Chapter 1-3

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As I began to stagger, he slowed his pace. Finally, we reached a wooden staircase that led to a hidden trapdoor in the attic. “ I have to open it. You stay here. Woe to you if you try to escape. I swear I"ll catch you again and make you pay», he threatened me, letting go of my arm. He stared at me for a moment and then started up the stairs. He barely got to the top when he started picking the lock. The time had come. The time to escape. He was about to open the trapdoor, after having broken the padlock with his hands like steel claws. Wasting no more time, I broke into a run despite the pain in my injured knee. I ran at full speed. The important thing was not to look back and keep the goal in mind. I felt a shout of rage behind me, but I ignored it and ran even faster than before. Luckily, I had recently had hemodosis, so I was in good shape. A few more meters and I would reach the stairs to go up to the abbey. I was already touching the railing. One more step and... I felt a grip on my left arm and then it covered me completely, taking my breath away. I was thrown back against his chest. Blake had me. I turned around and shouted in his face: "Leave me alone!" I didn"t even know where the courage to face him so openly came from, but I couldn"t take it anymore. I was about to explode and I didn"t care if he wanted to kill me right then. I refused to make the poor, helpless victim. I felt a strength and pride rise within me. I looked at his face in disbelief at my reaction. “ I want my aunt, is that clear?” repeated the dose. “ Your aunt is no longer here. The entire abbey was evacuated three hours ago,” he explained to me calmly. “ Where did they go?” I asked quietly, unsettled by the thought of being abandoned. "I do not care. I found what I was looking for”. I ignored his allusion. "I just want to know if she’s okay". "I think so". «Do you think?» “ When she ran away with the cardinal, her arm was bleeding. That"s what I was told,” Blake said hurriedly. For a moment, my legs sagged with relief at the knowledge that she was still alive, even if injured. I sighed heavily for a moment, but it only took a split second for me to realize I was alone. “ Well, shall we go now?” he asked in a tone of voice that certainly didn"t take no for an answer. I really didn"t know what to do, but for now I was alone and the vampire"s strength was clearly greater than mine. No one would come to protect me, not even Matt. “ What about Matt?” «If by Matt you mean the man who escorted you, I took care of him» "What do you mean by that?" I stammered, refusing to think he was dead because of me. "Anything. Let"s go now". "But I...". "No more questions. Get on your feet and hurry,” he ordered, dragging me back to the open trapdoor. My knee throbbed and I was exhausted, but I didn"t want to lean on it. Climbing the stairs was t*****e. My knee kept bumping against the steps. Besides, I was beginning to feel the fatigue of the race. I knew that with my health problems, I should avoid too much physical activity, otherwise I would need to take a hemodose earlier than usual, and in that case, I had no idea how to get it. When I came out of the trapdoor, I was in an abandoned building, with moldy walls and large windows. Outside it was already dark and it continued to rain. “ But what time is it?” I asked, disoriented. When I entered the abbey it was just before lunch and now how come it was already dark? Maybe there was an eclipse. "It"s almost five" "What? But how is it possible? «You were hiding in that hole with that cat in your arms crying and you ended up falling asleep. You slept for three hours before waking up. You didn"t even notice my presence», he explained to me, making me blush with embarrassment. He saw me cry, a luxury I never grant, with the exception of a few occasions. Only my aunt had seen me cry once and that had made me very upset at the time. I didn"t let anyone see my weaknesses and now I felt lost in the eyes of Blake who had seen me in that state. My eyes were probably red too, and my face was still pale, as it always was after I’d cry. «Who knows what a monster I am now?» I dedramatized. "I don"t know. It"s the first time I"ve seen someone cry. Generally, people scream and beg me to spare them, they don"t cry thinking about their aunt or their house», he replied, looking at me with a questioning air. “ And how do you know that?” I asked him, calling him you. “ You were talking in your sleep. You kept repeating aunt, Ahmed, house, farm, vampires. You also spoke on my behalf», he informed me, grabbing his cell phone and sending a message to who knows who. I knew I talked in my sleep. Auntie always told me. It was always something that embarrassed me and at that moment I blushed even more. “ So where are we going?” I asked him to distract him from me once he started looking at me curiously. This question made him serious again. "My house". "Where?" I asked again in astonishment. Blake didn"t have time to say anything else, a clacson in the road unexpectedly honked. "It’s them. Let"s go" he said, grabbing me by the arm again. "Them who?" "Vampires, obviously." «Look, for me, one gives and one arrives. There"s no need...” I tried to change his mind about feeding me to his friends, but he let out a roaring laugh that broke all my defenses. I couldn"t believe it. I had made him laugh. "I have no intention of sharing you with my friends, if that"s what you think," he assured me in a clear voice. He led me out of the building, warning me not to make scenes once outside. "My friends don"t like setbacks," he advised. I obeyed. We left. It was stopping raining. We were in the center of the city, in the midst of many passer-bys. How is it that no one realized the danger they were in when walking calmly through the streets of a city full of vampires? I let myself be dragged to a blue Ford parked right in front of us. In the back seats were two people, or rather vampires. Both were pale and blond. The one behind the wheel was very fat and old. I wanted so much to run down the road and get away, but Blake"s hand was too strong. «Don"t even try» he told me. Could he read minds? In an instant, Blake opened the car door and had me in the backseat, then sat down next to me. As soon as the door closed, the driver put the car in motion without even asking for directions, while the other vampire beside him began to stare at me. Meanwhile, the car took off at full speed, making me swing right and left, causing me, at one point, to bump into Blake"s arm, who ended up reassuring me of my instability and decided to hold me against him. However, this time his grip was firm but gentle. He found me with my face pressed against his shirt, right where it was unbuttoned. I"ve always had a great sense of smell and I couldn"t not smell his scent, so masculine and sensual. I was about to give in to that reckless sense of danger when something caught my eye. The man sitting in front of me was looking at me intently. “ Blake, this human girl has a very strong odor! I"ve never smelled anything like this coming from a human. It"s really overwhelming. It"s driving me crazy!" the man blurted out unexpectedly. Initially, I worried that I hadn"t washed well that morning, despite my shower. Then, noticing how the vampire was l*****g his lips, I began to get seriously scared. Involuntarily I hid even further into Blake"s chest, and he was immediately aware of my discomfort. «Will, stop it!». «Please don"t say you didn"t notice her perfume» teased him. “ I noticed. It"s private. It took me a while too before I could approach without attacking her, but then you"ll get used to it." Blake tried to reassure him, but the other vampire seemed more and more ravenous and close. He continued to stretch across the front seat to get a better sniff of me. My heart started to pound with fear. I realized too late that that sensation excited him even more. In an instant, I found myself being assaulted by Will who tried to attack my neck with his elongated canines and hypnotized gaze. Luckily Blake intervened just in time and grabbed him by the neck before he could reach me. "Control yourself!" the furious Blake shouted at him. "I am unable! This smell is too strong,” shouted Will in turn, struggling. “ Remember what Cardinal Montagnard told us. Her blood is a weapon against us. I want to consult Jack Marley before I turn her into a vampire or do anything else,” he warned, and Will returned to his seat. So it was true that Cardinal Montagnard had told him something about me. Good thing he had warned them not to bite me, so I could buy time. I was still lost in my thoughts when the car stopped in front of an old abandoned building with small windows. I was taken over again by the fear of being trapped alone in that hovel. “ Blake, please, get out quickly and take that girl with you before I jump on her too,” said the driver, who had not opened his mouth until then. "Yes sorry. Thank you, Peter,” Blake greeted him, getting out of the car and helping me out. We head towards the gloomy building. Blake continued to grab me by the arm, even as he unlocked the metal door with the keys he took from his raincoat pocket. Outside the car, it was very cold and I started to shiver as I was wearing a simple long-sleeved sweater and a light denim jacket. Shortly afterwards I was taken inside the structure. I was amazed by the scenery I came across. I was suddenly in a large, very luxurious and heated apartment. There was a large living room, with a large white leather sofa facing the wall, on which a fifty-inch plasma television was fitted. The walls were decorated with several paintings of varying sizes. Behind the living room, there was a modern kitchen with a rounded shape. On the left, there was a huge table that seats twelve with as many chairs, while on the right, between the living room and the kitchen, it was possible to glimpse a spacious bathroom, half hidden by doors of colored and frosted glass. Above the bathroom, there was a small attic, in which a bed could be distinguished. The whole apartment had been decorated in an industrial style, as could be seen from the shape of the chairs, the sofa, the stairs leading to the attic and the electric kitchen with the steel counter. «This place is beautiful!» I exclaimed, as I walked slowly into that large open space. "You"re the first person to say so," Blake admitted, startling me. I couldn"t believe it.
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