Chapter 3

2009 Words
“What? Are you kidding me?” Colton asked in disbelief when I called him to tell him the bad news and to say goodbye. I couldn’t believe they were doing this to me even after everything I did in the last two weeks. I even humbled myself in front of the f*cking neighbor and apologized, while she smiled at me in satisfaction. “No, sadly, I am not kidding, Colt. They are so cruel.” I told him while I tried to hold my tears back. “What time do you need to leave?” He asked in a sad tone. “In fifteen minutes.” I told him while I put the phone on loudspeaker, so I could change my clothes in the meantime. “What? So soon? I am on my way, wait for me.” He said, and before I could say anything, he hung up. His house was about ten minutes from here, so I guess he wanted to say goodbye properly, which I was glad about. I wouldn’t want to do it via the telephone either. My mood was totally down as I put on the clothes my mom prepared for me to wear. It was a white dress with a pair of black leggings. The outfit screamed innocence, but I was everything but that. I put on the sandals she prepared for me as well and brushed my hair. I packed my laptop, earphones and everything that I would need so that I wouldn't go crazy because of boredom, before I dragged my suitcase downstairs. “Look at you, you look lovely.” Mom said with a smile. “I can see that you are happy to finally get rid of me.” I told her and she pulled a face. “You really are pretty, honey. These two months will be over before you know it. You will see.” Dad said reassuringly, and I rolled my eyes at his attempts. “Yeah, if you say so,” I said with a gloomy expression, I was disappointed. Dad grabbed my suitcase before we all headed to the car. When we were about to get in, Colton finally arrived with the loud noise of tire screeching and jumped out of the car as soon as it stopped. “Great.” Mom murmured before she got into the car, followed by my dad. “Just in time,” I told Colton with a smile, and walked up to him. “Yeah,” he said and hugged me tightly while saying “we will talk every day on phone or through video call.” He said, and I nodded my head as we pulled away. “You bet we will, and please don’t forget about me and get another best friend while I am away.” I told him with a pout. “That’s not possible, silly. No way in hell would I find another like you,” he said with a half smile. “I am sad that I can’t say goodbye to Bobby, but please tell him that I will call him as soon as I arrive at 'boredom city'.” I told him, and he let out a chuckle. “I will tell him, and please don’t change, Taylor.” He said, and I nodded my head with a smile. “I will try not to,” I told him with a giggle. “Angie, hurry up.” Mom rolled down the window and yelled. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her. “I need to go. I will call you as soon as my plane lands.” I told him and he nodded his head sadly. “I will miss you,” he said, and hugged me again. “I will miss you too.” I said before I waved at him for the last time and got into the car. He was just standing there until dad drove away from the house or even longer, and I felt like my heart broke about not being able to hang out with him for two months. Two long months. “Don’t worry kiddo, you can hang out again after you return.” Dad said reassuringly, but mom slapped his arms lightly. “Gordon, why would you say that? That boy is the main reason we need to send her away. If she continues to hang out with him after she comes back, we did all this for nothing.” Mom scolded him and I just turned to look out of the window without a word. ‘Life is so unfair.’ I thought, but if they believed that I would stop being friends with Colton just because they sent me away for two months, they were wrong, totally wrong. * *** * “Angie.” I heard my name being called after I got off the plane and I found my grandparents waving at me in the waiting area. “Hi, grandma, grandpa.” I smiled at them and made my way towards them to give them both a hug. I had a good relationship with them when I was small. They were really nice and caring, but I hadn’t seen them for five years now. “Oh my god, look at her, Harold. She grew into a beautiful woman.” Grandma said with a loving expression on her face. “You were this tall the last time I saw you, Angie.” Grandpa said with a happy grin as he held up his hand to his chin and I nodded my head with a smile. “Yeah, I grew up, but you guys didn’t change at all.” I told them and they both laughed. “We just got older, honey. Let’s go to the car, the driver is waiting for us.” Grandma said, so we all headed towards the exit where a fancy car was waiting for us already. The inside of the car was just like on TV for those celebrities and I just looked at everything in awe. I was sure the car cost more than our house back at home. My grandparents were around sixty years old, and they owned a big company in the city, but I didn’t know anything else about it. They never told me and I never asked them because, to be honest, I never really cared to ask when I was younger. I just knew that they were loaded, and I always got a lot of cool presents from them for my birthdays and Christmas, but that was all. I hadn’t even been to the house they were living in now. They moved a few years ago, and we haven't visited them since then. “I am sure you will love the house, Angie. Your parents told us that you always get into trouble, so we should punish you by giving you chores around the house, but the truth is that the house is huge, so we have maids to do everything.” My grandma said and I smiled at her. “Thanks, Granny. I thought I would be your new housekeeper. If it was up to mom, she would sign me up for anything like that.” I told them as we were on our way to their house. “She wants what is good for you, sweetheart, but don’t you worry, there are a lot of fun things to do in the house and in the city as well.” Grandpa said, and I smiled at them. They want me to have fun. That I was sent to spend time with them was not their fault after all, so I will just try to enjoy my time here as much as I can. After half an hour of traveling, the driver pulled up in front of a huge house… scratch that… a mansion and my jaw dropped when the huge electric gate opened to let us drive in. I imagined they would live in an old-fashioned, castle-styled building, but it was nothing like that. It looked totally modern and cool. “Oh my f*cking god.” I said in surprise while I looked at the view in front of me. “Angie,” my grandma called my name in disbelief, “a lady is not cursing like that.” She said and I smiled at her apologetically. “Sorry, granny, but your house is f… freaking huge.” I changed the word at the last moment and they both shook their heads. “Sorry.” I said again with a smile. I will need to remind myself to don't curse in front of them. “Yeah, it’s quite big. Do you like it?” Grandpa asked. “Like it? I love it. I think I will get lost in it a few times though. Do you have a map by the way?” I asked and they both laughed. “I didn’t remember she was this funny.” Granny said to grandpa, and I looked at her in confusion because I wasn’t kidding. They should have a few maps of a huge mansion like this one. “Welcome.” I looked up to see three woman in maid clothes and a footman-looking older man in front of us as soon as we stepped out of the car. They were actually waiting for us to arrive. Two maids took my stuff from the driver and carried it inside while the older man and the third maid were watching our every move. “Madam, sir, young lady, the dinner will be ready in twenty minutes. Can I bring you anything to drink?” The man asked as he bowed his head respectfully in front of us and my grandparents looked at me. “Do you want anything, sweetie?” Granny asked. “Oh, no, thank you, sir.” I told the older man with a smile. “Just call me Alfred, young lady, and don’t hesitate to ask me or the maids if you need anything. We are all at your service,” he said with a strait face, and I nodded my head in understanding. “Thank you, Alfred. Please, just call me Angie then.” I told him and he bowed his head again. “Lady Angie, let me show you to your room.” Alfred said, and I let out a chuckle at the 'lady' word he called me. I totally felt like royalty. No wonder rich people thought they were above everyone. “Alright, sir Alfred. Lead the way.” I told him in amusement and I even heard grandpa let out a chuckle. We all went into the mansion, and it was more stunning from the inside than from the outside. “Holly s….” I started in awe. “Angie.” My grandma called out to me before I could finish the sentence and I smiled at her sheepishly. “Granny, this place is awesome.” I told her enthusiastically. “I am glad you like it, sweetheart.” Grandpa said as he stepped next to me. “Go and check out your room. If you don’t like it, you can just choose another one. There are plenty of them. Just let Albert know which one you like and he will arrange everything for you.” He added and motioned to Alfred to show me around. “Alright. Thanks, grandpa.” I said and walked away, but I still heard grandma chuckling. “I missed that silly girl.” she said as she walked away together with grandpa, who was just nodding in agreement with a smile on his face. I always had a good relationship with them. We often talked on the phone, and we had video calls sometimes. I was actually glad to be here with them, but two months were a bit too long without my friends. Two weeks sounded much better, but I decided to make the most of it and enjoy my time as much as I could.
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