
153 Words
"Alpha Daniel I want your daughter to come with me, my wolf wants her to be with him," My mate said Wow, so he wants me for his wolf, not for himself. Then I don't care for him as well. "you can't take her with you, she is not going with you anywhere, you're our enemy," My father said Thanks, dad at least you love me. "she is coming with me or I will kill this whole pack in a blink, and I'm not bluffing at all," He said coldly No, I can't do that to my pack he will kill and ruin my pack. "I'm ready to come with you but don't harm my pack and family," I said without looking at his eyes "smart mate. You are intelligent here. Come with me. Your new home is waiting for you," He said And that's how I sign my fate with my mate. 
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