The Ushers

861 Words

The Ushers. Six young men in Cross Patch’s library growing more and more cheery under the influence of Mumm’s Extra Dry, set surreptitiously in cold pails by the bookcases. The First Young Man : By golly! Believe me, in my next book I’m going to do a wedding scene that’ll knock ’em cold! The Second Young Man : Met a débutante th’other day said she thought your book was powerful. As a rule young girls cry for this primitive business. The Third Young Man : Where’s Anthony? The Fourth Young Man : Walking up and down outside talking to himself. Second Young Man : Lord! Did you see the minister? Most peculiar looking teeth. Fifth Young Man : Think they’re natural. Funny thing people having gold teeth. Sixth Young Man : They say they love ’em. My dentist told me once a woman came to him

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