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Hi guys. To know the story behind the characters first check out At Her Command if you haven't done so.  Enjoy!!! Pulling up to the building I patiently waited for the door to open revealing my Talia. The roll of her name of my tongue just sent goosebumps skittering over my skin as I pictured that dazzling smile of hers, I couldn't help but smile myself. The time was exactly five minutes to four. Roses clutched tightly in my hands I waited for her. She stepped out wearing a peach colored summer dress with white pumps. Her hair was pulled back into a bun as she removed her spectacles putting them in their case. Spotting me a frown graced her features as I took a hesitant step towards her. "Miss Queen," I said. "Mr Shields," she responded with that same frown marking her lovely features. That frown was just so perfect if there was ever such a thing.  "I know we got off on the wrong foot. I would like to apologize for my behavior," I said holding out the flowers. A flash of appreciation appeared before she quickly masked it denying the gift. "Let me guess Mel told you I love these," she said looking at me, as though studying me. "Yes I said with a sheepish smile." "Well you seem to follow instructions pretty good, so you won't be a problem," she said with a serious tone taking the roses. "What?" I asked her baffled by the statement only to relax once she burst into laughter. "Relax Mr Shields, Mel told me how sorry you really are and convinced me to give you another chance." I looked at her in confusion as I pieced everything together a smile forming on my lips. "May we start over my lady ," I said holding my hand out giving her a bow. She giggled looking at me as she shook her head from side to side. "You really are something," she said taking a step in the direction of the bus stop. "Wait can I at least take you home. Nothing more, nothing less," I said genuinely. She frowned looking at me as though contemplating my proposal. "Okay," she said giving me that smile that made me giddy with excitement. Just that one word had me running to my car opening the door for her. I had told my security team to give me some space for this one mission. Gently closing the door I got into my seat making sure she was buckled in I started the car easily blending with the traffic. Miss Right by Ne-yo started playing as she turned to look at me with a raised eyebrow. "So Miss Queen, how was your day?" "Please call me Talia," she said softly.  "Talia," I said testing the name upon my lips once more. "And fill free to call me by mine, which I know you already know." "To answer your question my day was fantastic thank you. Had an exciting time with the little ones." "Hmmm you really like teaching don't you." "Yes, I love teaching, it's fulfilling shaping young minds," she sighed with a smile. "And tiring I can see," I chuckled making her smile that smile that had me in a daze. Turning back to the road to avoid an accident, I let her direct me to her apartment.  "How was your day," she inquired. "My day was alright, but just got a whole lot better with your presence," I said smiling at her. "You really are a smooth talker aren't you?" She said looking at me as we pulled up to a red traffic light. "Are you a magician?" I asked her as she looked at me in confusion. "Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears!" I said as she looked at me with a straight face making me shift in my seat uncomfortably before she burst into laughter infecting me with her melodies sound. "You really have a way with words," she said. "Ok, here is another one," I said glancing at her. "If I were a stop light, I'd turn red every time you passed by, just so I could stare at you a bit longer," I said as she giggled. "Very corny, I bet you I can do better," she said. "Give me your best shot," I said with a sly smile. "Are you a parking ticket?" She asked. "Cause' you got fine written all over you," she said as I laughed at her corny line. "Are you a camera? Because every time I look at you, I smile," I said making her laugh some more. I could listen to that sound the whole day, heck for the rest of my life and never get tired of it. Looking at her flushed cheeks I couldn't help but get lost in her beauty before the sound of a car horn behind me made me realize the light had turned green. Driving the rest of the way making small talk we realized we liked the same things, from music, sport heck even food. Opening her door I waited for her to step out of the car as I took her hand helping her out. Just this contact had my blood going crazy, her small hand so soft and delicate like a flower, fit perfectly in mine. She slowly unwound our hands creating some distance between us as a man approached us.  "Thank you very much for the ride Ethan. I should be heading inside," she quickly said as the man stood in front of us. "Who is he?" "Jay this is a friend of mine. He offered me a ride home." "Hmmm," he grunted taking her arm roughly. "Hey be gentle with her," I said stepping between them. "It's okay Ethan. See you some other time," she said with a pleading look. Reluctantly I stepped away watching the man pull her towards the building. She turned back giving me a weak smile as she disappeared into the building. Pulling away from the building I dialed Walter. He was the family head of security and if my brother trusted him, then I trusted him. "Sir how may I help you?" "Walter I need you to run a background check on some people for me," I told him. "No problem at all sir. I will give Sam the information," he said referring to my personal bodyguard. ----- Next day "Come in," I said looking over the company documents. It had been three months since I had taken over my fathers company and after getting the hand of things company profits had increased by four percent thanks to Linc's help in showing me the ropes. "Sir," Sam said standing in front of me, a file in his hands. He looked grim as he handed over the file." "What is it?" I asked as his gaze wondered to the file. "After reading the contents of the file," I stood up looking beyond pissed off. Looking at the clock it was lunch time I grabbed my phone.  "Let's go," I said putting on my shades. Pulling up to her school I walked into the building seeing the children sitting enjoying their lunch in the classroom. She was standing overlooking them in case anyone started to fuss. She seemed to not even be in the room and from the long sleeved shirt she wore in this heat, I knew she was hiding something. The only thing I did once I saw her was walk up to her pulling her into my arms. She stood stiff in my arms startled only to relax once she realized it was me. "This behavior is rather inappropriate Mr Shields," she whispered. "I know," I whispered into her ear. Thankfully the children were too engrossed in satisfying their hunger. I felt her tremble in my arms as I pulled her out of the room heading to the ladies. After making sure no one else was in the room I turned to her. "Why do you remain with him?" I growled angrily. It was easy to see that she had been hurt and I assumed by the man I had seen earlier. "It's for our protection. I need to protect my little girl," she said as tears ran down her cheeks. "Hey, hey, don't cry," I said gathering her into my arms. "It's going to be okay," I said hearing her wince out in pain. Stepping away from her I slipped her shirt up trying to control my anger seeing an angry bruise on her abdomen. Talia's POV Why I even let him see my bruises was beyond me. He had a way of making me feel safe but I had to keep my distance from him. He already was bad news, a playboy actor turned businessman. Why he was even interested in the likes of me was beyond my comprehension. "Ethan please," I whispered, stopping him from going up further. His hands stilled as he looked into my eyes wiping away the tears with his thumb. Pulling out his phone he called someone simply saying, "I need your help."
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