Chapter 7. Sunday

511 Words
YAWN! I tried stretching my arms as I woke up only to realise there was someone next to me, holding me tight. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at Jacob sleeping next to me. He was still fast asleep. Drool sliding out the corner of his mouth onto my pillow. GROSS. TOTALLY GROSS. I guess some things you only see after marrying them. Thats when it dawned on me, I Sarah Daniels is now a married woman. I AM NOW SARAH WHITE. I took deep breaths, I could feel a panick attack taking over my body. I slowly moved Jacobs arms from around my chest and walked to the bathroom. I had a hot shower and dressed.Although I felt much better, the feeling of hatred, anger and hurt will be there. Everyone was still asleep. I went into the kitchen and made some scrambled eggs to go with the left over chicken from last night. I popped bread in the toaster and layed the table waiting for the three of them to wake up. Natalie joined me shortly after the first batch of toast was done followed by Nash. Jacob was still in bed. Asleep. GOSH, IS THIS WHAT MY MARRIED LIFE GOING TO BE LIKE. NAGGING JACOB TO WAKE UP EVERY MORNING. After ten minutes of moaning and groaning he finally woke up, had a shower and got dressed. Nash and Nat was already done with breakfast when we got to the kitchen. Nat was washing the dishes while having a chat with Nash. Jacob and I sat at the round table. The toast and tea was gone cold together. I reheated all the food as I could hear Jacob mumbling under his breath. I wanted to hand the plates and say your not disabled get up of yo lazy a*s and do it yourself. But instead I smiled sweetly and warmed it. I was a loving wife. I loved him dearly and I knew it lit his heart when I served him anything. I was dreading to go back home. I felt hurt and confused. Abandoned and unloved. I felt as if I was a burden that needed to be uplifted. Jacob and I discussed our near future together. We were married and living seperately with our parents. We decided that in one months time we should have move out and live together. Find a 1 bedroom placeto rent. Our salaries were so low, we decided to work extra hours to make our lives manageable. The 3rd weekend of the January, Sarah started packing. She was still surprised through all that tears her father not once asked what was going on. Sarah packed all her teddy bears Jacob had given her. She had the full collection of Winnie the Pooh and friends. She packed all her clothes only leaving a few sets out for the week. She was all set. Everyone was oblivious to everything that happened and that she was moving out. MAYBE IT WAS FOR THE BEST FOR EVERYONE.
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