Chapter 2. Saturday

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Saterday was like any other. Since Jacob had started working at the same hospital as Sarah, they spent more time together. 2pm sharp they wrapped up their work and walked out of the hospital hand in hand. It was a sunny December afternoon. The sun was blazing,the air was still and the humidity could be seen wafting up from the ground. They walked to the bus stop. Today was saterday, it meant he would go to the Daniels household to spend time with Sarah under much scrutiny from her evil mother and sister, but he felt it was worth it. Sarah was indeed his high school sweetheart, he had only eyes for her. He was consumed by her love for him. The bus ride home was like any other. We talked about work,our lives together, most importantly what we are going to do on our day off together. We jumped off outside the long dreadful driveway of the Daniels house. Jacob was surprised, parked at the end of the driveway was his stepfathers old broken down white Jetta. Just behind that was his elder sister and her husbands white Renault Stepaway. We looked at each other confused. And then it dawned on me. The realization of last weeks interrogation by the evil b****'s of my family. There is always a calm before the storm. How could I not have seen their cruel plan from the beginning. Numbness crept into my bones as we stepped into the old but well maintained house. I could feel the stares from everyone in the room, the attention was on us. The colour drained from my white face making me look even paler whilst my heart was pounding in my chest with nervousness. My mouth suddenly felt dry and my chest was now tightening. I slowly gasped for air. I felt as if I was drowning. Jacob nudged me and I quickly returned to reality. The sad sick reality. The anger, hurt and hatred brewed within me. I decided to stay silent for I knew from my past experiences, talking the truth or any feelings would get me into a place no human should go. A place where even the strongest could not survive the emotional a***e without being scarred. The lounge was a fair size. It accommodated a two seater,three seater and a one seater gold couch with brown oak wooden trimmings.The walls were gloss white with a black tv stand on the far left. It held up a 50 inch samsung flat screen, the latest hifi set with surround sound speakers. This was new appliances bought by Mr Daniel on insistence of his wife. In the centre of the room stood a black coffee table which now had some snacks and tea. The lounge had a large arch opposite to the front doorway which lead to a dinning room. The layout of this home was odd, with rooms on either side of the house. The kitchen at the end of the house with my bedroom next to it whilst down the passage on the opposite side of the house was two bedrooms and a bathroom. My parents shared the room next to the bathroom while my brother Nash occupied the room next to them. I still don't know why I even say my parents, when It feels as if I have a step mother and a helpless father that is so gullible to believe their stories.Some days I just wish I could sit him down and tell him whats going on but then there is so much that happens in front of his eyes that he doesnt even register it. Jacob's mother and step father were seated on the two seater couch on the right. Carey-anne, Jacob's sister, and her husband Michael were seated on the three seater couch, both of their eyebrows were knitted with concern. The awkwardness drifted in the air like invisible fog. *Background on the Davis and White family* Bradley was an architect and builder by profession. He was talented but lazy. He was married to Priscilline Davis and they had four children who was much older than Jacob and Carry-anne. There was Matt, married with three children, who did alot of underhand work but now lead a noble path. There was Kaden, married and divorced with one son. He was loved woman and s** which lead to his divorce. Lindel was married with 6 children, 2 boys, 3 girls and a mixed gender baby. She had decided her child would make the decision when he or she became of age. And lastly their was the crooked pastor Keith, married with 8 children and still counting as they did not believe in contraception. Mrs White had kicked Jacobs dad out when Jacob was 6 years old.He was believed to be a drunk, how far true this is, no one knows as she was in a relationship with Mr Davis at the time. Jacob was too young to remember. Mr Davis and Mrs White leave their respective spouses and build a family of their own. They have three more children together, Bret, Brady and Donna. Bradley does not like Jacob and never treated him as a son. Whilst his mother stayed silent through allbtge a***e he endured from his stepfather, she was only interested in the money Jacob could contribute to their household. This was one of his reasons he became a drop out. He was like a misfit child. His step siblings emotionally and physically abused him, he was their punching bag. His mother played deaf and blind tho the sins played out on him. Basically in a nutshell this family was a sinking ship just like mine.
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