Chapter 10 continued: The shift

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He knew the pain she was describing, all young lycans felt it the first time they shifted, it could be incredibly painful if you tried to fight the first shifting, it wasn’t something that could be denied. What he couldn’t understand is why shifting was hurting her now? By her age it should be natural and she and her wolf should be one by now, so why would she be fighting the shift? “You have to calm down and allow yourself to shift Rayne.” “What are you talking about? Shift what?” What the hell was going on? How could she not understand what he was saying? “It’s ok baby, I see you, I’m here now.” He could see her looking around franticly for him as he exited the tree line and moved towards where she lay leaned up against the same log he had watched her sitting on this morning. “Where, I don’t see you. Oh god Phoenix run, there’s a giant wolf running towards me!” He had just reached her when he realized she didn’t know it was him, he quickly shifted back and knelt down beside her. He moved to take her hand in his when she pulled it away and tried to push herself away from him. “What the hell are you? Stay away from me” she screamed at him still trying to get away from him but being stopped cold by another jolt of pain as her body tried to force her to shift. “Rayne, calm down, take a deep breath and relax, let your body do what it’s trying to do. You can’t keep fighting it baby, it will just make the pain worse.” “What the hell are you? What do you mean let my body do what it’s trying to do?” How could she not know what she is? Her first shift should have happened years ago. “How can I hear what you’re thinking and what do you mean it should have happened years ago? What should have?” Well he was obviously going to have to be more careful with his thoughts from now one, he thought to himself as he let a low laugh escape. “Why are you laughing Phoenix? I could be dying here and your laughing, wait you know what’s happening to me? Tell me, PLEASE” she begged. “You’re not dying baby, I won’t let that happen, but you have to stop fighting the shift, your heart rate is way too high and if you don’t calm down and shift your heart could stop beating. I have never seen it happen but I have heard of it happening to young lycans that were orphaned and didn’t know what was happening to them when the shift began. Most of us grow up knowing what we are, we have 13 years to prepare for the first shift, we look forward to it even, so for us it comes natural.” “Are you trying to say I’m turning into a werewolf? I thought that only happened on full moons, well actually I thought it didn’t really happen at all. I mean werewolves aren’t real, they can’t be, this is just another one of those crazy dreams like the talking wolf. All the moving has finally gotten to me, I have lost my mind. That has to be it, that is the only explanation that makes sense. Why else would I be hearing your thoughts and watching you turn from a wolf to a man. Then there is the way my body forced me to kiss Storm even though I didn’t want to when he locked his eyes with mine, I tried to stop, I tried to push myself away but I couldn’t, not until I heard Phoenix say my name. Feeling his hurt was the only thing that broke whatever trance I was in..” she continued muttering to herself out loud until another jolt of pain brought her stop as she let out a blood curdling scream. “Damn it Rayne, this isn’t a dream, please stop fighting it, I can’t lose you, I won’t, don’t you understand what I have been trying to tell you all day?” She screamed again and he felt her heart rate quicken even more, he knew much more and her heart would give out, he had to make her shift. “Baby please listen to me, you have to shift, your heart won’t take much more, and mine won’t accept losing you. I don’t care if it’s only been 2 days, damn it Rayne I love you, now stop fighting it and shift!” She let out another scream and it tore at his heart, what else could he do to make her shift, he had to figure something out, then he had an idea, he just hoped it wouldn’t backfire on him. “Rayne, please baby, I need you to let the shift happen, I love you, I told Aaliyah I was done with her, that just because I had to marry her didn’t mean I had to be with her before then, she knows I want you. I don’t care that everyone heard you mention our kiss, actually I do care, I’m glad they know. I want everyone to know, you can stop the wedding Rayne, you can keep our parents from following through with my arranged marriage to Aaliyah baby but you have to shift.” He felt her take a hold of his hand, it’s a start he thought, as he leaned over and wiped her sweat drenched hair from her face. “You really told her those things?” “Yes, during lunch when I was texting you, I was so worried when you weren’t responding and she was hounding me about texting you so I told her I may have to marry her but I didn’t have to date her, and I sure as hell didn’t love her. Then I got your response and it killed me that you wanted to be with Storm, I have never hurt so bad in my life, until I came to tell you that I had told Aaliyah and saw you kissing him.” “I know, I felt your pain, I still don’t understand how but I knew it was you. Phoenix I didn’t mean to kiss him, I didn’t even want to, I was trying to take my hand from his and we stumbled into the lockers and he was looking in my eyes and suddenly my body just started moving. I tried to stop, I tried to make myself push away from him but instead it just held on tighter, I know it sounds like a lame excuse but I swear Phoenix it was like someone else was controlling my body. I was so worried you would see us, and I didn’t want you to hurt more than you already did.” “That explains the panic I felt coming from you, I was worried something was wrong until I walked up on the two of you kissing like that, then I was convinced I had just read your emotions wrong.” “Is that how you hurt your hand?” “Yes, and No, I was mad at you for kissing him, I was mad at myself for being too late, and I was really mad at him for having is hands on you, so I took it out on a half a dozen lockers in the freshman hallway.” She let out another scream, and he could hear her heart starting to skip beats it was pounding so fast. “What did you mean I can stop the wedding?” “It doesn’t matter right now, I can explain it all to you later, after you shift.” ”Damn it Phoenix stop saying that, I am not a freaking werewolf! I have never been bitten by a werewolf, or a wolf, or any other dog for that matter.” “That’s not how it works, and no you’re not a werewolf, you’re a lycan, a royal lycan to be precise. It means at least one of your parents is a lycan, from one of the royal bloodlines, and you are shifting. I don’t know why it waited so long to happen but it’s happening now and you have to shift before your heart gives out Rayne.” “I think I would know if one of my parents ran around howling at the moon every month Phoenix, so try again.” Another scream, s**t, this wasn’t working, he didn’t know what else to do, he was going to have to call his dad and hope doing so didn’t put her in more danger he thought as she screamed yet again. “Just call 911 Phoenix I can’t take anymore, please, it feels like someone is ripping all of my bones out of socket.” “A doctor can’t help you Rayne, you need to shift, it will stop hurting once you allow the transformation to complete. I’m going to call my dad, I just hope it doesn’t put your family in danger.” “WHAT? How would calling for help put my family in danger?” “It’s a long story and we don’t have time right now, if you won’t allow yourself to shift I don’t know what else to do, but I won’t let you die.” “Fine, how do I shift?” “You have to relax and just let your body reshape itself, it can’t right now because you are spending so much energy fighting it. You have to just let go and let it happen.” “How am I supposed to relax and let go when it feels like a couple of giants are playing tug of war using my body as the rope?” “It feels like that because you aren’t letting go. Just think about something else, think about something that makes you happy, that makes you feel safe.” She closed her eyes and he suddenly felt what she was thinking about, it brought a smile to his face that she was thinking about the kiss they shared in the library. He could see she was still struggling to let go completely and he was running out of time, well if thinking about their kiss had gotten her this far…He leaned down and whispered “I love you Rayne” in her ear just before gently placing a kiss on her forehead, then her cheek, and her chin, and finally her beautiful, soft lips. He let his lips linger there a moment, when he felt her reciprocating, he brushed his tongue across her lips and she responded by parting them so that his tongue could enter her mouth and dance gently against her own. He felt her heart rate begin to even out and begrudgingly pulled back from her and she opened her eyes and let out a sigh just before shifting into the most beautiful solid black wolf with eyes so blue they appeared to glow. He sensed her starting to panic as she backed away from him, “it’s ok, it’s over now, you shifted, now that you have allowed it to happen you will barely notice it when shift from now on.” “You mean to tell me I’m a dog? Like with four legs and a tail, and drool from its mouth” he heard her thoughts to him and couldn’t help but laugh. “Well you’re not drooling, at least not yet” he laughed again. “Actually you are a stunning wolf, the most beautiful one I have ever seen. Here, come look” he said as he led her to the edge of the lake so she could look at her reflection in the water. “Huh, my wolf really is kind of pretty isn’t she?” “No baby she is beautiful, you are beautiful. Want to try out your new legs and go for a run together?” “Only if you promise to explain everything afterwards.” “It’s a deal” he said just before shifting in front of her.  He walked closer to her and rubbed his head against her neck, she leaned into him and he felt content, like he was finally complete. He moved his head away a little and she yipped at him “did you just bark at me” he laughed. “Well I was trying to whine, you moved away and I was really comfortable.” He moved closer again and ducked in fast and licked her muzzle, then hopped backwards out of her reach. “I can’t believe you just licked my face, it’s on buddy” she said playfully. “You gotta catch me first” he teased as he took off running down the front of the lake. They ran and played together as wolves for quite a while before heading back to the beach. When they returned to the spot he would always think of as her log, he shifted back into human form and waited for her to follow. “A little help here, first timer remember, how do I turn human again?” He was so used to being with wolves that grew up in the pack, he had forgotten she didn’t know how to shift back and forth yet. “Sorry baby, I forgot. It’s really easy, just  picture yourself and think human and you will shift back, and when you want to shift to wolf just picture your wolf and think wolf.” In a moment she was standing next to him in human form again, he couldn’t resist pulling her in for a kiss, he was so proud of her. “Nope, no more kisses or any other distractions until you keep your promise and explain to me what you were talking about earlier when you said I could stop the wedding.” “Ok, but it’s a pretty long story and” he looked at his watch “it’s already 5pm, and I didn’t eat breakfast or lunch today so I’m starving, how about we go get something to eat and I will explain it there.” “Is it really five already? Crap, my parents are going to be freaking out by now, I will probably be grounded forever, I better get home, but you’re not off the hook” she said as she looked around for her keys. “Can you just call them and let them know you lost track of time and are going to eat with a friend?” “You don’t know my parent’s, they are obsessively over protective, I’m lucky they let me go to school instead of homeschooling me.” “Well, now that I know you’re a royal, I can’t really blame them. The witches have hunted your kind to extinction; I don’t know how your parents have stayed hidden for so long. We have thought the royals were all dead for years now, there hasn’t been a pack with a royal alpha in over a hundred years now.” “I have no idea what any of that means Phoenix, but I really need you to tell me. I guess I could just text them and let them know I’m ok and we can talk anyway. What’s the difference if kill me now or later” she laughed. “Are you sure? I mean I’ll tell you even if I have to wait until tomorrow to do it, besides I’m probably in hot water myself by now.” “If you don’t mind, I don’t mind” she said. “Yep, I was right, my mom has called six times already, well here goes my first ever lie to her.” Rayne pulled up her messages and typed a text to her mom that said: Sorry I didn’t call, I lost track of time. Phone is on silent because I am at the library so I didn’t hear you call. Working on a project with my lab partner, won’t be home for dinner. We are just going to grab a sandwich later when we take a break. See you later. Rayne             She almost immediately got a response from her mom and it wasn’t what she expected at all. Her mom replied with: Ok, just don’t be out to late. See you when you get home. “Well that was easier than I thought, my mom said don’t be out to late. So where are we headed?” “Well, I was thinking about that and I don’t really think we want to talk about this around a bunch of people so I was thinking, how about we get take out and then we can have a sort of picnic dinner. I know the perfect spot, you will love it there.” “Sounds good, but where do we get our food from?” “How do you feel about Chinese?” “I love it actually.” “Perfect then I know just where to go, and it is on the way.” “Well since you know where we’re going do you want to drive” she asked as she tossed him her keys. “Sure” he said, but as they walked past one another to switch sides of the car, he grabbed the front of her shirt and pulled her into him and kissed her. “I just can’t get enough of your lips, what are you doing to me woman” he teased. “Mmmm apparently something right” she replied.             They had picked up their order and he drove them to the top of the bluff, it was his favorite place to go when he needed to be alone, and the view was spectacular, he knew she would love it. “Wow, Phoenix its beautiful here, no wonder you love it.” He grabbed the bag that contained their food in one hand and took her hand in the other and pulled her towards a large boulder, big enough for them to sit and eat on. “Just wait until you see the sun set from here, it’s a sight to see.” “I can only imagine” she replied.             “So, the royals” she started. “Well it’s a bit more complicated than that” he said as he explained to her the origins story. “To her credit she interrupted very few times and took it better than he had expected.              “Ok, so you mean to tell me you think I am one of these royal wolves?” “No Rayne, now I know you are, and not just any royal, you’re from Malakai’s bloodline, you’re the one he saw in his vision Rayne.” “Did you not see how hard it was for me to shift, and now you think I am some all powerful wolf/witch? Come on Phoenix, get real.” “I know it’s a lot to come to terms with all at once, but it’s you Rayne. There are certain characteristics only the royals have, your blue eyes for instance, all the royals came from Onyx’s blood, and when they turned they inherited his blue eyes, every generation.” “Ok, but neither of my parents have blue eyes, so how could I be a royal if they aren’t?” “Maybe they do, maybe they wear color changing contacts to keep the witches off your track. But that’s not the only thing, you and I have been drawn together since we met, and when our hands touched that first time there was a spark, we both saw it. That spark is what happens when true mated pairs touch for the first time, but it only happens if one of them is a royal. And we were already feeling one another’s emotions after only a day Rayne, that is your strength. Oh and we are hearing one another’s thoughts already, that’s huge baby. We are meant to be, its destined, and as a royal you are the true alpha to all wolves, that is what I meant by you can stop the wedding.” “But if all this is true, and if we are so powerful, why have my parents spent my entire life moving and why wouldn’t I have shifted at 13 like you said all wolves do?” “I don’t know, I haven’t figured out the answers to everything yet, but what I do know is you are a royal lycan, and we are true destined mates.” “This is just so much to take in, I’m only seventeen how can we know this mate thing will last forever?” “Because of how we feel for one another Rayne, I loved you the moment we touched, I knew there was something about you then, and I know you feel it to.”             “Ok, I feel the connection, and yes Phoenix I love you too, but I have never even had a boyfriend before today and suddenly I have a boyfriend and a mate…shit, Storm.” “The guy’s a jerk Rayne, if you heard the things he…did you just call him your boyfriend?” “Yes, but I didn’t really mean to become his girlfriend, it’s just my body doesn’t respond right when he’s around. He asked if I would agree to date only him while we dated and saw where things went, I meant to tell him my head wasn’t really in it right now but my mouth said yes. If I heard what things?” “Hmm so you mean he wasn’t wrong when he kept calling you his girl? That’s why you didn’t argue about it” he said sounding defeated. “What things Phoenix? What are you talking about?” “I decked the guy and he was just being honest, you admit yourself, you can’t control yourself around him. I don’t understand how that can happen, we are mates, that’s the only reason we are so bonded, but mates couldn’t stand the thought of being with anyone else. That’s why I told Aaliyah, I had to, being separated from you was too much, even this soon.” “Damn it Phoenix, HE SAID WHAT THINGS? Wait, did you just say you hit him?” “Uh huh, after you left the school. I had to, he insinuated, it doesn’t even matter, you already said your body just reacts to him.  I think I’ll just shift and run home from here, I don’t think I should be in a closed area right now, I don’t want to lose control, not around you” he started to walk away and she grabbed his arm. “No, damn it tell me what he said.” “He told me if I didn’t like seeing you kiss him then I really wouldn’t like seeing what you do to him after a couple of more dates, he made it sound like you were already planning on sleeping with him, and hearing him say those things about you made me lose my temper and I punched him in the face, which is exactly what he wanted. You to get mad at me and feel sorry for him” before he could get another word out she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, deeply and full of love. “Your right he’s a jerk, and thank you for punching him when he said that, now I don’t have to rush home and try to figure out how to turn him into a pig with my new found wolfy/witchy magic” she laughed. “And just for the record, I wasn’t saying I was choosing him you big dummy, I was just trying to explain to you how it happened, and saying that I had to tell him no second date. I was feeling a little bad about that part, but only because it felt wrong that I was kissing you before I told him, but now not so much. You know you really kind of suck at this reading my emotions thing, if we are going to be mates for the rest of our lives you’re really gonna need to work on that.” “Rayne?” “Yeah” “turn around” He heard her gasp as she took in the sunset from the bluff for the first time, he stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist and whispered “I love you” “I love you too.”
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