~Mr. Icky

2247 Words

Mr. Icky. The Quintessence of Quaintness in One Act The Smart Set (March 1920) The Scene is the Exterior of a Cottage in West Issacshire on a desperately Arcadian afternoon in August . Mr. Icky, quaintly dressed in the costume of an Elizabethan peasant, is pottering and doddering among the pots and dods. He is an old man, well past the prime of life, no longer young. From the fact that there is a burr in his speech and that he has absent-mindedly put on his coat wrongside out, we surmise that he is either above or below the ordinary superficialities of life . Near him on the grass lies Peter , a little boy . Peter , of course, has his chin on his palm like the pictures of the young Sir Walter Raleigh. He has a complete set of features, including serious, somber, even funereal, grey eye

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