Kane chuckled at my eagerness. "Sorry." I laughed. "I mean it Kane. If I'm being honest, I'm scared right now. The police haven't found them yet, what if he comes back?" "Sheriff McClaire has a patrol looking out for him, with the security cameras coming and me by your side, I dare him to make a move near you. I really do want to hire a bodyguard for you. I'd feel much safer." I take in everything Kane has set into motion for me. I will definitely need to do something special for him. "Ok Kane, we can look into the bodyguard thing. Only until he's in police custody." Kane reaches up to touch my cheek and smiles. "Pinky promise." I rest my forehead against his and sigh. I don't know what I've done to deserve this man, but I'm so glad I did. Kane's new bar manager is sick and he has to go into the bar tonight. It's the first time he has left my side since he found me two weeks ago. I'm getting around much better now and I have Kerry and my bodyguard, Zane, with me. It's Friday night, so he'll be busy at the bar tonight. The weekend guests have already been checked in and it should be a quiet evening here. Kerry joined me in the library after getting everything prepped for breakfast tomorrow. "I'm so glad you talked Kane into reopening this place. I remember coming here as a kid with my parents. So many wonderful memories here." "I'm so happy to hear that. A few of the guests have mentioned that they stayed here before and were so excited about coming back. I think Kane just needed a little push." Kerry laughed. "He's a bit stubborn. It's a family trait." We both laughed. I've seen a few stubborn moments from Kane over the past six months that I've been here. It's hard to believe I've been here for so long. I guess time has flown by me. Kerry and I settle on the couch together reading our books while Zane walks around doing a perimeter check. I am at a good part of my book and realize Kerry has dozed off and that's when I realize Zane didn't come back into the room. He's been gone for hours. I nudge Kerry and she startles awake. "Zane has been gone for hours." Kerry's eyes widened and she pulled up the security footage. He's here... Gene came back. I call 911. "911. What's your emergency?" A female voice answers. "I need to report a break in. His name is Gene MacAdams. I'm at the Pine Lake Bed and Breakfast. Need police asap." "Aww Mags, you hurt my feelings. I didn't come to steal anything. Don't you remember? You belong to me. Your place is at my side. Come back to Ohio with me. There's nothing here in Missouri for you. Let's go home kitten." I cringe at the nickname. His voice makes my skin crawl. "No, Gene. I am not property, I don't belong to you or anyone. I'm not going anywhere with you. Ever." Please get here police. Please, please, please. He slowly walks around the room, taking it all in. "You want a library like this? I can make that happen. I know you like your books. We have had some good times together, haven't we? Come on kitten, come home with me." He walks closer to me and I start to panick, how am I going to get away from him? My ankle is still in a cast! I grab the vase from the coffee table and throw it at him. He dunks and the vase breaks on the wall behind him. He turns and glares at me. s**t! "That wasn't very nice, kitten. You can't run from me anymore." Kerry jumps on his back and the two struggle. Gene throw her against the wall and she falls to the ground groaning. "Kerry!!" Gene turns to me, hair wild, eyes narrowed. I reach for the wheelchair but he's on me before I can get away. I scream and he rips open the front of my button up shirt. "Don't fight me Mags, I know you still want me." I push against his face and try kicking him with my good leg. I scream again. "Get off!" Just then he goes flying over the couch. Zane! He quickly got him on the floor and cuffed him. He stands up and I see he's bleeding above his eye. "Are you ok Maggie?" I nod my head and the police come rushing in to the library. The three of us give our statements and I let them know I want to press charges. Kerry has a concussion but she's fine. Zane needs a couple stitches and he's good to go. The police and EMT are finishing up as Kane comes walking in. "Maggie!" He comes running into the library and sees me on the couch with Kerry. He runs over worry etched on his face. "Are you ok? What happened?" I fill him in on the nights events and he hugs me tight, pulling me onto his lap. "When I saw the cop cars out front I panicked. I'm so glad Zane was here." I nuzzle into his neck and take comfort in his arms. "I love you Maggie." "I love you Kane." Kane pulls back and kisses me. "Stay here with me. Always?" "Always Kane." I lean in and kiss him. This is where I belong.

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