Chapter 8

1037 Words
Archimedes suddenly raised his hand to stop Luna. Luna looked at him questioningly before he raised his hand to indicate up ahead. Luna looked over and saw Adam Live, falsely walking around as if he was blind, he was walking with other people that Luna did not readily recognize. It looked like a sort of entourage of very curios people. Luna recognized one person among them, and that was Aries Kongus, the General and leader of the Fakir Empire Army. He was a beast of a man with the built of a silver back gorilla that wears metallic polders that makes him look even more imposing. The others with him…they…they were something ese. One was a man who somehow was even more imposing that Aries, this was something on its own, considering how massive Aries was. This man was wearing a lot of Red. He had Red shoes, read greaves, a red cuirass, red half-mask. He even had Red hair, and Luna could see red eyes. For some reason, she had this feeling that if there was a thing such as devils this guy was the closest to it. Reminded her of a Red Devil. The third man…if you could call him that…with this strange entourage he was something else entirely. He was wearing this very sharp looking three-piece suit. A black blazer that looked very nice and very elegant. He had this sharp white shirt under the blazer complete with an elegant full Windsor tie. He had black pants and black shoes. Despite how sharp this man was dressed this creature was terrifying. For one it had these long-boney fingers. They had to be at least a foot long, with the longer fingers being larger than that. However, that was not what had gotten Luna’s attention. It was this creature’s face. Or lack thereof. The face that this thing had, it kept changing. It kept altering it kept shifting. But it was not a face, it was these shadows. Shadows to moved and shifted and changed shapes into all these elaborate designs and patterns. “Has that interdimensional b***h talked yet?” The creature asked. “She claims she does not know anything about the brotherhood.” Adam Live said in a conniving way. “I take it you don’t believe her?” The red devil said. “I did not spend several years tracking down interdimensional beings for nothing.” Adam Live said. “There are a dozen interdimensional beings, including myself, then the three of you and Hunraken. Of the possible females that could be hiding the knowledge of the Brotherhood and when she magically appeared in this form coincides with her disappearance back on Kyzlbrahma. No doubt that that foolish creature of Hanuman had something to do with it.” “What about the other females, Eva for example.” Aries said. “Or that one who takes care of your sister,” the red devil said. “As you know Eva is the sister of this form that I have taken.” Adam Live said. Luna shot a look at Archimedes who simply put up his finger as if to tell her to wait. “As for Andromeda, the female takes me for a fool. I know exactly where she comes from and what her purpose is.” Adam said as they continued to walk, and they soon became too far for her to hear what else was going on. However, she knew enough to know. That Adam Live somehow knew exactly who she was. Since he did, that changed everything. Meanwhile “That reminds me,” Hanuman said as if he suddenly realized something. “What now?” I asked. “Has your girlfriend told you her backstory.” Hanuman said. “Back story?” I asked. “Yeah, you should ask her, you might find out something about her that will be a bit alarming.” Hanuman said. “You know something don’t you,” I asked. “Obviously.” Hanuman said shrugging. “Anyways, yes that is important, but for now we have to figure out how to get the Brotherhood before those idiots can.” “If one thing stands out to me about this whole thing,” I said. “Why are we here if Methuselah gave Kyzl the Brotherhood on your planet?” Hanuman asked. I didn’t bother asking him how he knew that. I knew that he would have given me his often-repeated line about him being omniscient. “Oh, but I am omniscient.” Hanuman said. “That is besides the point here though. Let me explain something and hold on to your hats.” “I don’t have a hat,” I said. “It’s an expression,” Hanuman explained. “It means brace for a revelation.” “Another one?” I said. “Geez if you only knew half the stuff…” Hanuman said. “As you were saying,” I said. “I will start this with a disclaimer,” Hanuman said. “The guy writing this story didn’t think about it until right now as he is sitting on his butt writing it with some random blonde girl sitting next to him reading over his shoulder.” “What the hell are you talking about?” I asked. “Stuff only omniscient people know.” Hanuman said. “And what are you getting at exactly?” I asked. “Do you remember Willow?” Hanuman asked. “The tree?” I said. “Not you, you i***t, him.” Hanuman pointed at Walker. “What the hell is he talking about now?” I asked turning to Walker. “I kept jumping universes trying to get back to my original one.” Walker explained. “Some of them I wound up being a girl named Willow.” “What does the name Eva mean in your language?” Hanuman said. “It means…oh!” Walker said and stared at Hanuman. “You son of a b***h!” “No actually my mom was a perfectly normal deva.” Hanuman said. “What is it pup?” I asked trying to ease the tension. “Eva in the Fakir Tongue, it means Willow.” Walker said slowly. “What?!” I said. “But that means…” “She’s also from another dimension,” Walker said. “How many damn people have you brought from other universes?” I asked. “Some of them I did it to save them,” Hanuman said. “Others came here on their own, him included.” Hanuman pointed at Walker. “But others, of significant importance came here through nefarious means, and say that those people who came here through nefarious means have nefarious plots to bring their nefarious regime here.” “That seems like you are repeating what you had just said,” I said. “Not quite,” Hanuman said. “I just told you Eva was from another world, what if I told you that someone knows that, and is using that for their advantage, and that is why they are torturing Uriel.” “Torturing?” I said.
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