2652 Words

IV “Who’s there?” cried Doctor Gallup, starting. “Who’s there—or I’ll shoot!” His eyes roved quickly about the room, looking for a possible weapon. “Who are you?” shouted a voice from the porch. “You better open up or I’ll blow a hole through the door.” “What’ll we do?” exclaimed Doctor Gallup, perspiring freely. Fifi, who had been sprinkling water impartially upon her aunts, turned around with a scornful smile. “It’s just Percy, the yardman,” she explained. “He probably thinks that you’re a burglar.” She went to the door and lifted the latch. Percy, gun in hand, peered cautiously into the room. “It’s all right, Percy. This is just an insane specialist from New York.” “Everything’s a little insane tonight,” announced Percy in a frightened voice. “For the last hour I’ve been hearin

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