Day - 4

1111 Words
After eating. I was scrolling **. My bestfriends send me their pictures. They enjoy every moment while i cant even spend time properly. While using phone i looked at it and its 6:55AM now. I was getting ready but suddenly my mom said - Mom : you dont have to go to College today. At 8pm you are going to hospital with me. Luisa i was so confused like why do i need to visit hospital? Luisa : but why hospital mom? Mom : did you forget we are to tast CBC. You are still sick. Luisa : oh yeah. I had forgotten about that long ago. Then i will just get ready. When you go, just call me. Mom : okay. I started getting ready. Time skips at 12 pm : *sighs* physics class. I attended the class. Waitttttt!!! Sofiya talked with me today. Sofiya : Luisa right? Luisa : *nods* Sofiya : do you have physics notes that polik sir wrote these? Luisa : yes, i have. Here*i handed her my note books* Sofiya : Thank you. With that saying sofiya starts to write everything. Me, on the other hand, In my mind : Aww, she looks so beautiful. I wonder if she has any boyfriend. If i was a boy, i would have dated her. Polik sir ordered sofiya not to write anything now. Sofiya stopped right away. Meanwhile, Alisha is keep talking with Asher. Doesn't she feels awkward talking with boys? She also have a boyfriend but still talking with other boys. Such a shameless!! Alisha : dude, you know at school everyone was praising me. Asher : for what? Sofiya : obviously, for being a Slutty. Alisha : for singing at our College. Teachers gave me gifts. But they wasn't that much worth it. Polik sir : *chukels* gift is a gift. even If they are not expensive but remember teachers is also one of your guardians. if those gifts are not worth it then make them worth. Give some respect to your Teachers, Alisha. Alisha : *in drmatic way* Nooh, sir. I didnt mean in that way. They just gave me pens. Sofiya : Teachers understood the assignments *laughs* they knows worth of w***e people. Nilasha : *laughing* Alisha : buddy *asher* friendship day is coming. Remember to give me chocolates. Asher : if i get any money, i will surely give all of my bestfriends chocolates in that day. After 35 mins : Polik sir : Class dismiss. Sofiya : luisa, if you dont mind, can you give me your note books? I promise, i'll give you back in the next class. Luisa : yeah, sure. *smiles* *hands over* Sofiya : thank you. Luisa : You are most welcome. Everyone starts to leave. Alisha was waiting for asher to have proper talk. Sofiya's mom was there so they went back home. My mom also came today, wow. While, Walking on the road, i asked how come she is here. Luisa : mom, how come you have came today? Mom : oh, nothing. Just felt like to receive you. By the way, Medical report is here. Luisa : oh. What disease did they caught this time? Mom : its Pneumonia. You have lung infection. Doctor said to bring you after 20 days. Luisa : hmm okay. At home : Luisa's Pov : I didnt even knew what pneumonia is! I mean yeah its lung infection but will i die with that? I wants to find out about this. After Researching, Google is crazy. I will never go there. like... Really? do i have --- Pneumonia?! Mom : LUISAAA!!!!! Luisa : yes, mom? Mom : go to rooftop. And bring back your shoes. Luisa : okay. After i reached there, i was heavily breathing. Its natural for me because these days I'm having trouble to breath. Time skips at 10pm - Books were infornt of me but my mind was somewhere else. In my mind : Is Asher's other name is Ronak? If it is, then i will say her choice is so bad. Why was Sofiya sayin those things to Alisha? Did something happened between them? But Sofiya looked like a gangster at that time. But why did they fought? Gosh!! I dont need to know. They all are brilliant students. My taste is also bad like how the f**k can i like his lips? Ew gross!! Oh mom is calling me to sleep. And what? I felt asleep. Doctor told me to have rest in my home as i have pneumonia so i didnt went to College today. I may not go to College for One Month. I'll just scroll **. I will watch reels to spend my time. Aish.. Today's reel is full of one sided love. But i have been adding them to my story. Its true one side love hurts the most. But I'm not even in love ?. But also i cant deny the fact that i have been staring at Asher. I just cant stop look at him. His behaviour making me stare at him. Ugh. I should forget all these. At 12pm: Teacher still didnt came. Alisha is here already pft. Alisha : before sir comes, lets go outside. Luisa : okay. *in mind* "no i dont want to-* We were outside of main gate just standing still. Alisha's friend kendal came and hugged her. They were talking about ronak. Kendal : yoh, how is my brother-in-law?*winks* Alisha : he has been ignoring me. I guess his mom found out about us again. *sighs* Kendal : Don't worry. He will again come back to you. Now i have to go. Alisha : fine. Oh sir you've came finally. We were waiting for you, Sir. Teacher : sorry. actually there was some traffic jam thats why I'm late. Again as usual, same shits going in the class, home too, sleep, eat, play. I was scrolling ** but suddenly Alisha messaged me saying her boyfriend saw her message but didnt replied. I comforted her saying, soon everything will be fine. After this, i charged my phone. Me & mom was trying to sleep as its already 12am. I have been thinking about Alisha. I guess she loves her boyfriend Ronak so much. But why is he ignoring her? Are their relationship gonna break soon? Is he going to break up with her? She will be sad. Uf Luisa, You dont need to thinks for others. With that, i was trying to sleep but when i closed my eye, i could see his face. Asher Asher Asher.... I guess i like his name? I like letter A *giggle*
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