The Love of Michael Myers (Halloween

1679 Words
Michael Myers stood there with his hand gripped tightly around his butcher knife poised and ready to strike, the only reason he hadn't yet was because this victim was very different from the rest. He tilted his head to the side and silently watched her. She didn't scream, in fact she was as silent as he was. Nor was she half naked or getting it on with someone like most of his pathetic dirty victims always were, it was mostly why he chose them, they reminded him of his slut and w***e of a sister Judith and they needed to pay. What was he going to do with her he wondered. She was so different to what he was used to and it intrigued him. He stepped toward her menacingly and was confused when all she did was squeeze her eyes tight shut but remained utterly silent. He noticed that she had a huge white and hideous scar that ran from the top of her forehead and down to her chin, and he couldn't help but wonder where she had gotten it from. On closer inspection he also noticed that her eye next to the scar was a creamy white unlike her dark brown one on the left. He was too curious about this victim and he found he wanted to know more about her for the first time in his life. She held her eyes tightly shut and whimpered inside her head. After a while her eyes began to hurt and so she peeked out of her one good eye curiously. Her breath stopped short when she saw Michael only two steps away from her, but she noticed with confusion that he held the butcher knife down at his side again. She looked up at his mask to see his head tilted to the side, watching her silently, regarding her she thought. She guessed he'd never had a silent victim before and she wondered what he would do about it. They stood there like that for a while, both staring at one another, and she realised as she looked at his eyes through the mask that beneath the shadows, his eyes were not black as people had thought but blue, a cold piercing ice blue full of animalistic madness...and curiosity. All of a sudden without warning, he came towards her and all she could do was stand there helplessly, her breath gone. He grabbed her around the throat and lifted her into the air with one hand. When she didn't scream or even attempt to struggle he put her back down, and then grabbing her around the waist she gasped as he lifted her and threw her over his shoulder without a word, like she weighed nothing and carried her out of the bedroom and down the stairs. Where was he going to take her she wondered? Would he torture her so that she would scream? Her body was shaking so hard that he was bound to be able to feel it. He went and opened up the basement and headed down the steps. She hadn't even known she'd had a basement it was so well hidden! It was dark and cold and all she could smell was dust and damp. Her fear increased as they descended deeper into the darkness. When they reached the bottom he surprisingly placed her carefully onto her feet and pushed her gently so that she fell sitting onto a squeaky, rusty and metal bed. He turned on a light thaT was above and it lit the place up dimly. She looked around and saw the room was bare except for the old looking mattress she was sat on, a thin cover and not much else...oh wait! There was a toilet! Down here? Weird. She looked up at his huge towering frame and gulped at his piercing stare. Was he waiting for her to say something she wondered? He stared silently at her for a few minutes and then silently turned and left the room. Where was he going? She thought nervously. He came back a few minutes later with some rope and grabbing her hands started to tie them together. Where the heck did he find that! She wondered frantically and couldn't help pulling and fighting against him, the thought of being utterly bound and helpless too much. He gripped her wrists tightly, enough that she knew just a tad tighter and they would snap like twigs, so she stopped struggling. He tied her feet as well and then made her lay on the bed. She was cold and the thin cover didn't do much to help as he placed it over her before turning, leaving the room and then coming back with her arm chair! Cheeky! She thought as he placed it in the corner of the room at the foot of her bed and sat back into it. This was crazy she thought, she wasn't feeling quite so nervous now, clearly he wanted her alive a little longer for some reason. She strained her neck to turn and look at him to see him silently watching her. He was creepy and terrifying and she couldn't relax for hours until finally, exhaustion took over and she fell into a fitful sleep of nightmares. Michael watched her sleep fitfully, she was clearly having nightmares as she cried out and thrashed around the bed. She still hadn't uttered a word yet and it drove him crazy as he wondered why. She was whimpering now and for some reason he could not explain, he couldn't bear to hear her sounding like that. He walked over and bent down next to her head and watched her face, it looked pained and despairing, he gently brushed the strands of black hair from her face and stroked her head until slowly she started to relax. Surprise filtered through him when she grabbed his hand and pulled it down to hold against her cheek. He stayed like that for a whiLe until she looked more peaceful before making his way back to the chair to keep watch. The next morning Tracy woke up and made a gurgling noise in her throat when she saw Michael sat in her chair still watching her. She'd thought it was an awful dream for a moment, but apparently not. Her stomach growled loudly and she blushed, it was loud, always had been which was probably the only reason her father had ever remembered to feed her, so wrapped up in his work that he was, she hadn't bothered to make contact since moving out and neither had he. She watched as Michael suddenly stood up to his towering seven foot frame and left the room. What was he doing she wondered? Maybe today was the day he would torture her. She managed to get up into a sitting position and looked around the room for any means of escape, there weren't any except a tiny window that she was sure not even she could fit through...or could she? She had to try, but first she needed something sharp to cut the ropes. She looked around frantically but there was nothing. He came back down the stairs and into the room carrying a bag. She looked at him in confusion to which he shook it at her in a ’take it’ gesture. It was strange to have someone who also didn't speak she thought and then lifted her hands to indicate thaT she was tied up. He growled making her jump and then lifted the hand with the butcher knife. Oh crap, he must have thought she wasn't worth the trouble, she squeezed her eyes shut and bit her lip hard when she felt the ropes cut...wait, he cut the ropes? She opened her eyes to see that he had, only her hands though, her feet remained tied. He threw the bag in her lap and sat back down in the chair. Opening it, she saw with surprise that he'd packed her cereal in there as well as crisp, apples, bottle of waters and cereal bars. This was probably the kindest thing he'd ever done in his inhuman life and she looked into his eyes hoping he would see the gratitude in hers. Him feeding her could only be a good thing, clearly he wasn't planning on killing her just yet. She tucked into the cereal box but jumped up and almost tripped as Michael was about to leave. He caught her arm with a look of annoyance in his eyes and steadied her before letting go. She tried to give a questioning look, but he only lifted his butcher knife and pointed it toward the bed, a clear indication for her to stay put. Slowly she shuffled back and sat down and he left. She sat there bored out of her mind and wondering when he'd come back, it had to have been at least three hours and she no doubt realised that he was probably killing people. She had to get out of here!he hadn't retied her hands and she sighed in relief and quickly undid her feet, it took a while as he was good! But she finally got her feet free and raced Up the stairs and opened the door only to crash right into a huge rock solid wall of muscle, gulping she looked up to see him glaring angrily down at her through the mask. She braced herself as he grabbed her by the scruff of her baggy kitten pyjama top and hauled her back down the stairs. She clawed at his arms and flailed about frantically, he spun her around and wrapped a huge hand around her throat and squeezed tight once, a warning to quit fighting she realised, and slowly stopped struggling against him. He released her and then tied her up again, both hands and feet and pushed down on her shoulders making her sit back on the bed. She shuddered as his now bloodied knife touched her shoulder when he'd pressed her down.
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