Chapter 4

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Trust issues Ariana - Are you really the good guy in this story? - I  asked her and she chuckled then answered with a kind, warm smile. - We are all the good guys in our own story and the monster in someone else's. It is only up to you which one do you want me to be in yours. - She winked at me and she made me smirk a little then we  continued to eat. When I was tired I turned the lights down and went to sleep. Frankie lied on her mattress as well but I couldn't fall asleep. In my mind many thoughts were running in circles. I slowly, carefully got up, grabbed the little flashlight from my nightstand and walked to her cell. If she was tortured, it means she must have some wounds I tried to focus the light on her, luckily Frankie was facing to the wall so I could see her back.  The bottom of her back flashed from under her t-shirt and I saw that there are a couple of deep enough traces of cuts on it that haven't healed yet- I gasped and went back to my bed, I have been looking at the ceiling for hours. Maybe those are from a fight and she just tries to spoof me... *Carl is a cruel person Ariana! Will you believe to such a miserable mad man instead of her? * My wolf asked me and I answered. " I don't know her, she is dangerous you saw how afraid was Beth at her presence. *I only have one question* "I'm listening" * If you had been torturing someone for years as Frankie says she had been, and it turns out that the person you hurt and bullied is one of the strongest and most dangerous creatures of the whole history. Would you feel safe? * My wolf had a point and I started to believe that maybe Frankie wasn't as bad as they told me, she also wanted to help me before  I captured her. When I could finally fall asleep a strange feeling hit me. This was the first time in my life when I slept in a same room with someone, plus that someone was a siren who could easily kill me with her voice yet I felt safe around her. The next morning Troy one of our  young pack members brought us some food but it was just a piece of bread and a little dried meat for me with an apple, for Frankie be brought dry bread and I saw that before he gave it to me he stepped on it. I snarled at him and he growled at me. Troy is a handsome, tall blue eyed werewolf. The girls from our pack are at his feet but I always ignored him. I had more important things in my mind like mi revenge and survival than this man-w***e. He pushed me a little and stormed into the room to see Frankie. She was just sitting on her bed with her back to the door. - Hey beast! Show yourself! - He shouted but Frankie stayed motionless, if I hand't seen her wake up I would've thought that she is still sleeping. Troy got annoyed and pulled a little pistol from his pocket and pointed on Frankie I screamed at him. - Are you normal?! - Frankie got up and walked to the door of her cell and faced Troy and his pistol. His large shoulders shook when he saw the fragile and tired Frankie. She stared at him with her hazel eyes and all this situation really looked quiet comical.  - So this is the dangerous beats! - He laughed and put his finger on the trigger. - Are you afraid of death siren?! - He asked and his voice sounded really cruel, he enjoyed this.  - Troy get the f**k out of the room now! - He turned to me and pointed the gun at me.  - Or what? - That moment I saw Frankie at his back her nails were so long that they reached until the side of Troy's neck. Her face was equal of someone's worst nightmare. She slightly scratched Troy's neck by the right side. He turned back to her with an annoyed look. Dear Moon Goddess what would I pay for see his face now! The only thing I saw was Troy trembling in his whole body. Frankie's neon purple eyes stared into his , her skin was covered with scales and it became almost grey , her veins were filled with blue blood and  large fangs grew out of her mouth.  - What the f**k?! - These were Troy's only words before he pulled the trigger. It hit Frankie in her shoulder and she glanced at me. I covered quickly my ears as I saw her face distorted from anger and pain. I heard that she started to sing this time her voice was even more enchanting than the first time I heard her. Now it called all my cells to get closer to her just as it did with Troy's body as well. When he was just a few inches from Frankie the only thing that separated them were the grids. Frankie's face turned into a large and vicious smile she amazed me and scared me at the same time. So much self control and power in such a small woman!  She stopped singing and waited a few seconds so Troy's vision cleared. He stared in her eyes and I heard Frankie whisper.  - Boo. - Troy ran out of the room and shut the door behind him. I couldn't stand a laughter and saw that Frankie laughed as well and changed back to her real form.  - That was amazing! - I said to her and just noticed the river of blood coming out of her shoulder. - Oh s**t he shoot you! I will call our doctor wait a minute. - I turned to the door but it was closed. I wanted to mind-link the pack doctor when Frankie said. - Don't bother yourself or him. - She sat down , one of her nails grew a little and became pointy. - Just give me some cold water in my bowl please. - She whispered and  pulled the bowl closer to the door. I reached for it and pulled out of her cell, filled with cold water in the tiny bathroom I had and when I came back to Frankie I saw her cutting out of her flesh the bullet. My jaws dropped she stared at me and giggled. - Close your mouth and pass me the water please. - She hissed when she finally took out the bullet but now she was bleeding even more. I handed her the water and she poured in her wound. Just like in a science fiction movie her wound started to heal quickly and she licked off her own blood from her finger. I saw her eyes turning into purple and she growled.  - You are scary now. - I said and sat down in front of her. She smiled at me but her smile was devilish.  - This brings me back so many memories... It wasn't a long time ago before I turned 16 when Carl hit me with his belt and beat me half dead. The taste of my own blood gives me willing to kill him one day. I had my chance once, I let him leave, the second time I took his vision, if I get a third time I won't make any mistake. - She said her voice sounded cruel and pained. She slowly turned into her normal self again and asked. - Who was that pup? - I swallowed and didn't know what to say. - Hey, I won't hurt you and neither I hurt him. - I thought back and she was right. She could've killed Troy at least three times while he was in the room but she didn't do it. Nay! She could've killed me in my sleep or when I brought her the water but I was still alive and I felt safer than ever in my pack. - That was Troy, he is the popular guy here. - She rolled her eyes and hissed. - I would call him an asshole instead , the girls here must have a bad taste. - I laughed at this manifestation. She looked at me surprised and asked. - I noticed that you didn't get burn when you touched my grids. How is this even possible? - I looked at her concerned. She was nice she basically protected me but I just couldn't trust her yet.  - Before I tell you you must do two things. - I said she lifted her eyebrows and nodded. - First take off your shirt  and show me your back. - Frankie sighed and turned around , she took off her dirty white t-shirt and reveled her back. It was horrible to look at it...  On her whole back there were old and not so old scars crossed on top of each other. There were some of them  that had already scarred the other half that were still healing, however, they did not look as creepy as the older ones. She put back her t-shirt and stared at me.  - What is the second thing? - She asked and  shook my head,  I couldn't let go from my mind what I saw. Tantrum and Vic also hurt me but none of those scars remained on my skin. I felt sorry for her, she will have to wear the scars of her past on her skin for forever.  - Tell me a secret about you. - She thought a little and said. - I knew you will attack the Full Moon pack. - My eyes opened wide but she didn't give me a further  explanation so I let it go this topic for now. She crossed her arms on her chest and grinned. - Your turn. - I'm resistant to silver. - She looked ta me very surprised and got lost in her thoughts. I grabbed the trays of food Troy brought for us and threw Frankie's in the trash. She didn't even care about it. - I just threw out your food. - She shrugged. - I got used to this. I'm fine without food. - I gave her a bitter sweet smile and gave her the half of my breakfast she stared at me with a grateful look and we ate our breakfast glancing at each other the whole time. What is she hiding ? 
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