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Mordecai took her hand leading her back to their room, halfway down the hall Mordecai pushed her against the wall gripping her hips hard, he kissed her deeply taking her breath away. Kissing her neck while grinding his rock-hard self against her. "Kai please..." she begs harshly needly more. Marri whispers tugging his hair, he released his hold taking her hand walking her down another corridor he did the same thing for every corridor they had to turn to get to their room.  Busting through the doors Mordecai was carrying her, her legs wrapped around his waist his hands cupping her ass. As they reached the bed he threw their clothes off, staring at each other for a minute she could see more details of his body, his wings were as tall as him, his blushing red color and beautiful battle scars of won fights.  His eyes stayed on her's as he began crawling onto the bed. "Ready for this?" Mordecai snickered as he runs his finger along her breast outline lightly flicking her n****e. "Kai..." His wings expand in excitement noticing the potion had changed her appearance her teeth were pointy, her horns had grown a bit longer, her silver hair had hints of red, she bit her lip when his hands began exploring every inch of her body. "You're mine!" he snapped sexually bittings her neck and shoulder allowing her to enjoy every second of his growing affection for her.  "I'm; Yours Kai please." Marri whimpers with the sharp thrust that connected them. Mordecai grunts hard saying "Damn, that potion made you too tight" Marri smiles and moans as he thrust in and out, rocking to the rhythm matching each other pace Marri grunts hard as she sees his wings expand this time it was different. "Kai... I... think" her head lifted from its cradled position of his arm. "c*m with me" his husk and sharp voice caused her to tremble with the release of pleasure.  As the words escaped his mouth they released together the sensation was so intestine Mordecai bit her on the shoulder as she dug her nails deep into his back.  Relaxing their bodies was easier said than done, "Marri release me." "Just pull it out" Marri snickered "Um yeah! you clamped down, I can't move." Mordecai tries to explain the awkward position they had gotten into, "What?" Marri shouts, scared of what had happened. "Ok I have an idea," Mordecai starts to blow lightly on her ear and licking her neck as he slowly removed his manhood.  Flopping down beside Marri he begins laughing "Damn woman!" He giggled, rubbing her leg, easing her fears. "What did I do?" Marri asked leaning up on her elbow playing with his chest hair. "Nothing, go to bed, I have some work to attend to," Mordecai says kissing her on the forehead then walking over to his desk.  Hours later Marri wakes up to find Mordecai sleeping at his desk, "Kai come to bed," she whispers trying to help him to the bed. Marri trips falling on top of him, with one eye open he said "If you wanted more you only had to ask" he guided her to sit on his with a light growl, "Am I doing it right?" Marri asks as he throws his head back growling, no words came to mind as she rocked back and forth getting a rhythm, rocking harder and moaning until they released the sensation was so intense it made her bit his wing he growled loud enough for Colt and Jack to hear in the game room three floors down.  Looking at each other they laughed Jack said "I told you. Pay up." "Damn you! I didn't think a human would have enough balls to do that." "How’s that scar anyways?" Jack laughs stuffing money into his pocket as Colt rubs his ear at the scar that Lucy left him. Awakened by the morning light through the windows, Marri stretches to find the bed is empty, immediately she sat up finding his desk it was empty, "Kai..." she says as she notices the note. 'Dear: Wife I will be gone for two weeks, Tabatha is with Melody. She has activities for you girls. Enjoy! Colt and Jack are with me, if you should need a driver or guard I left instructions with Asher. See you soon enough wife.' After I read the note my stomach twisted and turned, I ran fast to the toilet releasing my gut between the pain and heat I felt lightheaded before the blackness took over I screamed. Waking up to Melody and Asher (I'm guessing) talking to another guy "What do you mean she is ill?" Melody shout making my head hurt more. "I'm sure this isn't from a hangover, I want to take some blood." the other guy says "Maybe we should call Mordecai?" Asher asks "No, take the blood," I say trying to raise my head they rush over the help me like I'm a piece of glass. "Marri we should call Mordecai," Asher and Melody say at the same time. "How long have I been out five minutes or ten?" I asked They  look at each other confused Asher looked back at me and said "Marri, you passed out the morning Mordecai left." "Yea, today." Saying not sure what the confusion is about. "No, last week at first we thought you had a serious hangover or a cold, but the doctor has been pressing to take blood to pinpoint your illness." "Take the blood to find out what is wrong. Do it before Kai comes back." "Sweetie who is Kai?" Melody asked looking confused, I look at each of them seeing the same confused look. Then it hit me no one has ever heard me call him Kai. "Mordecai, I asked if I could call him that." Everyone left after the doctor took my blood, I was sleepy but I was alert I wanted nothing more than to find out what was wrong, if I’m sick then pregnancy wouldn't take and if the potion messed something up Kai would be mad at me. I knew nothing about Demon pernancies and one thing for sure was I didn't want Mordecai to think something was seriously wrong.  The next day Melody and Asher took Marri to the mall even though she wasn't allowed to walk around she enjoys the fresh air and spending time with Melody and Tabatha, they got their nails and hair done. Marri picked a couple of night sets and bought something for Mordecai, she noticed he had his ears pierced so she got him a pair of emerald earrings. Hours passed as they laughed and enjoy each other's company, reaching home Asher was a big help carrying Marri from the car to her chair, wheeling her into the house everything stops when Melody and Marri see Mordecai standing there with steam lifting off his horns, his arms crossed over his chest.  Colt, Jack, and the Doctor looked equally mad Marri could see she was in big trouble. "Kai" she whispers with her head down "You're sick and you refused to call me." He shouted, the vibrations of his voice scared me as I remember the day that he brought me here. "It's just a cold I'm sure." She answered trying to reason with him. "A cold doesn't last nearly two weeks, leaving you nearly crippled." He storms to his office as everyone follows Asher pushing her.  Throwing his hands in the air while sitting he looks over to the doctor saying "What did the blood work say?" "Well, this is something I would like to discuss in private Sire." "Speak now." the sound of his voice boomed through the castle making everyone jump. "Well umm, I don't know how to explain it." "Just spit it out," I said nervously "Your blood was tainted by the potion but I filtered it on your last treatment then the second test showed early stages of pregnancy." As the words left the doctor's mouth he hurried and rushed out of the room, as we stood there in complete silence at the news. Everyone stayed quiet even Mordecai sitting in complete shock as well as Marri. "Well, we didn't see that coming," Asher says "Find the doctor, I have questions" Mordecai orders throwing the file on the floor. "I'm going to bed, Colt can I talk to you?" Marri asks as Colt nods pushing her chair out of the office as they walk she stayed quiet, Colt noticed a change something was on her mind when they arrived at her room.  Marri lowers her head and sobs forgetting Colt is standing behind her. "Marri what is it?" He asked genuinely concerned "Nothing just I'm a big cry baby, I'm scared to do this again. I was only pregnant for five months with Tabatha. How long do demon babies take?" "Well um honestly I'm not sure, It depends on the demon's power level, with you being pregnant by Mordecai it should be maybe three months or four. I thought Kyle was a human, Why were you only pregnant five months?" "I don't know I've never heard from him after we you know" she fidgets with her fingers "Enough said I'll look into it for you." Colt finishes and leaves her thoughts. I wake to the morning light on my face I feel a little better but it was cut short when the instant urge to puke hits me, running quickly to the toilet I'm sure the whole castle heard me. Even Kai came rubbing my back and asking "Is it morning sickness?" "Yup, " I felt a lot better seeing the books about pregnancy on the floor by his desk, he wanted to know everything about our child. "I set up an ultrasound for later to check on the baby and the growth to see how long until you give birth," He said softly knowing all my senses are heighten Before I could say anything there's a knock at the door, I sit and listen as Kai opened the door to hear its Colt saying "King Nicho is in the throne room with a couple of guesses." he snaps as if something wasn't right "Good I will be there in five minutes" Mordecai walked back to me, as I got onto the bed he hands me a tray of crackers and books. Making his way to the throne room seeing Melody headed to Marri's side he nods in approval, "Ha, If it isn't the Great Mordecai Creed!" King Nicho says seeing he walk into the room "King Nicho to what I owe this visit?" Mordecai says "Just dropped by to congratulate you on your wedding, sorry I couldn't make it, I'm just getting back my son got himself into some trouble," the King said smacking his son on the back of his head. "Boys will do that," Mordecai said shaking his head, as he sat down "Ha is that her, your new bride?" King said gesturing to the door. Mordecai turned to see Marri standing in the doorway looking as she has seen a ghost, "Yes, Marri what is wrong?" Mordecai asked with a hint of worry. "Marri is your new WIFE," Kyle says with his mouth dropping to the floor "What's it to you?" Mordecai snapped "Kyle," Marri says nearly as a whisper to where only Melody and Mordecai caught it. "Your f*****g shitting me, My stepdaughter is a f*****g Angel." Mordecai stood from his sit imminently taking his Demon shape showing his amassed power. "I do believe we should take our leave Sire." King Nicho says trying to keep Kyle from asking more questions. "Nicho get him out of here, she is in no condition to deal what this." King Nicho forces Kyle through the portal before Mordecai killed him for upsetting Marri.  Mordecai whispered to Colt to take Tabatha to the tower and have a guard on her.  Marri and Mordecai go back to their room he helped her onto the bed after she fell asleep Mordecai went to the tower. Meanwhile Angel's Castle: "Why would you bring me back here," Kyle snapped King Nicho couldn't speak all he could do was slap him across the face then walking away shaking his head in shame. At Angel's castle, King Nicho request all of Marri's medical information, after reading everything he summoned Kyle. "You had no right bringing me back after what I just found out" Kyle storms into the office doors "She got pregnant the week you snuck out with uncle Tomas." King Nicho snapped "I gathered that much, we only did it once," Kyle crosses his arms huffing "You were supposed to stay pure until your wedding night" "Maybe I wanted to marry her?" he argued in dishonor to the royal title. "Impossible, she was contracted to King Creed since birth." King Nicho snapped throwing the file at him. "Dad, I didn't know" Kyle threw his hands up pacing back and forth. "Learn to keep your d**k in your pants." King Nicho ordered excusing him. Back at Demon's castle Mordecai holds Tabatha up looking deep into her eyes seeing the blue Angelic glow "Did you know? " He asks Colts "No, Sir" Colts replied "Did you know?" Mordecai quietly pouring a drink "Kai, I swear I didn't know" Colt could only pray Mordecai wouldn't do something stupid.
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