The Canadian Alpha Triplets. ( The Beginning )

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Shyla’s (POV) I hate winter it’s so cold here. Don’t get me wrong I love nature and animals and being outside but the bitter cold of January to March on the northern end of the Island where we live is freezing. I long for the warmth of the spring sun for it to soon come and warm the earth, for it to stay daylight just a bit longer. My name is Shyla, I have one older sister whose name is Jade that moved away to live her life in the warmth of California in the US. So I am 17 years old stuck here with my mom whose name is Lynn, freezing to death in this winter trying to get finished school. The problem is I don’t really like school, I prefer horseback riding, hunting and even fishing. My dad loved to do all those things before he died. He was killed in tractor trailer accident about 5 years ago. My mom has done her best to keep it together for my sister and I. She has worked a lot of different jobs trying to make sure we are looked after. We lived with my grandparents in a small hic town in New Brunswick for the first year after dad’s accident. Nanny helped my mom get herself back together and our papa looked after us a lot. He also loves hiking, hunting, fishing and four wheeling. So I am definitely a Papa’s girl since dad passed away. After the first year past Mom said we needed a fresh start, so here we are on the farthest north side of Cape Breton Island. It is beautiful here like living at the edge of the world with large cliffs overlooking the ocean, but it gets extremely cold in the winter especially with being so close to the water the air is much colder. We moved cuz Mom had an old friend of hers from high school offer her a job Tuna fishing, it pays well but is extremely hard work. Mom works the boat all season then in the off season she works at a small bakery/cafe in town they have the best coffee and the most amazing cheese cake. I don’t have a lot of friends or a lot of money. There is a part of Cape Breton that is very wealthy. They have huge log homes and pools and boats. They also have a tons of winter toys to entertain themselves like top of the line skidoo’s. There is a private school on that side of the Island that many rich kids attend some even come from other countries to go there. I hear the education is good but I can’t imagine being stuck in classes all day in skimpy uniform of a white button shirt and green plaid skirt with a cardigan and tie. No thank you! I love my old jeans and comfy hoodies and blundstones boots. They are great to walk, hunt or ride horses, plus they keep my feet warm. We the common folk don’t talk to the rich side of the island. It’s literally like two different worlds that don’t acknowledge each other. Well other than my friend Oliver he was my first friend when I moved here. He lives with his dad and used to live this side of the island but his dad got married to some rich woman and they now live on that side of the island. We still hang out on the weekends in town. He says he is happy that his new stepmom is actually really nice, but I can’t help but feel like he is hiding something. He talks about school and friends but whenever I try to find out what it’s like to live there he always changes the topic. Sometimes I wonder if they are not some kind of cult over there. I am super excited though it is Saturday morning and even with the cold Oliver is coming over to our friend Kayla’s she lets me board my horse there for free, well her parents do. It is amazing there it’s not stuck up rich but it’s a beautiful property with large horse barns and 2 different indoor ridding arenas. Kayla and I practice mounted archery. It’s supper fun cuz it is fast and challenging trying to hit your targets while your horse is running the course. It’s like the best of both worlds for me as I get to practice my bow skills plus rid my horse at the same time. Oliver doesn’t like to ride as much as we do so he usually just watches and flirts with the stable hands. Well one in particular his name is Jayden and we are pretty sure Oliver is crushing on him but he hasn’t really told anyone about being gay besides Kayla and I. But it is so cute to see him turn red when Jayden actually flirts back. As I walk up the long driveway of Kayla’s massive property I hear a loud car honk that scares me half to death. I swear I jumped 3 feet off the ground only to see my best friend Oliver with a huge lopsided grin trying not to laugh at me “what an ass!,” I swear he is lucky I love him cuz I wanna kick his ass right now for scaring the S**t out of me. He pulls up closer the window rolling down in his dodge challenger. He peeks his head out asking if I want a lift the rest of the way to Kayla’s while still trying not to laugh at me while I glare at him as hard as I can. “Little S**T! “ He pouts at me saying “please don’t be made at me Shy you know I love you and didn’t mean to scare you”. He is such a softy and my bestie, I could never really stay made at him. So of course I give him one last playful glare before climbing inside his car. Thank goodness he came. The warmth of the heated leather seats feels so good on my cold skin. I place my hands up to one of the heat vents on the dash letting the warm air consume my frozen body relaxing into the passenger side seat I breathe out a content sigh. A few minutes later we are parking in Kayla’s yard, did I mention her barns are heated. Thank God cuz I would be frozen to death. We walk into the stables just as Kayla is finishing tacking up her horse Remmie. “Hey guys” she calls to us as we make our way to her across the concrete floor of the large barn we both give her a wave and a quick “hey”. I continue to walk over to my pride and joy, he is 6 year old Stallion a Canadian/Freshion cross. He was the last gift I got from my dad. He is beautiful pure black with long wavy black main and tail and long hair that flows over his hooves. The most remarkable part of my beautiful boy is his eyes they are sky blue which agents his black coat stand out like crazy and makes him look like something from a dream or fantasy. I call him Sky for short but his full name is Midnight Sky walker. He can be a handful sometimes and people ask all the time why not turn him into a gelding , the truth is I love his wild beauty and nature and wouldn’t want to take that from him. I have always found beauty in things that are wild and free. We finish up our archery riding and head inside for some hot chocolate and a snack.
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