Chapter 4 - That BMW Again

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I had an impression of Melody's boyfriend, his name was Zack Adler. Melody was assigned to me when she first came to the school for her internship. At that time, Zack had invited my wife and I out to dinner in order to thank us. We had only met that one time and Zack did not have any contact with Sarah after that. What's going on? How did Sarah get together with Zack? My heart felt so stuffy and it was hard to breathe. I took some deep breaths to calm myself down, then turned back to Melody. I could not believe that the mystery number belonged to him and found it difficult to accept. "Is… is that number really your boyfriend's?" Melody plopped down on her chair with her phone in hand and said, "Mr. White, you don't know this, but Zack is a complete pervert. That's why I deleted his number and blocked him on social media. I'm the only one living in my apartment right now and I forbade him from coming over!" I was a little surprised when I heard that, and asked, "What happened? Why are you calling him a pervert?" Melody's face went red as a tomato at my question, as if it was something she found very embarrassing to talk about. It took a long time before she finally made up her mind and said, "My boyfriend always asks weird questions and requests of me whenever we have s*x. Stuff like whether I want to be f****d by other men and if I wanted to join in with his bros whenever they swapped girlfriends. He even sends me these awful pictures every day. Don't you think that he's a giant pervert?!" In an instant, I understood that Zack was a lover of girlfriend swapping. I had never had such a perverted idea. I could not bear to hurt Sarah while we did it, so why on earth would I want to swap her out with someone else? I quickly comforted Melody and said, "It's great that you broke up with that disgusting pervert. You did the right thing. You should never contact him again in the future, or else you'll end up hurting yourself." Melody nodded in agreement. She looked at me and said, "Mr. White, I know you are a good man. You must keep everything I told you a secret! You absolutely can't tell anyone else!" I looked at Melody and nodded. After all, this kind of thing really was not something you could talk about in the open. Especially at this moment in time, when I felt even more worried and anxious. The more I thought about it, the more I felt that the woman in the photo was my wife, Sarah. When it was time to get off work, Melody immediately packed up her things before bidding me goodbye and leaving. I sorted out the lesson plans and files, then packed up and prepared to leave as well. I just got up from my seat when I saw Mr. Gordon walk in with a frown. I hurriedly greeted him, "Yo, Mr. Gordon, you haven't left yet? You're too diligent about your work. You should go home early. Isn't your wife still at home waiting for you?" Mr. Gordon ignored my attempt at flattery and coughed. "Luke, you are in the same office as Melody. Are you close with her?" I did not understand why Mr. Gordon was asking this question. I nodded and asked carefully, "Our relationship is okay. What's the matter, Mr. Gordon?" The man put his hands behind his back and spoke, his potbelly protruding outward, "No wonder you came to my office at noon today to ask about the scholarship application. You were probably trying to ruin my time with Melody because you wanted to protect her, right? I see that you're getting more insensible by the day. Do you still want your job as a teacher in this school?" Mr. Gordon's tone suddenly became stern at the end and my heart dropped. f**k. Mr. Gordon was still unhappy with me for what I had done earlier at noon. After all, he was about to succeed before I spoiled the mood and interrupted him. He definitely bore a grudge for that. I hurriedly pretended that I did not know anything and said, "Mr. Gordon, what are you talking about? Where did you get this idea from? I just happened to…" "Enough! I heard from Clara that you were standing outside my office for a long time." Mr. Gordon looked at me with a cold gaze and said, "So, before getting off work tomorrow afternoon, put this drug in Melody's water glass. I'll come get her when the time comes. Just treat it as you making up for your mistakes. If you don't do this, I promise you that you won't be able to stay in this school for long!" Mr. Gordon took out a small pink packet of powder and put it on the table. It turned out that that b***h Clara had seen me, and then told Mr. Gordon on me! I knew that no matter how much I would try to argue there was no point, so I nodded and agreed to spike Melody's drink. Mr. Gordon left the office leisurely with his hands behind his back. Meanwhile, I was stuck in a dilemma while holding the pink packet. Needless to say, I knew what was in it. It seemed that Mr. Gordon was dead set on conquering Melody. However, she had just confided in me today and really treated me as a friend. How could I watch her dive headfirst to her doom like this? On the other hand, if I did not do it, Mr. Gordon would definitely not let me get away with it. In the end, I still slipped the packet into my pocket. So many worrying things had popped up in the last two days. The photo that Melody had received on her phone was blurry. It only showed the woman's chin and the nurse's uniform was also very indistinct. I was not sure if it really had been Sarah, but the number that had sent Sarah that text was suspicious regardless, even though he quickly replied that he had texted the wrong number. If Sarah really was having an affair with Melody's boyfriend, then I would be absolutely pissed. You did not need to personally know him to realize that Zack was complete trash. No, I must investigate and get a clearer picture before doing anything else. The first place I should start is this number. I bought a second phone on the way home and saved Zack's number on it, planning to try my luck in wheedling the truth out of him. I soon reached home. Sarah had already made dinner, and when she saw me walking through the entrance, she immediately smiled and said, "Honey, you're home. Hurry up and eat your dinner. I'll be leaving after having mine!" I stood stunned at the entrance. The next day was the weekend. Sarah should not have any more night shifts this week. I walked into the house and said, "Shouldn't you be free tonight?" After setting the table, Sarah said, "My colleagues from the same unit are having a party tonight. They're having it at Fahrenheit. Y'know, that karaoke place with private rooms. I'll probably be out late, so you're gonna be alone for the night! Haha!" Sarah mischievously stuffed some food into her mouth. When she talked about get-togethers like this, I would never object to her going, but now I had a lot more to worry about. I subconsciously asked, "Oh, are the people at the party all girls? Will there be any guys?" As soon as Sarah heard it, she rolled her eyes at me and said, "Of course they're all girls. My best friend, Quinn, is also going to be there. Don't worry!" I did not continue asking. I forced a smile and said "OK", because I wanted to see if she was really going to a party with her colleagues, or if she was off to meet with another man. After dinner, Sarah took a really long time to put her makeup on. She already had a devilish figure, but now she looked even more charming. She held the door frame with one hand while wearing a pair of high heels with the other, her wavy hair hanging down. "Honey, stay home and wait for me!" After saying that, Sarah slammed the door shut and left. Seeing my wife leaving after dressing up so beautifully, I felt even more uneasy. I hurried to the window and watched as my wife walked out of the corridor. Then she made a beeline for a BMW parked nearby, opened the door and got into the car. My apartment was on the fourth floor, so I had a clear view of it. This car looked like the BMW I had seen drop Sarah off the other morning, but I could not make out the license plate. Sarah got into the car for a while before the BMW finally drove away. The sight only made me feel a lot more agitated. I immediately changed into some sneakers and ran downstairs. I was going to go to that karaoke place to have a good look. Is my wife cheating on me?! I started my car and raced to Fahrenheit. After I got to the place, I realized that I did not know which room my wife would be in. Just when I was hesitating whether to call my wife, I suddenly caught sight of that BMW that had parked by my apartment earlier. Moreover, the BMW was even bouncing and shaking non-stop. I immediately exploded with rage. Motherfucker, Sarah really did come out to meet another man. They're even having s*x in the damn car!
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