Chapter 16. Seed has been sewn

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Sarah's 24th birthday had just passed. Her menstrual cycle is a week late. She buys a pregnancy test on her way home, Jacob was working till eight o clock tonight. She couldn't wait but she still had much to do. She fed Alex, played with him, they watched Barney and by 7 o clock Alex was asleep. She picked him up off the couch and put him in his crib. She went to the the lounge and put away the toys, cleared the dishes and went to the kitchen. She popped 2 pieces of chicken in the oven for ther supper and made a green salad on the side. Washed up the dishes swept, mopped and sat down on the couch. Jacob was home. She took the pregnancy test to the bathroom together with her clothes to take a shower while she waited for results. She had a quick shower and changed into her favorite pink pajamas. She picked up the test strip, on the tab there was a deep pink line and next to that was a faint pink line. Her heart stopped, was she pregnant or not. The second line was barely visible. She walked up to Jacob in the lounge and handed him the test He was confused just as she was. Then straining his eyes, he could see the faint line. " I guess we are having another baby White" Jacob grinned. He felt ecstatic. He had a son and his world revemolved around him and Sarah, now he would have another baby. His heart was filled with hoy abf excitement. Sarah had to remind gim Alex was asleep when her picked her up in his arms and twirled her around. He kissed her. "WE ARE PREGNANT". "Hold on, I still have to confirm this at Dr Watson, I don't feel pregnant" Sarah said nervously. She didn't want to get too excited over nothing, the test could be wrong. The next morning during her tea break she went across the building to the Doctors rooms. There were so many rooms, so many specialists in this building. Finally after passing 5 rooms she was at the entrance to Dr Watson. The receptionist buzzed her in. She was polite and totally friendly. Sarah knew her as she always picked up Doctor Watsons medication order from her. She congratulated Sarah, and whispered that she will send her in next. His receptionists name was Holly and she was around 21 years old. Her hair was sunset red and brushed back neatly in a ponytail. Her fair skin had a few freckles but this could not be noticed with her perfect smile. She wore a long grey dress skirt with a powder blue button up blouse. Around her neck was the small logo scarf. The monogram of the hospital group we all worked for. I never wore mine. It was too formal. Everytime I saw someone wearing it, I was reminded of an air hostess. The waiting room was full of pregnant ladies. Sarah appreciated that Holly fitted her in next. A heavily pregnant lady exited Dr watsons room. She waddled up to Holly and told her happily that she is already dilated and baby is expected this afternoon. Holly congratulated her and called the main hospital to areange a bed for the lady. Once holly was done she ushered Sarah into Dr watsons room. " Mrs White, I believe you are here to confirm pregnancy", he said while he looked at her blank chart making notes. When he picked up his head, he was surprised to see Sarah. " Ah, Sarah dear, the one who fills my prescription, and who is ever ready to go an arm and leg to make my patients happy" his voice was joyful. "lets see if you have a mini you in growing in your tummy". He pointed in the adjacent room were she layed on the bed and lifted her blouse. Dr watson then gloved up and tucked a linen saver into the band of her grey formal work pants so that ot would not get messed. He picked up the ultrasound gel and squeezed a generous portion onto her stomach and grabbed his device that was attached to a television like monitor and spread it all over her stomach evenly. It was cold and Sarah fliched when he initially applied the gel. He swooshed all over her lower stomach finally stopping at the centre. "There you see is the little blob, it is the baby in your uterus". He clicked a few buttons and told her there no hearr beat as yet, as she is only five weeks pregnant. He typed in her details and printed a little picture of the blob and gave Sarah. He gave her a few sheets of paper towel to clean herself up while he went back to his desk. She joined him after a few minutes in the chair across his desk waiting for his instructions. "Well Sarah, there is definitely a baby but we can only tell if he or she is alive after six weeks. Since you are only five weeks pregnant, I will give you a date for next week. We will then take it from there, in the meantime do not exert yourself" Dr watson advised. He wrote his findings in her file and gave her an appointment card. One week had passed and she had attended her appointment with Doctor Watson. She was pregnant, the baby had a strong heart beat and Doctor Watson advised her to start taking her folic acid tablets. She called Jacob and broke the news to him. He was so happy he couldnt keep his mouth shut and told his friends at work. Sarah was very superstitious and believed that they should wait atleast three months before telling outsiders. She scolded Jacob. Along with the confirmation came the morning sickness shortly after. The first trimester was always the most sickening. From nausea and vomiting, to losing weight and being miserable most of the day. The things that you liked became things you hated. Smells would trigger your gag reflexes. People annoyed you for no reason. Just looking at them made you pissed off. This pregnancy was different. Unlike Alex pregnancy where I was depressed during the first trimester, I was ecstatic and elated.
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