
1227 Words
Zander After I’ve set up breakfast for Rachael’s arrival I need to clear my head and also hide form my mum. I go out the back of the pack house, strip my clothes off and run into the woods as I reach the start of the woods, I let my wolf take control, I hear all the cracking of my bones shifting me into my wolf. The first time I ever shifted was when I was 17 and it hurt so much, I nearly passed out, it wasn't an easy thing to do. We’d just been attacked by rogues and I thought my mum and dad had been killed and in my anger my wolf just appeared after that day my dad started coaching me more to take over the pack, as the eldest it was my right to become alpha and king of the wolves. ‘let’s have some fun’ growls Zeus in my head, I let him take the reins and I drift back into the back of my head I can still see everything but it’s like a passenger in your own body. Zeus pounces through the forest listening and sniffing everything, he marks as many trees as he can, we hear something not too far away ‘sounds like a deer’ I whisper to Zeus, no idea why I whisper the deer can’t hear me ‘let’s go get it’ he starts running quietly towards the deer, we can smell it before we can see it. We slow down and creep under a bush, we’ve always been a quiet attacker no one can ever sneak up on us, but we can always sneak up on our prey. People think because we are so big that we will just barrel in all guns blazing but we have learnt the art of surprise, we watch the deer until it comes closer to the bush were hiding in, Zeus pounces onto the back of the deer, clamps it jaw onto the neck of the deer. I hear the bones crunching in our mouth as we crush its neck. The deer bucks one last time before it goes limp in my mouth we drop the body and sit next to our kill ‘that was fun, what else can we hunt’ Zeus is always excited about hunting, I rarely let him do it sometimes he’s like a big kid ‘we should probably go back Zeus’ I say to him ‘no, we need to run’ ‘Zeus not this again. We’re alpha we have an obligation to our pack’ ‘our minds need to relax before we go mad again’ I huff at him, he is referring to a few weeks ago when I lost my temper completely and trashed my office and 2 of the guests rooms on my floor of the pack house, I don't even remember being so angry and I can’t even remember why I was so mad in the first place ‘we need to find a mate soon’ ‘do you not think I’ve been trying’ ‘try harder, we need to visit more packs’ he growls at me ‘don’t be a d**k Zeus. If I agree to mums party can we go back?’ ‘fine’ ‘fine’ he was being such a baby; I know we need to find out mate soon. If an alpha is left without a mate, he becomes increasingly volatile and eventually loses his mind and has to be put down I could take any woman I wanted but Zeus was adamant that is had to be our true mate and no one else. He didn't want to settle. We make our way back to the pack house with the deer in our mouth. I drop the deer at the back porch and shift back. I grab my shorts that are hanging on the railing and drag the deer into the kitchen. As I walk through the pack house I catch the smell of salted caramel lattes and it smells amazing, which is weird cause I don't have a sweet tooth and usually take my coffee black with no sugar but this latte smells amazing. I walk into the kitchen to find out what Mrs Knight is cooking up, “hey Mrs Knight, something smells amazing” a larger older lady lifts her head from kneading dough and smiles “hello alpha, is there anything I can get for you?” she smiles and wipes her hands on her apron “have you been making salted caramel lattes or something?” he looks around the kitchen, there a few omegas chopping vegetables and peeling potatoes “no alpha, would you like me to?” “I could have sworn I had smelt salted caramel lattes. They smelt amazing. Never mind. Can you bring breakfast up to my office I don't want to intrude on the family reunion?” she nods her head and gets to work. I walk back into the dining room and up to my office, the smell hits me again and I swear its coming from Carls floor, but I dismiss the thought and carry on up to my office. I have a few reports to read and sign and I need to go over the plans to build another 10 cottages, our pack is slowly increasing in size and we are slowly running out of space, especially for the omegas they seem to breed like rabbits in this pack. The pack I inherited from my father 5 years ago has doubled in size which takes a lot of organising, I’m lucky I have Carl and Kane helping me and even luckier that Annie, Carls mate is so organised she has taken on the role of Luna, beta and gamma female all in one and she’s like a machine when it comes to scheduling. As I’m looking over my last report Annie walks into my office “alpha, sorry to disturb you but Dr Allen would like you to go over to the pack hospital when you can. He wants to go over the plans for the new maternity ward” she smiles at me; I really like Annie and she’s such a good match for Carl they have really become better people now they have each other. I am envious of what they have but I know if it is meant to be it will be. “thanks Annie, has Rachael arrived yet?” “yes Alpha, I met her at breakfast she is staying in one of the guest suites on our floor for the time being.” I nod my head at her and she leaves my office letting Mrs Knight in with my breakfast “thanks Mrs Knight” she places a plate of bacon, eggs, sausage beans and toast in front of me and my black coffee, the lady studies me “something on your mind?” I ask as I eat my breakfast “I just can’t believe the man you have grown up to be. I hope you don't mind but I don't think you have to wait long before you find your mate” she smiles “I hope your right Mrs Knight” she leaves my office ‘she is right zander, I have a feeling our mate is close’ I try to ignore Zeus, I don't want to get my hopes up at the thought of finding my mate we have looked for years now and nothing. I finish my breakfast and make my way over to the pack hospital.
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