Four: The blame

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Better? Greyson wondered. What did she mean better he looked her up and down assessing her staring at the back of her head as if trying to drill through to her thoughts. Glancing down her body a second, third and fourth time he didn’t know what to feel. Looking at her legs you would think they would snap underneath her. That’s what gave it away, her legs. You wouldn’t know any different if you saw Mia dressed in her school clothes it was only because she was wearing a school skirt that he could tell. ‘So that was the maths block, the science department is over there, the English and humanities have switched…’ he would not have been able to hear her if it wasn’t for his enhanced hearing. Mia was so quiet when talking she didn’t look him in the eyes while she spoke he wanted to laugh at how scared of him she was. She should be, she was smart to be afraid. ‘Did they finish the new sports hall and the pool?’ He walked in front of her stopping so she nearly bumped into him but he caught her before she did. He was surprised she didn’t faint or snap in half. She was so fragile, so delicate and easy to brake. He waited for a response from her but there was silence from her. His anger snapped and he glowered at her. She was so pale, her plump lips had some pinkish gloss on them as if trying to hide the fact that they were cracked and had a blueish hue to them. Her cheek bones slightly sunken. She was hiding… her baggy school jumper and oversized blazer was being used to hide her slender frame. Afraid of him she stumbled on her words leading them to the new sports hall to show him around. ‘The pool is normally locked.’ Today however it wasn’t so she lead him inside to point out the changing rooms and through to the pool. Inside it was light open and airy a row of benches at each end of the lit up pool and bleachers on the sides. Flowing behind her she watched her almost struggle to walk from one end of the room to the other. Fuck. ‘How could we have missed this?’ Greyson spoke to his wolf. ‘Because we were too busy thinking of different ways to f**k her’. His wolf whimpered In his head. Scared to lose something so precious. ‘What do we do how do we help her?’. ‘I don’t f*****g know!’. ‘Maybe I should tell dad’. ‘What the shits he going to be able to do!’ Anger griped every inch of him did no one do anything to help her? Did they not realise something was wrong with her? Did her family know, her friends? To many questions were twisting inside his mind. He felt it happening again the anger taking over his claws dug into his hands splitting the skin of his palms open. ‘oh look who it is.’ A mocking voice broke Greyson from his trance. ‘Heya Mia, How-ya been?’ Did no one teach this kid proper English Greyson wondered as he watched the boy walk up to her. He recognised him, it was Harvey he was also in year ten with them. Greyson always hated that goby little s**t. ‘How was your summer?’ Mia didn’t respond to him she turned the other way towards the door however Harvey grabbed her by her upper arm and yanked her back to him. ‘I asked you a question b***h!’ he spat in her face. Greyson didn’t react at fist watching how the scene unfolded. Mia winced as he tightened his grip. ‘ouch’ she whimpered trying to wrench her arm away. ‘let go.’ She paled as his face twisted in disgust and anger. ‘Now why would I do that?’ Harvey laughed pulling her impossibly close. He watched as Mia pushed away from him but he kept her close both standing dangerously close to the edge of the swimming pool. Greyson couldn’t watch any longer. ‘Because she told you to.’ Harvey could have pissed his pants at the sight of Greyson but he still kept a hand on Mia, Greyson approached the two tilting his head almost daring Harvey not to let go. Greyson was having a s**t day and he was more than happy to take it all out on him if he did not get his hands off Mia. ‘You would be smart to let go now.’ He still held on tightly. It was not wise to kill him in front of a witness. Instead he settled for grabbing the wrist that held Mia’s arm and pressing his fingertips into either side until he let go. Then once he had let go he shoved him into the pool. Greyson looked down at Harvey in the pool ‘ops he slipped.’ Greyson said nonchalantly while Mia stood there gaping at Greyson. An enraged soaking wet Harvey looked ready to throttle the two of them. The double doors Harvey emerged form smacked open and running in came one of the P.E teacher frantically making there way over to Harvey who was already being pulled out of the pool by Greyson. ‘Next time a girl tells you to get off her. I suggest you listen.’ He shoved him back into the pool. ‘Greyson Wilson back not even one day and you are already theorising other students!’ ‘He slipped I was helping him out but then I lost my grip on him.’ Greyson so easily lied reaching back out for Harvey. ‘I think he might need a change of clothes.’ The teacher looked to the dripping wet and shaking Harvey. ‘Of course I’ll be right back.’ The teacher diapered after telling all three of them he would get each of their statements for what happened. ‘You’re going to tell Mr cleg you fell into the pool.’ Greyson said getting into his face. ‘You don’t scare me.’ Harvey sneered. He took a step back when Greyson moved closer. ‘I should do, you’ve heard the rumours about me right?’ Greyson smirked at him. Harvey swallowed. ‘You’d be wise to’ Greyson pushed him back into the swimming pool for a third time but this time held his head under when he resurfaced. Each time he came back up for air he pushed him back under. His anger had gotten the best of him, he wasn’t able to establish right from wrong. Greyson’s mind was on overdrive a panicked voice could be heard echoing in the room. ‘Greyson stop!’ Mia ran to him pulling him away. ‘Stop!’ He could hear her heart pounding, smell her fear. He held onto the hands that held him tightly griping to his own humanity. Looking at Mia’s fear filled Green eyes was enough to calm him down beathing in her heavenly scent cooled of his anger. Looking at the fear he put on another person’s face hurt him enough that his anger dispersed. ‘Oh good havens what happened!’ Mr Cleg came back with clean clothes and a towel for Harvey. ‘He slipped again. So clumsy.’ Greyson mocked not helping him out of the water this time. The teacher called bullshit and gave them all an afterschool detention and sent them all to Mr Preston’s office. Harvey was excused half way though as he was shaking and sneezing due to his wet clothes he had not yet changed. For f**k sake. ‘Greyson may I remind you, how fragile your position here at the school is.’ Mr Preston leaned forward in his chair looking directly at Greyson who was slumped back in his chair looking like he couldn’t care less. ‘And Mia I am appalled to hear that you were also involved in something like this. I asked Mr Allen to get you to show Greyson around in hopes of you making a friend but…’ he sighed looking disappointed while Mia flushed red and shrank back into her hair. ‘You know this will go on your Permanent record right? University’s will lo-’ ‘My record, will my parents find out?’ Greyson watched as Mia panicked. ‘She had nothing to do with it!’ Greyson shot forward. ‘May I remind you of your school brilliant reputation I would hate for something like this to get out.’ ‘What do you mean something like this you almost drowned another student!’ Greyson slammed his hand on the table standing up to lean over Mr Preston ‘Well lets see, student endangerment. The doors to the swimming pool were left open what if a student fell into the pool and hit their head they could have drowned, not to mention Harvey was physical assaulting Mia I was just defending her against a bully.’ He shrugged and sat back in the chair. ‘Harvey fell Preston’ He shrugged and sat back in the chair. ‘Harvey fell Preston, I took his hands of Mia and he fell it’s not my dam fault. So no it won’t go on her record.’ Sighing Mr Preston looked at Mia and then back at Greyson. He did not believe a word the teen said but it would be less paper work and a less stressful phone call to parents. ‘Some form of punishment has to be given. This can’t go unpunished Harvey parents are not happy they are demanding I call the police.’ ‘ The police?’ Mia paled more and more. ‘Harvey says you tried to drown him.’ ‘He fell.’ ‘I’m going to have to call them, this is very serious. I don’t think you understand just how bad this is Greyson.’ ‘That won’t be necessary. May I talk to you in privet, I’m sure we could come to some sort of arrangement.’ Greyson’s hand covered the office phone and he dared Mr Preston to challenge him. Cracking he sent Mia out to the waiting area while he and Greyson privately resolved the issue. ****** Mia’s Pov ****** He tried to kill him! He actually tried to kill him. They had been in there for far too long I had no idea what to do or make of this situation. I think I had paced back and forth in the hall way at least seventy times while they have been in there. I don’t know what made me feel more dizzy the pacing or the fact I witnessed Greyson attempting to kill another student! What were they talking about in there? I glanced down the empty hallway there was no one around or sat at the desk at the end of the hallway so I pressed my ear against the cold door, but much to my disappointment I could hear nothing. I pushed my ear closer but the door opened and I fell forwards into someone. Oh god, I was so dead. He looked murderous I did not want to be on the receiving end of that temper I’m surprised Mr Preston was able to stand being in a room with him for that long. His dark eyes wide and filled with an anger I had never seen someone so mad before stumbling I moved away but my eyes would not leave his. I willed myself to look away but his hands squeezed my waist he was holding onto me keeping me close and it terrified me. ‘Both of you get to class now.’ Mr Preston said sharply. ‘but sir what about my rec-’ I could not afford for my parents to find out they would kill me. ‘Mia there is no need to worry, it was nothing but a misunderstanding on my and Harvey's end.’ He waved me off and turned to his office and shut the door. What just happened? ‘Don’t worry. It has been taken care of.’ Greyson said leading me away from the doors. ‘But’ ‘You’re welcome.’ That was all he said before he walked towards the school reception desk and out the front door. I watched with curiosity as his shoulders rose and fell with the anger that rolled of him. Your could almost sense it in the air. Where was he going? ‘Urhhh you’re not allowed to leave the school premises during lesson time.’ Greyson looked over his shoulders and laughed at me then walked out the school. I could still hear him chuckling down the school drive way. I did not see Greyson for the rest of the morning I heard whispers that he skipped the rest of the morning brake time I walked around the school avoiding various people. My mind wondered to Greyson and what he did to Harvey earlier, I had never seen someone so mad before so ready and willing to hurt another person like that. He jumped to my defence twice. Once with Harvey and then again when Mr Preston was going to punish me. He didn’t even show any hesitation the second he knew Harvey was hurting me he jumped in to defend me. It made me smile no one had done that for me last year when I was bullied, belittled and picked on, most people just stood by and watched but he didn’t. It warmed my heart and filled my stomach with fuzz thinking that not everyone at this school was bad some were good. I had heard so many whispers about what a monster he was about what he did last year to that poor boy how he hospitalised him. If Greyson was anything like his reputation then why would he stand up for me why would he take care of my punishment. What did that even mean? My stomach cramped with hunger pains and I looked across the courtyard to where the schools café was. I was Hungary so, so Hungary but I could not will my self to sit in a café with all that food and people watching me. Taunting me. I could almost feel there eyes on me now as I made my way down the steps. Maybe it was time for me to get over my fear of eating in front of people. You can do this. I told myself over and over in my head. The constant battle in my head was going to drive me insane. I remember being told I was in recovery but it never felt like it I could still hear that voice in the back of my head telling me I was fat. I could still look at a plate of food and assess how many calories where on it and how long it would take me to work it off with different exercises. I was going to turn round I should turn around, this was a bad idea. The café was full of students some with trays of food other with packed lunch and some had had their drivers deliver them food. My heart was pounding my palms were sweaty and I felt dizzy… and it wasn’t from the lack of food. ‘Aren’t you going to go in, or are you just going to stand there.’ Jesus, he made me jump. He raised his eyebrows at me when gestured for me to walk in but I just couldn’t do it. ‘Mia… are you going in or…’ ‘No sorry.’ He scoffed. ‘why are you sorry?’ I stepped aside so he could get passed but he stood in the same place not moving. ‘Thank you, for what you did’ I chewed on my lip and looked at the floor. I saw his fist clench by his side. Oh gosh did I make him angary. ‘What did you do exactly’ ‘Don’t worry about it.’ ‘But I am worried about it I don’t want in get in trouble’ I could have sworn I heard him mutter goody two shoes with amusement. . ‘So what did you do?’ I had never been more scared to talk to someone in my life. ‘Just say thank you and be done with it Mia’ he snapped. ‘Sorry, its just-’ ‘First of all stop apologizing, secondly I took the blame so you don’t have to worry about it.’ My eyes widened. ‘Why would you do that?’ He only smile and walked off the opposite way from the café. Greyson drew attention where ever he went the students cleared the halls or pressed themselves against the walls to stay out of his way. Turning his head he faced me. ‘Are you coming or not?’ he was talking to me telling me to follow him. Oh god was he going to kill me.
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