Chapter 40

1278 Words
"Yes," she answered softly. "I-I was planning of going out to look for a job I would fit in." Naizen stood up and walked towards her. She was still cleaning the sink. For some reason, Naizen's presence was kind off bothering her. She could hear the loud sound of her chest, she was loudly throbbing. "I told you, you can ask me of you want to work immediately. Yvonne, I can help you, Ellen and Hector can help you as well. They are willing," she heard Naizen said but Yvonne turned to see the man and met the serious gaze of Naizen towards her. "You have provided everything to me, Naizen. I don't have anything with me, with my own hand, but look where I am today, what I got with myself. I got these all for free, from you. This time, about me working, I want to work for that anymore. I want to make myself feel that I can still do something for me," she explained softly, she held Naizen's hand and squeeze it gently. "Are you sure?" he asked, making sure that to make her realize if she was sure about what she was planning to do. "I was worried for some reason. I mean, I don't know this place, I don't know what it has outside the village. The city was huge, very unlike to that small town where I came from. But I think, I can make myself used to this place. This is my life now, Naizen. I couldn't just ignore the fact that I was getting different life from the day you brought me out of Herria," she said and Naizen was listening carefully to everything she was mumbling. He couldn't understand himself. He wants to put his hand over Yvonne, he wants to know everything she was planning to do, she wanted to do. He wants to be there in every event and changes of her life. He had never seen for long, in fact, it wasn't even a week yet, it was just 3 f*cking days. He wanted to make sure that everyday, she was safe, she was okay and she was doing well. But he is not an asshole that would also stop her from doing things she know would help her grow. Yvonne had gone through a lot at Herria. She even almost lost her life if he just didn't see her unconscious in the middle of the battle premises. "Here." Yvonne's eyes widened upon seeing what he was handling her. He was holding a brand new phone and was going to give this to Yvonne. "Nai---" "Please stop arguing," he butt in to cut her words off. Naizen seems has still something want to say and she then stopped herself. "You maybe would possibly find a job for yourself but it would still take a long time for you to get everything you want and everything that you need. I am certain that from the day you would start having your own salary and money, you are already for sure stop me from spending my own money for your needs. I maybe not know you yet. However, by the reaction you had in your face, your eyes, I know I was right." "I was in debt with you, Naizen. My shelter, my food, my clothes, my other stuffs and most of all, my life. I just want to do something for myself," she responded and that made Naizen nodded like he understood what she meant. "I understand, that is why I want you to accept this phone. This would be the way of your connection to people you wanted to connect with," Naizen said seriously. And since he seems not going to put the phone and his hand down unless she would pick it up, she picked it up. "Thank you for this," she thanked, smiled and put the phone on the table. "Thank you for not holding yourself back to help me. You have said it, you do not know me, you don't know if I could pay this to you, yet, you are still handing me your hand to help me lift myself up from the ground." Her tears immediately came out and flows down her cheeks unattended. Naizen was looking at her so serious like he was studying her or something. Naizen was sometimes transparent and she had spilled that to him, however, it was right that she was wrong. He is not that transparent. He was deceiving people and she knew that. He was strong and he know what he was doing. He knows his capabilities and he was fearless of giving a hand to Yvonne whom he didn't know. "If that so, I'll get going now. I have an important thing to do," he said and immediately turned his back at her and went upstairs. Yvonne sighed deeply and rested her back at the wall in her back. She never had this close of a conversation with him. She never thought she would feel this kind of nervousness towards other people. She glanced the phone she put at the table and picked it up again. Her eyes narrowed when she realized this was the same phone with Philamie. For Philamie to use this kind of phone, this probably cost not a joke. It's just the good thing for her cause even though she wasn't able to finish her studies, she even didn't finish secondary, but she was able to learn how to speak, read and all. She wasn't dumb and life made her one. Life made her strong and life made her matured. She was still in the position when Naizen appeared in the stairs going down. He was looking so intimidating and he don't look like someone who just had few, he was looking someone like had much. Power and wealth. She still hadn't search anything about Naizen. Her eyes just fell into the phone and a certain thing that popped up in her mind. This thing could help her with that. "Take care," she was digging into her mind what else she could say when Naizen's eyes met hers but that was the only words that came out in her mouth. Naizen didn't say anything and just turned his back. He walks towards the door and came out from the house — his own house without looking back. He then drove his car out of the gate and his mind flew to the scene he had with Yvonne. Why the fact he did that? What is it for him if she wants to work for herself, if she wants to look job for herself? Isn't it better that he would never think of it for Yvonne? He was getting an asshole being whipped with someone — a woman he didn't even know. He was putting it in his mind that Yvonne needs help, yes. But she was never his priority. He still has his own life and he don't need to look for her 24/7. He gave her shelter, clothes and other things that she need, that's enough. Maybe, this time, he could step backward and let Yvonne let her own life until the day that she would be able to learn how to live in this City. He then went straight to the Academy like the original plan. He was driving when his phone rang and the name of their Military Captain appeared in the caller ID. His eyes narrowed with the call for he didn't expect anything of a call from the team yet. He took his earphones out and put them in to accept the call.
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