Chapter 9: Storm

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Rayne and Storm had to scoot closer together so that he could share her book, the teacher had not been able to find one for him in the room and told them to share for today and he would locate one for him before class tomorrow. She couldn’t help but blush every time he turned to whisper something to her, the warmth of his breath on her cheek caused a shiver to run through her body that made goosebumps appear along her arms. Storm took that to mean she was cold and slid out of the black leather jacket he had been wearing and wrapped it around her. “Thank you” Rayne whispered to him, trying not to attract the teacher’s attention to their conversation. She glanced over and noticed that Phoenix seemed to notice their exchange and appeared none too happy about it, while Aaliyah wore an almost wicked grin. Aaliyah must have pointed it out to him, and if he was upset that was his problem not hers. He was the one that had a girlfriend, why should she care if it upset him or not, she was single and Storm was just being nice. The problem was she did care, she knew she shouldn’t but she didn’t want to upset Phoenix for some reason, and somehow she knew he was more than a little upset. Storm must have noticed her watching Phoenix because he asked “is that your boyfriend?” Who, Phoenix? No, I told you I just moved here to, I don’t have a boyfriend. He is just a friend I met yesterday” she replied as she shrugged off his jacket and handed it back to him. “Thanks, I’m fine now.” “Your welcome and he sure is giving me dirty looks for being just a friend. Are you sure he knows he’s just a friend?” “Oh trust me, he knows, you see the girl sitting with him? That is his fiancé, I guess they are supposed to get married after graduation.” “Well, I guess that is good news for me, that means I still stand a chance with you.” She turned to look at him so fast she just about gave herself whiplash; did he really just say that? Crap, what am I supposed to say in response to that, he seems nice enough, and he is definitely easy to look at, but am I even interested in him? “Okay, but I don’t even know anything about you, and you don’t know anything about me for that matter. How do you even know you want a chance with me?” “Well that is what dating is for, so you can get to know one another, and why wouldn’t I want a chance with you? I can’t believe you have been in this school for two days and haven’t been snatched up by now.” What the hell is wrong with me, she thought, in two days’ time I’m turning to mush over two different guys. “So do you use that line on a different girl in every class?” He put his hand to his chest in mock pain and said “I’m really hurt that you would think I was one of those guys.” They spent the rest of the class period talking, she realized they had quite a bit in common. He had moved around a lot too, so he knew how she felt about never really having any roots at any one place. She could see herself dating him, but she still felt so drawn to Phoenix. The more she shared with Storm, the more she felt like Phoenix was getting jealous, she wasn’t sure how she knew he was feeling that way, she just sensed it. She glanced over at him just in time to see him turn and look away. She wasn’t trying to make him jealous, besides why should he feel that way, it’s not like they will ever be together.  When class ended Rayne and Storm were walking out of the classroom when Rayne heard Phoenix call her name. “Hang on Rayne, I need to talk to you.” Aaliyah stopped and crossed her arms glaring at him, “go on Aaliyah, I’ll see you in the cafeteria, I just need to ask Rayne a question about yesterday’s notes, in private” he said pointedly looking at Storm. “Phoenix if you just have a question about the notes, I don’t see why Aaliyah and Storm have to leave, just ask your question.” “It’s about the notes we took in the library, yesterday. I would really like to continue our conversation about them that we started earlier.” “I think those notes are pretty clear Phoenix and I don’t think there is anything left to discuss about them. In fact just forget everything I said about them earlier, it doesn’t change anything.” “I don’t want to forget them, they were important, and I feel the same way about them, it’s just…” “Complicated, I know Phoenix. Well, let me make them simple for you, I am no longer your lab partner so if you have a question about your notes, ask her.” She turned to Storm and said “hey I know we were going to sit together at lunch but I really don’t feel much like going to the cafeteria, do you mind going solo?” “I have a better idea, how about we go out to lunch?” “Is that even allowed?” “Does it matter as long as we get back in time for class?” “Uhhh” she started to give her usual safe answer, then she saw Phoenix still standing there watching, “sure, why not.” Storm handed her his jacket and said “here you might want to put this on, the wind gets a little chilly.” Rayne put his jacket on without wondering why and he took her hand and they ran out the front doors of the school laughing. He pulled her to a stop next to a big sleek black motorcycle, and he bent over and unhooked a helmet from the side and handed it to her. “Here put this on.”  She glanced around the parking lot to see if anyone else was leaving for lunch, and saw Phoenix staring at them through the window on the front door of the school. What was his problem, she wondered, he has a girlfriend, what does he want from me? Does he think I am just going let him string me along like some side chick. Storm was already on the motorcycle so she climbed on and said “Ok, so what do I do, I have never been on one of these before.” “Just wrap your arms around me and hold on, let your body lean with mine, that’s it.” “Ok, then I guess I’m ready.” He started the bike and they slowly navigated the school parking lot. “So where are we going?” She shouted over the roar of the engine. “I saw a taco place down the road, how does that sound?” “Sounds good, I haven’t really tried many places in town yet.” “Good, then we can try it for the first time together.” She didn’t know why, but she liked the way he made that sound, and the way it felt holding him like this on the bike. He wasn’t telling her she needed to be protected, he wasn’t trying to hide how he felt, she could just enjoy herself. When they got to the taco stand, she heard her phone chime her text alert. She climbed off the bike and pulled her phone from her pocket to check her text, to her surprise her screen said she had 7 new messages. Crap, she hoped the school didn’t see her leave and phone her parents already. “So what you do want to eat” Storm asked her. “How about a couple tacos and a diet soda” she said as she tried to hand him some money. “No way, this is on me, call it our first date” he said smiling at her. Rayne couldn’t help but smile back, “Ok, thanks.” When he went to get their food she checked the messages, they were all from Phoenix! She forgot they had exchanged numbers yesterday in lab that way they could contact one another if there were questions about the work, or to collaborate on group assignments, it had been the teacher’s suggestion to the class. Oh well, she had thought about just deleting them but her curiosity got the better of her and she decided to read them. The first message read: I really want to talk to you The 2nd: I can’t believe you just took off with a total stranger. What are you thinking? 3rd: You wouldn’t even walk out to my car with me, but you get on a motorcycle with this clown. 4th: Are you at least alive? 5th: I understand why you are upset with me, but putting yourself in danger is not the answer. 6th: Please answer me, I am worried to death about you! 7th: Damn it Rayne! Where are you? She decided she would give him a quick response before Storm got back with the food so she typed: Not that it is any of your business, but I am on a lunch date. Yes, I am alive. In case you forgot you are a total stranger to me too. Yes, I got on a motorcycle with Storm, he didn’t have a girlfriend, though he might by the time lunch is over. You don’t need to check up on me, I am not your responsibility, I am not your girlfriend, worry about her, lose my number, we are no longer lab partners so you don’t need it now. It had only been a minute since she hit send when she felt a sharp pain in her stomach; it doubled her over and made her cry out. Storm, who had been walking to their table with the food now ran over and dropped the tray down onto the table. He knelt down in front of her, pushed her hair back behind her ears, and asked “what’s wrong Rayne? Are you ok?” She was pinching her eyes shut and holding her midsection, trying to keep from crying out again. It felt like someone had just shoved a hot poker into her gut. “Please Rayne, talk to me, are you ok? What can I do? Should I call an ambulance?” “Nnnnoooo” She knew they wouldn’t find anything, this wasn’t her pain she was feeling, somehow she just knew it belonged to Phoenix. She was going to have to let him work through it on his own, she didn’t understand why she could fell his pain but she did, just as she knew the pain was his hurt at reading her response. She had no idea why she knew these things, but she could almost hear his voice in her head. What choice did she have though? If he was going to be with Aaliyah, he had to know she was going to find someone too.             “I’m ok now, I think I just need to eat something.” “I have never seen hunger pains do anything like that to a person.” “Well you’ve never seen me and tacos before either. They are my favorite food, I guess my stomach just couldn’t wait for you to get over here with them.” She laughed. “Hmmm, well if you’re sure you’re ok, I don’t want you dying on me before I get to ask you on a second date.” “Then you better hand me the tacos before my stomach gives me another punch for making it keep waiting.” “Soooo is that a yes to a second date then?” “Only if you promise to take me on the motorcycle again sometime.” “You like it?” “Very much, I never really thought of myself as the motorcycle type, I was actually afraid to ever get on one, but riding with you was fun.” “Well then we can take the bike anytime you want.” “Well that sounds like I’m committing to more than just a second date there mister.”              They stood and headed out to the bike to get back to school when he said “maybe I’m hoping you will, maybe I’m hoping that you will agree to date just me while we get to know one another and see where it goes.” As he started the bike and she climbed on and they headed back to school she replied “Is that what you are hoping for or is that what you are asking for?” “Is there a difference?” “Yeah, see if you are just hoping for it then it requires no response on my end but if you are asking then it does.” “Ok, then let’s say I’m asking, what would your response be?” “Well since you’re asking, and since I had such a nice time, and I really want the chance to ride this thing again I guess I have to say yes” she finished as he pulled into a spot and turned the bike off. She climbed off and handed him the helmet, he took it and locked it back on the side of the bike and said “so are you saying yes to me or to my motorcycle?” “Hmmm maybe a little of both” she teased. “Oh you think your funny, do you” he said as he chased her up toward the school doors and down the hall. He caught up to her when she stopped at her locker and took off his jacket and handed it back to him. “Thanks for lunch, I had fun, you have no idea how much I needed that.” “Glad I could help, I had fun too. So what class do you have next, maybe I can walk you at least part of the way there.” “Algebra, room” “109” he finished for her. “Yes, how did you know?” “That is my next class to.” “Great, we can go together, do you need to stop at your locker?” “Not if I can leave my jacket in yours, I don’t have any books yet, first day remember?” “Oh, sure, go ahead.” He put his jacket in her locker and grabbed her books for her, “here let me carry those for you.” “You don’t have to do that, I can carry my own books.” “I know you can, I am sure you are more than capable of doing just about anything, but I want to, unless it bothers you.” “Well no, it doesn’t bother me, thank you.”  He took hold of her hand and they headed to class, just before they got to the door Rayne remembered that Phoenix was in this class to, she knew she didn’t owe him anything but she also didn’t want to feel him hurt the way he had earlier. She tried to take her hand from Storms, before getting in the classroom but he thought she was trying to pull him closer. She wasn’t prepared for the momentum of him moving at her and she stumbled back against the lockers behind her, pulling him flush against her. She looked up at him to apologize and he was staring into her eyes again, she couldn’t bring herself to move. In fact her body seemed to take on a life of its own as her hand reached up and wrapped around his neck, pulling him down to her and she found herself kissing him, right there in hall in front of anyone that wanted to see.  In front of…Oh god, she had to stop, why couldn’t she make herself stop kissing him?             She heard students clapping and yelling woo hoo, and none of that made her stop, she could not pull herself from him, until…”Rayne?” she heard him whisper her name, that was all it took and she pushed herself away from Storm. “I am so sorry I have no idea what came over me, I did not intend for that to happen” she told Storm as she looked around franticly trying to find Phoenix, she knew he was here, she heard him, but she couldn’t find him anywhere. “You do NOT need to apologize for that, I don’t think I have ever been kissed like that before” he told her. She hurried into the classroom and looked around, his seat was empty, damn it she thought as she took her seat, and Storm took the seat next to hers.             When class started and he still wasn’t there she thought about texting him, just to make sure he was ok, but she decided to leave him alone, he probably just asked to be transferred out of this class, and she couldn’t blame him. She knew he had feelings for her just like she did for him, she just didn’t understand why it had to be so complicated. If he didn’t love Aaliyah then why was he going to marry her? She was just about to run through the same questions she had been asking herself for the 4th time when he walked in and handed the teacher a tardy slip. His hand was wrapped in an ace wrap and an ice pack, she hoped he was ok. Maybe he didn’t see the kiss then, maybe she just thought she heard him say her name, perhaps he had been in the clinic the whole time. She really hoped that was the case, she knew he would probably hear about it, but hearing it and seeing it were two different things. When he took his seat she asked him, “Are you ok? What happened to your hand?” He didn’t even acknowledge she had spoken. “Phoenix, seriously what happened?” Still he ignored her. “Damn it Phoenix answer me!” He didn’t even flinch. “Just let it go babe, he obviously doesn’t want to talk about it.” “BABE, now you’re his babe, after what two hours? Seriously Rayne?” “What do you want from me Phoenix? Did you think that you could have both Aaliyah and me? That’s not how it works, you don’t get to have a girlfriend and expect me to just sit around pining for you!” “No, but I didn’t expect to walk up to class and find you kissing some guy you just met either!” “WHY NOT YOU KISSED ME RIGHT AFTER WE MET SO WHATS THE DAMN DIFFERENCE?” She realized the entire classroom had just witnessed the exchange between them, and she just told the whole class about Phoenix kissing her yesterday. She grabbed her books and looked at Phoenix and said “I’m sorry, I just…I have to get out of here.” She stood up and left the classroom, heading to her locker, she knew she didn’t want to go home yet but she couldn’t stay here either. “Rayne, wait!” She turned around and saw Phoenix coming after her, “I can’t do this Phoenix.” “I know, and I’m sorry. When you told me how you felt this morning I wanted to tell you I feel the exact same way. You were all I dreamt about last night, so much so that I finally had to get up and go for a run just to try and clear my head. And I wasn’t running from you this morning, I was trying to out run the emotions I was feeling for you. I don’t want to marry Aaliyah I have to. If I could make my own choice I would choose you Rayne. From the moment our hands touched I knew I wanted you, that somewhere inside me I wanted you before I met you, hell I’m already completely in love with you and I only just met you. I never would have dreamed that love at first site was possible, but then you came along and I can’t find any other explanation, and I’ve tried. I spent hours last night reading this old book to try and find another answer but couldn’t. Oh baby please don’t cry.” Rayne slid down the wall onto the floor and sobbed into her hands. “Why tell me all of this if you have no intention of breaking up with her?” She continued crying and he knelt down beside her trying to get her hands away from her face so he could look at her. “Because you need to know, I didn’t choose her, she was chosen for me. Our parents arranged our marriage.” “What the hell did you do to her” Storm yelled. They both looked in his direction as Phoenix responded “Nothing, this is none of your business, I’ve got her you can go back to class.” “The hell I will! First you kiss her knowing you have a girlfriend, then you try and make her feel guilty for finding someone that is available, that will make her his only girl, and then I come out and find her crying on floor with you next to her. I’ll take care of my girl and you can go back to class.” “You think one lunch date makes her your girl?  Like I said this is between Rayne and me so you need to get lost.” “No, I think one lunch date, one kiss, and her saying she’s my girl, makes her my girl. What you thought she would just keep waiting on you to make up your mind? Have you seen her, she is a goddess, she could have any guy she wanted, she doesn’t need to play second b***h to anyone. I will make sure she is treated like royalty, because that’s what she deserves. Not some chump that wants to use her to sneak around behind his girlfriend’s back with. I will proudly let her kiss me in public anytime she wants, because I’m damn lucky to have her. So take your sorry ass back to your girlfriend and stay the hell away from mine! “ Storm kneeled down next to Rayne and took her by the hand “come on babe, I’ll get you out of here, do you want to go home?” Rayne stood, still crying but beginning to calm down. “No, not really, but I have my car, so I’ll be ok.” Phoenix went over to her and wrapped her in a hug, she immediately tried pushing him away but he just held her tighter “its ok baby girl, we will figure this out I promise, please don’t push me away, not with everything we feel for each other.” “Get your hand’s off of her!” “I already told you to get lost, this is none off your business, what part of that do you not understand?” “It is my business when you have your arms around my girl and she is clearly trying to push you away. Is that how that kiss went to, did you just force yourself on her you ass hole?” “Screw you, you have no idea what the hell you’re talking about. Come on Rayne, I’ll drive you home, you’re in no condition to drive.” “You are NOT taking her anywhere, and who the hell do you think you are giving her orders like she is some child.” “OH MY GOD ENOUGH ALREADY! I do not belong to anyone, I am not going home and I am fine by myself. In fact I would prefer to be alone, you can both go back to class because I am leaving, by myself, Storm you might want to come get your jacket before I go.”  With that she tossed him his jacket and left them both standing there staring as she walked out the door and to her car.  
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