Chapter 6

1002 Words
Aspen Ford:-  I woke up with a crazy headache and groaned in pain. The events from last night began to float in my mind and I remember getting drunk and dancing with twins who were grinding their bodies with mine seductively and I  was wet wouldn't be the right statement because I was freaking soaking wet at that moment. After that, I remembered getting dizzy, and after that everything is blurry in my mind. I don't know why I felt like there had been activity on my breast last night. I really don't know why I feel like Edwin and Emerson took off my dress and suckle on my n*****s. I shrugged the thought from my mind because what I am thinking is really inappropriate. I slide out of my bed and went to the bathroom to shower and take out the Advil from my bathroom cabinet and gulped it with the glass of water in my room. There was a knock on my door and heard my dad's calling me. " Princess, open the f*****g door! Right. now." dad yelled from outside and I gulped knowing very well that he has come to know about my date last night which got ruined like always but still. " Dad, I am changing," I yelled. " Put on anything because we need to talk." dad yelled back and I groaned. " Seb, let her change properly. Can't you wait for a few more minutes?" mom said to dad. " Stay out of it, bunny. I can't believe you took me to dinner last night on purpose because you allowed Aspen to go on a date." dad snapped at mom. I get dressed in the first thing I find and didn't bother to put on the bra as there was no much time or else dad will burn the whole house with his anger. I opened the door and threw my arms around him. " Good morning, dad. How are you doing this morning?" I ask trying to divert his mind and soften him up " Princess, I know what you are doing and I am not softening." dad said and I gulped pulling back from the hug and looked into his eyes. " I am sorry, dad. But trust me the date got ruined like always." I tell him. " Twins!" mom yelled and went running downstairs " I will kill both of you today Can't my daughter go on a single date without her dad and brother tramping it down." " Well, in that case. You are saved." dad said with a smile on his face and leaned down to kiss my cheek " my daughter is still my  princess and I don't want to share her with any boy until she turns thirty." " That's not fair, dad." I said with a pout " I will always be your princess but please let me a date. I am f*****g twenty-three."' " Language, Aspen." dad said sternly and I rolled my eyes " Come downstairs for breakfast. We are waiting for you," he said and walked downstairs after kissing my cheek. I was just about to enter my room when Edwin grabbed me by my arm and kissed my cheek. " Save us from she-devil, red," he whispered in my ear. " What? Why and where is Emerson? And who is she-devil?" I ask. " You really wanna see him?" he asked with an amused expression and I nodded my head " then let's go." he dragged me downstairs into the living room where I saw Emerson doing situps in only his boxers with his hairs all messed up and his eyes sleepy while mom was standing beside him with her arms fold. She was glaring at Emerson in anger and I burst out laughing looking at the scene in front of me " See, the she-devil and Emerson?" Edwin asked and when mom heard him she turned her face to look at Edwin who gulped and looked at me with a begging expression " Save me." " No, you also join Emery." I said, " mom he is all yours to punish." I tell mom who smiled at me and I giggle looking at Emerson who groaned and rolled his eyes. " Good morning, Emery? Having fun?" I ask. " My morning is far from good," he mumbled which earned him a slap on the back of his head by mom. When Edwin began to run again mom said. " Edwin Ford, I want you right here or I will make sure to ask your father to provide you with a ton of office work at the company." mom threatened. " I am coming. I am coming, she-devil," he said. " What did you call me? mom asked with a raised brow. " I called you my gorgeous mom," he said and joined his brother for sit-ups. " Princess, you go and have breakfast with your dad. I will join you very soon while the twins are gonna skip today's breakfast. It's their punishment." " Great! Cool." I said to twins whose eyes were fixed on my chest with a wicked grin on their faces which mom didn't notice as she was looking at me. They both winked at me and continued to do their situps while I blushed and went to the dining room for breakfast thinking why are they acting so touchy these days with me. Did they really just stared at my chest with lustful gaze?  After having breakfast I went back to my room and shut the door behind when I saw twins lying on my bed only in their boxers with an evil smirk on their faces. " Now we are going to punish you, precious. You were quite enjoying the show downstairs." Emerson said sliding out of the bed and approached me. One moment I was standing on my feet and another moment I was lying on my back on the bed with the twins looking at me with a twinkle in their eyes. " What are you doing?" I ask breathlessly. " You will find soon enough," they replied in unison and I gulped.
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