Chapter 19. Mothers day special- in hospital

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Jacob did not know Sarah was admitted. Sarah was moved to the gynea ward,were the nurses instructed her not to eat as she would go to theatre to do a DNC. A CLEAN OUT OF HER WOMB. Sarah cried, Edith was with her trying to console her but to no avail. Sarah was hungry she and realised she had not eaten her lunch. She believed deep in her heart, she could feel the baby within her alive and asked the nurse to contact Dr Watson. She fished out her lunch from her lunch bag and ate her sandwich. She gobbled the cheese sandwich with as little as 5 chews before swallowing. The nurse came in, looking at her shocked "I told you not to eat anything" "I am not going anywhere until Dr Watson examines me" Sarah said in a stern voice. She had to be firm and stand her ground through all this emotional feelings. Her baby needed her. Edith sat next to Sarah and told asked the nurse when Dr Watson will arrive. "Dr Watson is in another hospital theatre doing a cesarean section. He has a few booked and will come when he is done" the nurse calmly said. It was home time, and Edith had to leave to fetch her kids and go home. She kissed Sarah's forehead and left. All alone in the empty 2 bedded room. Sarah felt alone, broken and empty. Her baby is fine, she reassured herself. But occasionally a tear slipped her eyes. Her eyes were now puffy and her cheeks swollen from hours of crying. Jacob heard from the nurse when he woke up after theatre that Sarah was admitted. He woke up after 5 hours of sleep when the medication finally wore out. He was in pain and waited for the nurse to inject him with his pain killers. Once the pain subsided , he raced to Sarah's bedside. He hugged her while she sobbed in his arms. He apologized but she refused to hear it. It was not his fault. He sat next to her for an hour before his pain medication started to work and he felt extremely drowsy. Sarah pressed the button on her remote for the nurse to come. A nurse appeared at the door Jacob slowly dosing off on the chair. She understood and quickly got a wheelchair and took Jacob back to his ward. Dr Watson arrived at ten thirty in the night. Sarah was not asleep. She waited for him eagerly. Dr Watson advised the nurse that he will wait for Sarah in his rooms to do an ultrasound. The porter collected her with a wheelchair and wheeled her to his rooms. Dr Watson looked at her red tear soaked face and felt saddened by her state. He was in this field for years and understood her plight. He motioned for her to sit on the bed. He lifted her gown over her belly and onto her chest and applied the cold ultrasound gel. He used hid device ti find her baby in her womb. He clicked a few buttons and there it was, a strong heart beat. Her baby was okay. Thank God she waited for Dr Watson. He confirmed that her baby was healthy. She was moved back to the ward and requested a sandwich, she was hungry. They had not given her supper as they believed that she was attending theatre. Sarah ate a toasted chicken and mayo sandwich with a hot cup of white tea and went to bed. Her heart was full, he baby was fine. But she wasnt out of the clear yet. Dr Watson ordered strict bed rest for her and a healthy diet. He asked her to relax and to stop stressing. The morning came and Sarah missed Jacob and Alex. She called her mother to check on Alex. It was 7am and sarahs mother told her Alex was gone to creche. She also said he was okay. It was too early for Alex to go to creche, Sarah Normally left him at 7h50am. She always liked to spend extra time with him. She felt her mother thought of Alex as a burden to her spicy life with Chuck. Sarah showered and got dressed. She went up to visit Jacob.
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