Chapter 4

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Olivia POV It is Tuesday today, campaign period is over, and the election was held yesterday. We were just waiting for the results to come out, which will be announced through the school bulletin board any time today. But classes were to end early as there is a sort of teachers meeting in the afternoon. The past two weeks was really stressful. I never worked this hard ever! Whether I win or not, I would take Bianca with me to the spa. I need a major pampering! The last class for today ends and I immediately stood up carrying my bag and jogged to the board outside the principal’s office before the hallway starts to crowd. I met Bianca and Martha half way to the office and held hands with them without even saying a word. When we turned to the corner, we saw a few students were already in front of the bulletin board. My heart stopped beating for a second as I knew it was the results that they were looking at. The three of us started our way to the front, our hand gripping each other’s. We started to read from top to bottom, then at the same we looked at each other with eyes wide open and mouths agape. Then we started to squeal and engage in a group hug. It was a landslide victory for our party! A number of students had already gathered around and started to congratulate us. The other members of the party seemed to here as well, everyone seemed to be in high spirits. “Okay, people! Come on, let’s pay our dear principal a visit!” Bianca signed for us to go. When we turned to go, we were suddenly faced with Richard and his buddies from the basketball team. Richard was frowning. It looked like the news reached him already. Suddenly he took his hand forward and smiled. “Congratulations, Bianca! I knew you would win. Perhaps we could work together.” Bianca’s cheeks were suddenly pink, sticking her hand out as well to shake Richard’s hand. Why the heck is she blushing??? “Thanks, Richard. Yes, we could work together. I would like that,” Bianca said smiling from ear to ear. I would have laughed at Bianca’s behavior, but I controlled it. There must be something here, but now is not the right time to question my best friend first. After we have shook everyone’s hand, we went inside the principal’s office. It was a short meeting, just to let Mr. Davis know the people who would be working for the council and to affirm our commitment in serving the council and the student body. He congratulated each one of us and when we were about to leave, Mr. Davis cleared his throat. “Ms. Adams, could I talk to you for a moment? This will just take around 5 minutes.” I nodded nervously and then the others walked out of the door. Mr. Davis is a tall, middle-aged man, perhaps in his early forties. He looks serious most of the time, but still looks attractive. Bianca whispered to me before she stepped out, “We’ll wait for you outside.” Mr. Davis signed me to take a seat when the door finally closed. “I was meaning to talk to you Ms. Adams, but I haven’t got the chance until today, which seemed to be the best time.” He said giving me a small smile. Wow! He looks more attractive when he smiles! Get a grip girl! Then I began to feel edgy. I don’t know what to say to him! I gulped. “Did I do something wrong, Sir?” “Oh, nothing of that sort, Ms. Adams. Do not worry. I’ll get straight to the point. Actually, I am very happy with your school performance during the past years. What I really wanted to say is you are among the top senior students running for valedictorian. Your academics are on point. But of course, we also give credit on extra-curricular activities you do in school. You are the head of the cheerleading squad and now the VP of the student council. Your teachers have nothing but good things to say about you.” I was dumbfounded with everything Mr. Davis had been telling me. I could not speak. “But, Ms. Adams, let me just tell you that I am not siding anyone. I am not doing favorites here. I have talked to a few top students already and I would like all of you to do your best in your final year, step up your game if you would like to be number one. You understand, Ms. Adams?” “Yes, Mr. Davis. I understand. Thank you very much for the pep talk, Sir.” Mr. Davis smiled, stood up and held out his hand again for a handshake. “Very well, Ms. Adams, I think you have something to celebrate today. Congratulations again.” I stood up as well and shook Mr. Davis’ hand. “Thank you again, Sir.” I gave the principal a salute and walked out of the room. Just when I have closed the door beside me, Bianca pulled me to start walking out of the school building. “The others are waiting in the parking lot. So, what was it all about?” Bianca prodded. I looked around us before replying to her, making sure that no one is within earshot. “It was just a pep talk. Mr. Davis told me that I could graduate as the batch valedictorian. He’s made me understand that he is not playing favorites and had talked to other top seniors as well. He would just like all of us to step up our game.” Bianca looked at me with wide eyes. “You go girl! I am so happy for you! We’ll make sure you will be the top graduate!” “Shh! I do not want anyone to know about this, Bianca. I really don’t want to keep my hopes up. It was nice for Mr. Davis to talk to us, but it just added more pressure to me. I think I am going to burst with all these emotions and overthinking.” “Sounds like we need to get pampered today. What do you think? I’m sure I can get us an appointment.” “I like that, Biancs. You make that call while we drive to lunch. We need to celebrate first. I’m so hungry! Good thing my tummy did not make any sound while inside the principal’s room.” Then a rumbling sound was heard from me. We looked at each other, then we suddenly burst out laughing. “That’s the spirit, girlfriend!” Bianca patted me at the back just as we joined everyone in the parking lot.   I have wanted our celebration to be special, so I brought us to this pizza place that I used to frequent with Aunt Becky. We were about to go out of the car when stopped Bianca and told her that I will shoulder the bill. I know her plans of splitting the expense, but I cut her saying that I have more than enough savings as I worked my ass off last summer and that I specifically allotted a portion for this treat even if I was not sure of the outcome. And she knows I do not want to argue about who’s going to pay, so she just agreed with me. Just so she would not be offended, I told her that she has to bring food on our first official meeting. Her eyes brightened and got lost in her own world. Well, someone is excited for the first meeting of the student council. “You bet I’ll bring food.” She replied still looking lost. “And you have to tell me about you blushing and smiling when Richard approached us earlier.” I said teasingly. She suddenly shook her head, then I smirked at her. “There’s nothing to tell!” Bianca said blushing. I laughed at her then went out of the car. I told them to go inside first and order, while I give my aunt a call. She instantly answered the call. I informed her of the results, and I can feel that she was ecstatic with the news. I could hear her telling everyone in the bakery! I could only just laugh at the moment and feel glad that I brought happiness to her. I notified her that we were just having lunch and will be getting a massage after with Bianca. Then I remembered to tell her about the talk I had with Mr. Davis. I was waiting for her reply, but I could not hear anything on the other line. I look at my phone’s monitor, but the call is still ongoing. I pressed the phone to my ear, thinking perhaps I lost my hearing a bit when she was shouting earlier. But then I heard soft crying. “You made me so proud, sweetheart. Let’s have dinner later at that new Japanese restaurant near your school, okay? Take care, Olivia.” I suddenly felt crying and I looked upward to stop the tears from falling. I took a deep breath and replied to Aunt Becky. “Yes, Aunt Becky. I will see you later. Take care too. Bye.” I dropped the call and noted to myself to thank her later.   The rest of the day was so relaxing. I had a great time with the whole council, with all of us just laughing at each other’s stories, jokes, and stupid ideas. I enjoyed my time too with Bianca at the spa. Both of us availed of one hour massage and body wax. We could not fit in anything else, as we both had dinners to attend to. Dinner with Aunt Becky was even better. I feel like being in food coma! I just love Japanese food! Ugh! I have to double my exercise the rest of the week. Can’t believe I ate so much food today! I was getting tired talking, as I had given Aunt Becky a blow-by-blow account of what happened to me throughout the day. Then, suddenly, I remembered that it will be Aunt Becky’s fiftieth birthday next Saturday. “It will be your birthday soon, Aunt Becky! Do you have any plans? It should be a big celebration. It will be your fiftieth!” I exclaimed excitedly. “I forgot that it will be my birthday soon!” Her eyes gleaming. “Isn’t it too soon already? We don’t have enough time to organize. I think a simple gathering at home would suffice.” “Leave it to me! I will start the planning…uh…tomorrow.” We both laughed. “I just want to lie down when we get home. The past few weeks had been so tiring!” “I understand, sweetheart. But look at outcome of all your hard work.” Aunt Becky smiling sweetly at me. “Yeah, Aunt Becky. And I would like to thank you for supporting me all throughout.” I stood up and gave her a hug. “You’re always welcome, my dear. Come on, let’s bill out. The sooner we get out of here, the sooner you can reach your bed.” Aunt Becky teased. “I think that is the best news I’ve heard today.” I gave Aunt Becky another hug.   We arrived home around half past eight. I just got out of the shower, when I heard the doorbell rang. Aunt Becky must be in the shower, so I shouted that I will get the door. I don’t want her to bother going out of the room. Who could be visiting at this hour? I was about to reach the front door, when I realized that I have not changed my clothes or at least covered myself with a robe. I was already in my satin pajama set, with my hair up in a messy bun. I was about to run back to my room, when the doorbell rang for the second time. I look through the peep hole, then I took a step back. I looked again. “I must be dreaming,” I muttered. I slightly opened the door, with only my head visible to the person outside. “Hi! Is this the house of Rebecca Compton? Or Rebecca Dawson, I mean.“ “Michael” 
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