Together with the Sparrows

531 Words

Together with the Sparrows. That exquisite heavenly irony which has tabulated the demise of so many generations of sparrows doubtless records the subtlest verbal inflections of the passengers of such ships as The Berengaria . And doubtless it was listening when the young man in the plaid cap crossed the deck quickly and spoke to the pretty girl in yellow. “That’s him,” he said, pointing to a bundled figure seated in a wheel chair near the rail. “That’s Anthony Patch. First time he’s been on deck.” “Oh—that’s him?” “Yes. He’s been a little crazy, they say, ever since he got his money, four or five months ago. You see, the other fellow, Shuttleworth, the religious fellow, the one that didn’t get the money, he locked himself up in a room in a hotel and shot himself— “Oh, he did—” “But I

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