
1364 Words
Motherhood had been an interesting thing to Andromeda. She always knew raising a child was going to be different. She was always worried about being able to be a mother. After all her own mother had been killed by the Altanin, the Dragons. That was such a long time ago. When the Altanin had invaded her world. Her world had been a peaceful and beautiful place. With its’ lushes-blue fields, and the beautiful light green skies of her world seemingly a distant memory. It seemed like it was eons ago, when she was on her planet. On her home planet of Regulus. The Altanin had appeared about 18 months ago, maybe it was a bit longer, it was hard for her to really remember so much stuff had happened. They had come out of nowhere it seemed. They claimed that her planet was in their territory. That was one of the things about the Altanin, they always felt that all planets all people all races were all in their control under their rule it did not matter who they were or how big their population was the Altanin always felt superior to everyone. Her people had known about the Altanin, but they always have been thought to be legends, and in fact it was not until the creatures came spewing fire, poison and even ice at times, did the legend of the Dragons began to ring true. They had come like in legends roaring into a fury of storms of which the likes had been unseen before. It was like a legend. And yet...Andromeda was sitting here, looking at the window as she weaned an infant girl, she had become a mother to for the past year, she really couldn’t believe that she was one of these creatures her kind feared. Her named was Aras. She was a beautiful little girl. Andromeda discovered that Altanin when they are younger if they are on Oxygen enriched planets, they could become accustomed to it and would not need to use a space suit as much as adults. She was still going to need one but not as much as she would have, had she not been born on a planet full of oxygen. She also learned a lot of stuff about this young girl. Even though she was about 5 years old. Aras was the equivalent of maybe 2 years old on her race. So, she still needed nursing and she still needed waning and she still needed a lot of things, she needed a motherly touch. No wonder Adam had coerced her to take care of the young girl. Andromeda had her own daughter...well she guessed…she could call her a second daughter. Her younger one was about to turn one, she also needed the same attention as her elder sister. Andromeda decided to raise the two as sisters it felt strange her kind had suffered so much because of the Altanin, but this infant had not done anything, it was possible that the evil of her race had been taught. It was curious how... simply by adopting this girl she had learned so much about the Altanin, for one, their children had to be waned and nursed. Meaning that female Altanin more than likely had breasts just like a mammal and less like a lizard. That was peculiar. She had never heard of a lizard having breast that was (of course) a mammal quality as far as she knew. Secondly, she learned about thanks to this girl, was that females had small horns on their heads. They appeared as very small welts on Aras’s forehead, and she imagined that they would become bigger as she grew older. Third was that at least infant girls, were very attached to their mothers. It was hard not to have Aras around her. She always clung to Andromeda. And she may be an infant but you cannot separate Aras from her no matter what you did if you tried. Adam commented that it was suicide to try to take a daughter from her mother for the first few years. Andromeda noticed that Aras had fallen asleep and she got up and set her down next to her sister. Andromeda looked at her hand and clenched it. Her left hand had the similar scales growing around her hand that were on Aras. She wondered if her attachment to Aras and the fact she had been nursing her had something to do with that. It certainly was possible. Andromeda had noticed other changes. The same scales had appeared on her breasts. Including this weird slit that had grown around her n*****s that slid down when she nursed her daughters. Her eyes had also changed, they had become sort of more and more serpent-like. Andromeda didn’t know if there was any more changes she was going to expect, or even if her Toka, her youngest would also start seeing changes. She hadn’t seen any changes in her youngest but thought it would only be a matter of time. “Lady Andromeda,” on of her servants said. Andromeda had jumped and hid her scaled hand behind herself. “Sorry didn’t meant to startle…” she started. Andromeda had put her finger to her lips telling her to be quiet. The woman understood and nodded. Andromeda looked down at her daughters again before she went over to the woman and walked outside of the room. “What is going on?” Andromeda said. “Sorry, Lady Andromeda, but Master Live called and said he wanted me to come find you.” She said. “What does he want?” Andromeda asked. “He did not say,” the woman said. “He just said it was utmost importance.” “Fine,” Andromeda said. “Get my things ready.” The woman did what she was told. So, Andromeda changed her appearance completely and become the person that Adam Live knew. A woman named Luna Nova and headed off to meet this man…no this creature named Adam Live. Soon Andromeda as Luna Nova, appeared in front of Adam Live who waved a servant who was whispering in his ear. No doubt telling the pretending blind man that Andromeda had arrived. Andromeda knew full well that Adam was not blind, but he was acting like that for an unknown reason. Perhaps to sell his preaching better. Andromeda as Luna was different. She had a different demeanor, a different personality, a different set of clothing she would wear as her alter-ego. She would wear a black wig to cover her platinum blonde, green contacts to cover her gold eyes, and heavy makeup to cover any possibility of being recognized. “Luna Nova,” Adam said as he sat behind a desk. “You requested my presence?” Luna asked. “Indeed, I did,” Adam said. “Tell me Luna, I hear that you are a specialist in interstellar communications.” Luna froze. How did Adam Live know that? “I was,” Luna cleared her throat. “But that was a long time ago.” “How is that old saying that you just need to pick up a bicycle and ride it?” Adam Live scratched his chin. “Yes, it’s something like this,” Luna said. “I don’t see how I can help you with that. I thought yourself to be a master of many languages.” “Indeed, I am,” Adam said. “However, with my schedule getting increasingly fuller, I needed to give this to someone else to worry about.” “And you thought I could do this?” Luna said. “Oh, you can, and you will do it.” Adam smirked. “I hate to see one day accidentally you find your daughters being accidentally sliced by a stray blade.” “You wouldn’t!” Luna said feeling her maternal instincts flare up. “One of them is your own…” Luna started but Adam cut him off. “You believe you can convince me about the female?” Adam Live said. “If I didn’t need that thing, I would have killed it already. She will have her usefulness eventually. Be that as it may if you tilt my hand, I will kill her without any remorse.” “What do you want me to do?” I asked. Suddenly there was a rumble. The wall to the right opened and revealed a glass cage with this massive wolf-like creature from behind it. The creature ran at the wall charging at Adam only to be stopped by the glass. “I need you to ask our friend Alqamar, about the Brotherhood.” Adam said his smile becoming wider and serpent-like. Everything is going just splendid.
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