Chapter 16

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Eric could feel that Mickie wasn't an ordinary rogue wolf. “You and my son's mate …” Mickie glared at him, “Don't even go there, alpha, she’s my pup and I would kill whoever tries to hurt her.” Dean was out. Eric noticed that he wasn't just talking, he was serious. “Your son has the mark of another she-wolf, and he marked my pup too. What game are you playing.” Eric shakes his head, “That she-wolf tricked my son, it wasn't my … I only figured it out a few weeks ago. My wife was aware, and I had to hold Rico back from ripping her throat out.” Mickie was amazed that an alpha would kill his Luna, 'what do you think, can we trust this alpha with our pup's secret?' Dean said it was safe. Mickie told him everything he knew about her power. “How is that possible? I mean, she’s a human …no….” Mickie nodded, “you have forgotten about the prophecy… My pup is growing stronger everyday day and with your son marking her. It unleashed her power. We need her to musk her aura, so she isn't on the radar of the wrong supernatural creatures.” “…” Eric was dumbstruck “You have been…” he shakes his head “Nope I was doing it without knowing, I happened to notice it during training. She wasn't even at 10% capacity.” He looked at Mickie with big eyes, “Are you serious.” He nodded and sat back. “Damn, we need to protect this precious pup of ours.” "Yip only the two of us know, “I was so worried when she appeared in front of me with that bewildered look, she was scared.” Eric sat on the other sofa. “ Poor kid.” Just then, Jason's mind links him. 'Father, where are you, and is Lucas with you? And Mom …' he interrupted him, 'I'm taking a break, and I am with Lucas, don't stress.' ' Can you open the link for Mom, she’s worried sick? We can't get through to Lucas on his phone or link his mate…' 'I asked him to block the link because Rex was acting up.' 'Oh, but answer your Luna.' 'Yeah, yeah.' 'Father, I’m sure she didn't mean to…' 'Jason, please, I am not ready to forgive her or trust her.' with that he ends the link. Eric had asked Logan to bring Monique, Jessie's mom, to the secured house. “Mickie, how's my baby.” He holds her, kissing her forehead, “She's doing fine, baby.” “Eric, what's wrong?” He was looking toward Mickie and Monique. “All I can say is that we need to protect my son's mate, she's special.” Just then, Lucas and Jessie came into the living room. When she saw her mother, she ran to her. “Oh, baby, I was so worried about you.” She holds her tight, kissing her. She looked at them. “Thank you all for helping me.” The four guys were looking at each other, “Did you just mind linking…” Logan was staring with his mouth open. Eric, Mickie and Lucas were speechless. “Kiddo, we need to talk.” She looked at them, “I…. I didn't …" she thought it was about her having s*x with Lucas. He felt her nervousness. “I am the one that….” Eric cut them off.” You, kids, have nothing to be ashamed of. You are mates, and it's normal to have s*x. We have bigger things to discuss, sweetheart.” She looked at them.” Is it about what happened to me this morning?” Lucas sat next to her, holding her hands in his. “Kiddo, remember what you told me about, they are looking for the ultimate power.” She nods, “Yes, the supernatural creatures are looking for it to have control over…. Which the ultimate power is like a guardian protecting those who can't fend for themselves.” Mickie had a wide smile. Everyone could see the proud look on him. “Yes, kiddo, and I told you that if it's coming our way, we'll have to get involved.” She looked at him. "Draconian is coming.” “….” Eric, Mickie, and Logan got pale. “Kiddo, how … who….” “Dad, what's wrong? Who's Draconian?” Eric was pacing. “ We need to talk to the council… to alert all the others.” She shakes her head. “He's planning to wipe the werewolves off the face of the earth.” They were shocked, “What…that ancient creature has lost his mind.” Monique looked at Mickie, with distressed. She sighs. “Wolves killed his granddaughter, who was innocent and pure. They raped and ripped her…" Everyone was baffled, “Jessie, how do you know all this?” Jason couldn't help it.” She looked at him.” I saw it … and… I know who is responsible for it.” Logan could feel her gaze, it was like she was extracting information from him. “Jessie.” She looked towards Lucas. “Are you hungry?” She nods her head. “Let's go and make something to eat.” Lucas gave Logan a deadly stare when they passed. Logan felt a chill go down his spine. 'Logan for now don't question his mate, we would rather not be the lab rats of her wrath.' 'I was simply…' 'Don't Rico say that there's no deception….' 'Ok.' "Mickie, I'm scared for you and our baby. What if those monsters hurt…” He holds her tight.” Jessie won't let any harm come to …" Logan's phone ringing brought them out of their thoughts.
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