Chapter 3-4

1245 Words

Densher took this in with visible, but generous, wonder. "You offered him—'impossible' as you describe him to me—to live with him and share his disadvantages?" The young man saw for the moment but the high beauty of it. "You are gallant!" "Because it strikes you as being brave for him?" She wouldn't in the least have this. "It wasn't courage—it was the opposite. I did it to save myself—to escape." He had his air, so constant at this stage, as of her giving him finer things than any one to think about. "Escape from what?" "From everything." "Do you by any chance mean from me?" "No; I spoke to him of you, told him—or what amounted to it—that I would bring you, if he would allow it, with me." "But he won't allow it," said Densher. "Won't hear of it on any terms. He won't help me, won't

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